Sosa missed last Sunday's game due to a pair of debilitating sneezes.: Surely, this one goes into the growing list of "weirdest baseball injuries" ever; though maybe not the all-time international list -- which has this classic.
I spent six months in rehab after sneezing one morning. Ruptured two disks in my lower back. I can definitely feel Sammy's pain.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 12:56 PM on May 18, 2004
i too have triggered back spasms while sneezing. not fun.
posted by goddam at 01:04 PM on May 18, 2004
count me in for neck spasms and back spasms.
posted by jerseygirl at 01:27 PM on May 18, 2004
Clearly, we need to add pepper to the list of banned substances.
posted by dzot at 02:42 PM on May 18, 2004
Glennallen Hill once got injuried falling through a glass table after he was awakened by nightmares and thought he was covered in spiders.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:39 PM on May 18, 2004
ISTR a Marlin missed a game 6-7 years ago after eating a hot pepper and then immediately putting in his contact lenses. The eye inflammation cost him a game or two.
posted by tieguy at 03:40 PM on May 18, 2004
Glennallen Hill once got injuried falling through a glass table after he was awakened by nightmares and thought he was covered in spiders. I think that's called, "delirium tremens."
posted by NoMich at 03:45 PM on May 18, 2004
I'm still waiting for the real story on David Wells' recent injury. Not a fight, my eye!
posted by Jugwine at 04:05 PM on May 18, 2004
Glennallen Hill once got injuried falling through a glass table after he was awakened by nightmares and thought he was covered in spiders. I think that's called "Dude, your acid dealer screwed you."
posted by wfrazerjr at 05:54 PM on May 18, 2004
Sosa's going to the DL! That's a serious sneeze.
posted by dusted at 07:34 PM on May 18, 2004
Wow. I'm amazed by all these sneeze injuries. The worst thing to ever happen to me is getting a large loogie on my pants.
posted by mkn at 07:43 AM on May 19, 2004
Well, that didn't take long. Wells "tripped" over a bar stool.
posted by Jugwine at 08:04 AM on May 21, 2004
From the ESPN link in the old thread... Bench: Vince Coleman (Cardinals) Missed the 1985 World Series after getting rolled up in the tarp machine HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I'd pay good money to see that.