Tennis court on a helipad in the desert.: Andre Agassi and Roger Federer had a friendly match on the highest tennis court in the world, the helipad of the hotel Burj Al Arab. Coach to Agassi: "Don't chase any lobs." (via
posted by worldcup2002 to tennis at 11:15 AM - 11 comments
They should do futsal there next. Team with the most players who haven't fallen off wins!
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:22 PM on February 23, 2005
Ah helllllllllll naw! No frickin' way I would ever play up there. I'm surprised there isn't even a real fence to prevent a dumbass like me from running off the edge, though that netting is a nice little touch. scary! I would forget where I am after the first point and next thing you know, it's Scrambeled DuVal.
posted by jmd82 at 12:31 PM on February 23, 2005
Does that mean there were tennis balls falling from that height throughout the match whenever there was an ace or smash at the net?
posted by grum@work at 12:53 PM on February 23, 2005
Boy, it'd suck to be the ballboy, huh?
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:07 PM on February 23, 2005
some more pictures of tiger woods hitting golf balls..
posted by blarp at 01:37 PM on February 23, 2005
As an SUV owner, I feel a small amount of pride in making that kind of opulence possible in the Middle East.
posted by rcade at 01:42 PM on February 23, 2005
This made the front page of the Toronto Star today. Damn lockout.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 02:04 PM on February 23, 2005
There is a fence, or a sort of safety net. I would love to play up there.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:54 PM on February 23, 2005
As a tennis player myself, heck, the chance to play Andre'(andre agassi!!!!!!!!!!!!!) would cancel out the fact that its so high. I didnt see a net..........=(
posted by Jimbob1077 at 08:33 PM on February 23, 2005
Tiger Woods made the same helipad a driving range.