KSU Quarterback Ell Roberson accused of sexual assault: in Scottsdale today. This following a report he may be suspended for violating curfew. Doesn't he watch the news? Why do athletes continually put themselves in these situations? Props to ABC for breaking the news during the Rose Bowl without any additional information or facts. Jackasses.
Meant to say, jackasses all around. (Including the poster, apparently.)
posted by jackhererra at 07:28 AM on January 02, 2004
I thought it was interesting that ESPN completely didn't mention this at all on sportscenter- they said he might miss the game because of a 'curfew violation.' I wonder what the deal is there.
posted by tieguy at 08:26 AM on January 02, 2004
My guess would be the only thing that is known for sure is he missed curfew. The allegation has to be proven, and he (predictably) has said it was consensual. The tangible fact of him missing curfew gives the school every right to discipline him without trampling on his rights...
posted by vito90 at 09:59 AM on January 02, 2004
Without getting speciific to this case -- which, as vito90 correctly points out, is allegation at this point -- it seems to me that if you're the football hero (or the basketball hero, or the baseball hero), you get out of the habit of hearing people say "no" to you. Star athletes are held to a different standard in many regards, excuses are made for their conduct or failures in other areas all the time...they're used to a lack of accountability and responsibility, so what can you expect? Actually, let me qualify that. All of the above applies to male star athletes. It is much, much, much less true for female star athletes.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:13 PM on January 02, 2004
Why do athletes continually put themselves in these situations? Because they are human beings. And there are a lot of dumb human beings out there, regardless of their athletic skill or prowess. I've never understood why people think star athletes should be held to a higher standard than "common folk". We don't hold rich bankers, expensive lawyers or wealthy oil barons to higher standards.
posted by grum@work at 09:35 PM on January 02, 2004
Is obeying team rules two nights before a huge game a higher standard? Is using a little common sense to avoid almost THE EXACT SAME SITUATION that has been front page news for the past 6 months a higher standard? Professionals especially, and I imagine many college athletes are SPECIFICALLY counseled about these situations, how they come up, and how to avoid them. Is heeding some sound advice being held to a higher standard? Gotta throw bullshit flag on the higher standard claim, and bring it down to being held to the same standard as the rest of us. That would bring us to why do they think they don't have to play by the same rules as the rest of society (which lil_brown-bat touched on nicely).
posted by pivo at 10:04 PM on January 02, 2004
That would bring us to why do they think they don't have to play by the same rules as the rest of society (which lil_brown-bat touched on nicely). It's not because they are famous or rich or popular that they think they can get away with it. It's because they are mean or stupid or evil at heart. Ditch diggers, sandwich artists, computer programmers and bank tellers all commit these crimes as well, and they don't think they are "better" than the rest of society. What I'm trying to say is that these athletes that commit crimes would probably be just as likely to commit those crimes if they WEREN'T famous/rich/popular. It's not their status that lets them think they can get away with it...it's their stupidity (for the lack of a better word).
posted by grum@work at 12:54 AM on January 03, 2004
Jackasses all round.