Brisbane Denied a Fourth!: Attempting to match a feat only previously accomplished by Collingswood over 70 years ago, the Brisbane Lions were defeated by an astounding 40 points by the Port Adelaide Power in the Australian Football League Grand Finals. Brisbane has featured all season in FSW's broadcasts, with commentators calling them perhaps the strongest side in history, and so I was expecting them to have stroll but, like the Patriots in SB XXXVI, the underdogs came out strong while the favorites broke under the weight of expectations. [For those of you longing for a little bit of Aussie for yourself, like a Tim Tam Slam or Booze Biscuit, check out FSW advertisers Australian Products Company online or at their Santa Clara store.]
posted by billsaysthis to other at 12:20 PM - 14 comments
Hey, I watched this live, it was a good game. And it was Nidemi K'Longso who won the BFTPL a few months ago, another upset.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:15 PM on September 25, 2004
Haha, touche, old chap, and apologies for the snarkiness.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:20 PM on September 25, 2004
Nidemi won it?! Damn! I had 50K on M'bongo Dluki Duk-Duk.
posted by worldcup2002 at 09:31 PM on September 25, 2004
I had 50K on M'bongo Dluki Duk-Duk. Dude! Everyone knew he was going to lose after he was caught using the thumb implants and had them removed. You're just throwing your money away if you don't do the research before betting.
posted by grum@work at 10:04 AM on September 26, 2004
Gee, grum, I thought the problem was superior tiddleys!
posted by billsaysthis at 11:52 AM on September 26, 2004
So nobody else watched the Grand Final? That's too bad, it was really a lot of fun. Back to the tiddleywinks, I guess.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:23 PM on September 26, 2004
um, i kind of watched it. well, it was on the tv but i really wasn't paying much attention. too busy reading this book (which i highly recommend btw). i had no clue it was a final. the bits i did catch seemed rather exciting eventhough i really didn't have a clue as to what was going on.
posted by goddam at 09:38 PM on September 26, 2004
goddam, I know what you mean, I've been watching occasionally for three years or more and I still don't really understand everything.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:08 PM on September 26, 2004
Footy's a great game. I played it for years in Toronto, and I recommend it for anyone who wants the workout of rugby without the constant fear of having your ears ripped off. I missed the Final (I had a wedding), but I was surprised that Brisbane didn't win. I've just kind of gotten used to them being on top.
posted by chicobangs at 12:07 AM on September 27, 2004
I was in Australia this time last year and i was really impressed with the finals. The Australians love their sport and they do this kind of thing really well. If you're ever in Australia I would recommend getting to one of the major sporting events, it's a great experience. It's a really sporty country and unlike the US or UK they like lots of sports and really encourage everyone to get involved. Go Collingwood!
posted by Pete at 12:38 PM on September 27, 2004
Attendance was around 77,000, I'd like to see that for a soccer match involving an American team here (not counting the '94 or '99 World Cups).
posted by billsaysthis at 03:37 PM on September 27, 2004
to compare like with like(ish) you can look at American football and I think you can find week-to-week (ie non championship game) crowds topping 77000 (at least in college football, the NFL stadiums link a few threads back is down so I dunno about NFL stadium capacities). but of course, that's not the point you are trying to make.
posted by gspm at 06:14 PM on September 27, 2004
Many U.S. colleges sell out stadia that big (or in many cases vastly larger) on a weekly basis, as does the NFL (IIRC, most NFL parks top out at around 60-65000, but there aren't many teams that don't have some kind of waiting list for season tickets either.) Regardless, I'm glad the sport is strong. I really love both watching it and playing it. (My team wore the Hawthorn colors, so I'm partial to them, though the Aussies I met kind of hated them. God, I still remember the fight song. Hey, if anyone wants to join me in a drink, I'll regale you with it. I can sing okay.)
posted by chicobangs at 06:31 PM on September 27, 2004
Anyone got any idea who won the Burkina Faso tiddleywinks league?