Buy yourself a one-day pro baseball contract: with the River City Rascals of the independent Frontier League One at-bat and a half-inning in the outfield guaranteed. Bring your own shoes and glove!
posted by mr_crash_davis to baseball at 05:35 PM - 6 comments
Damn it, this is right up the road from where I played ball in high school! Of course, I dunno if I would have dropped 10 large to get in for a half-inning ... I also know I would attempt to bunt for a hit on the first pitch. It'd probably be my only chance to get on base.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:32 AM on May 06, 2005
wfrazerjr, if that bunt idea didn't work out, any pitcher worth a damn would fire the next one straight at you. You might still get on base though.
posted by 86 at 09:16 AM on May 06, 2005
with the bidding at $9700 - what do the players in this league make? i could imagine each team having a little money making opportunity available to them. don't overdo it, maybe once per team per season, charge $5000 or so. would that be doable? i am sure there is a market for that kind of thing. it sounds like a cut above fantasy camp fare. that said, does the participant have to supply their own sunflower seeds?
posted by gspm at 09:22 AM on May 06, 2005
If it was a regular season game (something that gets recorded in the history books) then I'd think about shelling out the dough (if I had the scratch). But for a pre-season game? Blah. It's the equivalent of running the bases as a kid after the game: fun for you, meaningless for everyone else. Still...I'd probably swing as hard as I could on the first pitch (assuming the guy is going to give me the heat to scare me) and pray for contact. After that, it would be nothing but bunt attempts. And I would SO attempt a Willie Mays Hayes basket-catch on the first fly ball hit out to me....
posted by grum@work at 03:32 PM on May 06, 2005
"I would SO attempt a Willie Mays Hayes basket-catch on the first fly ball..." NICE CATCH HAYES, DON'T EVER FUCKIN' DO IT AGAIN.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 06:57 PM on May 07, 2005
My Olympic challenge is turning to baseball this weekend - strangely, the Oxford Kings seem perfectly happy to give me a run out...