Griese Monkey Falls Down.: A spokesman "would not say if alcohol was involved on Sunday." I'll fill you in. Of course it was. This fella drinks more than Kid Rock at a barbeque on his Michigan ranch on the 4th of July. Griese would probably have been driving home, so it may have been good this happened. I don't want to be anywhere near this buffoon on the road.
Think about it for a second. They report that it was a chauffered car so nobody thinks El Drunko was about to get in his car and drive off three sheets to the wind. Big deal anyway. So he drinks a little...
posted by pastepotpete at 11:47 AM on May 08, 2002
A Denver radio station recently reported that Griese's injuries were a result of a fight with a teammate, Trevor Pryce. Pryce says he wasn't there.
posted by 86 at 12:14 PM on May 08, 2002
The ESPN story quotes people at the party as saying that Griese arrived in a chauffeured car. That seems like an odd detail to tell the press, unless you're trying to hide the fact he was heading to his car to leave while he was too drunk to walk.