A preview of Beer League, : a half-hour comedy about a men's rec hockey team. The creator would like you to sign a petition so they can get this thing on the air. Check it out. From what I know, online petitions always work.
AHHHHHH! Not safe for work without headphones (potty words). Could an admin add that to the front page post? So sorry.
posted by 86 at 09:48 AM on June 28, 2005
Yea we need a channel in the US similar to BBC America where we can see the Canadian shows that american hollywood types have ruined.
posted by scottypup at 10:56 AM on June 28, 2005
can't wait to see this later. nice find, bub!
posted by garfield at 11:05 AM on June 28, 2005
With some resemblance to Slap Shot I have to say it looks good from the preview. My main concern isn't about how hollywood can ruin it, after all, We know that would be inevitable. My main concern is with the strike {sorry, LOCKOUT whatever that means, it's all the same to a hockey fan} going on, the possibilities of this show lasting if it got on the air may not be too great. Canadians eat, sleep and breath hockey. We to the south have those watered down sports to enjoy! Where would We be without our pampered sports stars here anyway? Make those millions which to them is never enough while We sit in front of the screen like zombies wishing We could be just like them with a beer on one side and a beer on the other. We work the real jobs while these guys make the real money doing something We all did as kids and dreamt of the day We might just do it for real and never worried about the monetary parts. This show may be more well suited for Canada than here for those reasons. Slap Shot made an impact and still does because money was never the issue back in '77 as it is now. Everything has a price to it! Put the show on the way it's meant to be and see what happens, I'll watch. Maybe the owners and players of the NHL will realize that while money is important, WE the FANS are and will always be the reason why they are successful. Sorry about the ranting, I'm a huge fan of Dennis Miller too! Also, from the guy the other day who got his info of how the sports biz works from a book in his basement, let me explain...Owner hires management, management hires team leaders, team leaders hire the team and We the people pay to watch. All are happy as long as We the fans are showing up money in hand to watch. Fact is, pro sports would not or ever exist without the people who pay the bucks to watch. Same occurs with goods, without people buying one makes no money! Without that money made, you have NO bussiness...Simple. How do I know this? First off, it doesn't take a rocket scientist. Secondly, I run several businesses.
posted by melcarek69 at 01:36 PM on June 28, 2005
First off, it doesn't take a rocket scientist. Secondly, I run several businesses. Third off, holy crap that was hard to read. Seriously, though, don't worry about hollywood here; think more Corner Gas popularity than CSI. This is going to be a Canadian show for Canadians and a few fanatics south of the border. If anyone's gonna pick it up, it'll be Global or CTV.
posted by dfleming at 01:50 PM on June 28, 2005
Also, from the guy the other day who got his info of how the sports biz works from a book in his basement, let me explain...Owner hires management, management hires team leaders, team leaders hire the team and We the people pay to watch who's book and who's basement? Here's more great stuff from CC on the duality problem.
posted by garfield at 01:53 PM on June 28, 2005
garfield: great link, thanks.
posted by tieguy at 08:04 PM on June 28, 2005
Looking into the future I see this show as an overwhelming hit. The stars will become famous far and wide, from St. Johns to Whitehorse. Realizing that another country has had a brilliant show, producers from the USA will seize on the idea and bring it to the American masses. In this case, they will make 'minor adjustments' to the Canadian version, such as swapping hockey for baseball, replacing the actors with John Goodman and Charlie Sheen, and removing all humor. Plus, no bad words. It will fail and the American producers will blame Canada.