Out with the Babe, in with the Mom: Michele Tafoya has been hired by ABC Sports to replace Lisa Guerrero as the sideline reporter for "Monday Night Football" telecasts. This is the third change in three seasons - does anyone care?
"The sideline reporter role is in an incredibly hectic environment, nothing is predictable," Gaudelli said. "It was our hope that we would work like gangbusters to expedite that curve as quickly as we could, but in the end the talent and role weren't as compatible." Translation: "The sideline reporter role is one we thought we could fill with a moron, in the same fashion that we hired Dickerson," Guadelli said. "It was our hope that American men would focus solely on Guerrero's curves and not her utter lack of knowledge of football or the English language, but in the end our underestimation of our viewers and their willingness to stick it up our collective asses weren't as compatible.
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:16 PM on May 03, 2004
Michele Tafoya did her usual awful job working the NBA for ESPN this year. Why not promote her? For all the exagerration thrown around on the 'net (especially by me), she is truly bad. But will anyone notice?
posted by yerfatma at 07:44 PM on May 03, 2004
Should have given the gig to Suzy Kolber, if not just as a reward for the way she handled the Namath thing. But nah, why have a sideline reporter who actually knows a thing or two about the game? That's just crazy talk.
posted by pivo at 09:09 PM on May 03, 2004
does anyone care? Not this particular anyone, who hardly watches MNF any more and next season will be even worse with no 49ers games.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:20 PM on May 03, 2004
Lisa Guerrero was terrible. I'm trying to remember the hilarious thing she said to Jim Fassel (I think) at the end of an interview. It was something along the lines of "thank you for helping me," and it was a perfect demonstration of how far over her head she was most of the year. Still don't know why they dumped Melissa Stark. She was great on the Kentucky Derby this weekend.
posted by rcade at 10:51 PM on May 03, 2004
I'll just react... yerfatma: I wouldn't call Tafoya awful, but there's definitely no reason to promote her. She was totally average. pivo: I'd hope Kolber would turn it down. If they offer her a job, it should be in the booth. billy: I'm also a Niners fan, but I'm a little concerned about the upcoming season. Maybe hiding from the national audience is a good thing. rcade: I believe Stark took maternity leave, then decided to take a different job.
posted by dusted at 10:53 PM on May 03, 2004
What do we get from sideline reporting anyway? Not much. Did we learn a lot more when Eric Dickerson was telling us who was injured and how? If they are going to force something as meaningless as that on us, at least make it entertaining.
posted by Khalil at 11:11 PM on May 03, 2004
posted by danostuporstar at 08:30 AM on May 04, 2004
posted by yerfatma at 09:28 AM on May 04, 2004
Is it really that critical that a woman gets this job? It smacks of quota filling.
posted by vito90 at 09:35 AM on May 04, 2004
My thoughts exactly.
posted by sixpacker at 09:54 AM on May 04, 2004
They're all better eye candy than Cheryl Miller. (Ha ha.)