If you're Charlie Ward, you've had a tumultuous week. You've been traded from your long-time club to a team that's only slightly worse. Then that team drops you. Then, all the sudden, a championship contending team calls you to play back-up and life ain't too shabby.
posted by Ufez Jones to basketball at 10:56 AM - 9 comments
He does have a ring, even if it is for FSU football. ;)
posted by tieguy at 11:47 AM on January 09, 2004
I've always liked Ward, and I think if he were back in college today, he would end up a Football player rather than a Basketball player, since the league is more open to Black quarterbacks than it was in the past. In related Knicks news, I will disown the Blazers if they send us Houston or Van Horn.
posted by djacobs at 12:10 PM on January 09, 2004
The Spurs pull another coup. After Ward was traded from the Knicks, all the "Media pundits" had him either going to the Nets to backup Kidd or to the Knicks again. Needless to say this is a surprise. Much as I hate to say it, this puts the Spurs in danger of being closer to contending with the Lakers (when they don't suck). Popovich like a freight train bringin' the money!
posted by lilnemo at 12:32 PM on January 09, 2004
I watched four minutes of the Knicks/Houston game last night. With six minutes to go in the first quarter, the score was Houston: 21, Knicks:2. It was a blow out in the first half of the first quarter. Final score: 111-79. Welcome to New York, Stephon.
posted by forksclovetofu at 01:27 PM on January 09, 2004
In related Knicks news, I will disown the Blazers if they send us Houston or Van Horn. Because 'sheed has been doing so well lately? (I know, I know... the ice sucks, and Dale is stuck on his mansion up on the hill... but gimme a break...)
posted by togdon at 03:48 PM on January 09, 2004
'Sheed for Artest, I'll stomach. Sheed will be there for us.
posted by djacobs at 05:31 PM on January 09, 2004
djacobs: dunno, while I agree that the NFL environment is more comfortable with a black, scrambling QB than it was ten years ago, Ward was always going to be too small to play in the NFL.
posted by tieguy at 04:35 PM on January 10, 2004
Q: Why would Portland trade 'Sheed for Artest? A: To get an upstanding citizen... Q: Why would Indiana trade for 'Sheed? A: To get the same player, only older. I would be shocked if that one went down.
posted by dusted at 08:11 PM on January 10, 2004
I am glad that this worked out for Ward. Even though he is a marginal player, he is certainly a decent backup, and should be far more reliable than Jason Hart for those inevitable times when Parker sucks during the playoffs. Furthermore, he has always seemed to me like a class guy, and you always like it when long-tenured class guys get a legitimate shot at a ring.