Ten players line up on each end of a court with a line of balls between them. The whistle is a signal to grab the balls and hurl them at each other. Between running to catch balls, trying to dodge them and throwing them at opposing players, the movement is constant.
Levine said injuries are rare, but at the end of a particularly heated game his arm is sore.
Players have to be at least 21, because Finn, 25, doesn't want anyone to feel left out if the teams go out for beer after the game I can one-up that. There's a bar in North Dallas that has a dodgeball league in it's parking lot every Wednesday night. One of my good friends invited me to go (I had a legit excuse not to, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was) but I couldn't make it. He and his roommate went, began drinking, and then got stuck on a team with a bunch of WWJDers. He said he had fun, but never went back. There's some good potential there.
posted by Ufez Jones at 12:38 AM on May 19, 2004
In a parking lot? Sounds like fight club for dodgeball (except for the wwjders). Awesome.
posted by justgary at 12:40 AM on May 19, 2004
WWJDers play dodgerball at a pub's parking lot? Does the Pope endorse this?
posted by jasonspaceman at 04:57 AM on May 19, 2004
more importantly, would jesus make a mad dash for the balls lined up at center or would he hang back and wait to dodge the first one tossed his way?
posted by gspm at 08:17 AM on May 19, 2004
It's adult gym class. My team won the title in the winter league. CNN should have picked up our D&C story months ago. :)
posted by Bernreuther at 08:48 AM on May 19, 2004
In a parking lot? Sounds like fight club for dodgeball (except for the wwjders). Awesome. WWJDers play dodgerball at a pub's parking lot? Does the Pope endorse this? First rule — don't talk about Fight Club Dodgeball. Or Jesus.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:00 AM on May 19, 2004
It was called bombardment when I was a kid. The endgame can become interesting when you're down to one or two guys on each side.
posted by mbd1 at 10:38 AM on May 19, 2004
We all called it "sokum" - dodgeball was when there was one thrower and all the kids were lined up against a wall
posted by vito90 at 11:25 AM on May 19, 2004
WWJDers play dodgerball at a pub's parking lot? Does the Pope endorse this? The majority of WWJDers think the Pope is the Anti-Christ, so who cares? It was Bombardment for us as kids too. The best part was taking advantage of the large numbers at the beginning of the game to get behind the other team and take them out all assasin-like. Clearly teaches social skills.
posted by yerfatma at 11:57 AM on May 19, 2004
Bernreuther, I have some co-workers who play in the volleyball leagues at Hot Shots.
posted by jasonspaceman at 12:45 PM on May 19, 2004
This is all just a promo for the movie coming out in a few weeks.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:12 PM on May 19, 2004
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, am I the only one who remembers the chant "BOMB WITH LOVE"?
posted by mr_crash_davis at 12:47 AM on May 20, 2004
When I win the lottery, I will fly each and every one of you to New York City for a big ol' dodgeball game. I'll also supply you with tickets home after the game, and free tissues. You know, because you'll all be crying and stuff. Okay, so actually my isn't so hot, but I can't be hit. The offer still stands though. As soon as I win the lottery...
posted by Samsonov14 at 12:52 AM on May 20, 2004
My AIM isn't so hot, I mean. Dammit.
posted by Samsonov14 at 12:53 AM on May 20, 2004
I was above-average at the dodge, but stunk up the room with my poor throws. Though I (and every other idiot) knew the trick was to aim for the legs.
posted by rocketman at 09:15 AM on May 20, 2004
I've never played dodge ball, but I've thrown a few odor-fighting capsules around in my day. You don't want to be odor around me when I'm gamey.
posted by garfield at 09:41 AM on May 20, 2004
gamey....get it? randy johnson, jim brewer, Deo commercial. anyone? hello? Is this thing on? aw, nevermind. its really not that funny to begin with. mr.crash, I don't think Jesus, Mary, or Joseph remember that movie either. or, what I meant was I've never heard of it. of course, I was 5 when it was released.
posted by garfield at 03:24 PM on May 20, 2004
Don't laugh. It's only a matter of time until the push for Olympic participation grows.