Even computer guys say go for playoffs: As a USC alum, I am bummed about the whole BCS thing this year. But when even a man whose company makes software to do similar evaluations says go for playoffs, I say "It's about time!" What say you all? And if OK beats LSU and USC downs the Wolverines, will we get a split title?
posted by billsaysthis to football at 11:15 AM - 8 comments
86, will be interesting to see how they schedule those games with the NFL playoffs going on at the same time.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:47 PM on December 29, 2003
Scheduling would be rather simple. If you went 8 playoff teams, the first 2 rounds could've been played already...the college season has been over more than 2 weeks, right? The championship game can still be on January 3rd, and all the other bowls can still be played for extra revenue, or you could incorporate 6 of the current bowls as the first 6 playoff games. It would not be impossible to do, and it doesn't have to interfere with the NFL...
posted by MeatSaber at 02:34 PM on December 29, 2003
Scheduling is actually one of the reasons I have always argued that you only need a four team playoff. But let's start from the top. A four team system nearly settles all debate about the National Champion no matter what teams 5 thru 8 will tell you. No one is really going to believe that the fifth best team entering a playoff leap-frogged the other four, no matter how dominant they may be in their own bowl game. Would it suck if your team was a controversial 5th seed when there was no fifth seed? Hell yes. Would it be easier to live with than this USC situation? Again, hell yes. A four team playoff also accounts for scheduling mentioned above. You're only adding two more games. And both could be played last Saturday the 27th (when the Continental Tire Insight Weedwhacker Bowl was going on). You play the semi-finals on Saturday, at least one week before New Years at 1pm and 4pm. The NFL only loses two game slots and can keep their primetime Saturday game. This is a small price to pay for having a self-standing farm system. Having only four teams and thus less games also takes into consideration that this time of year is for finals for most college students. I know the idea of the majority of these athletes being actual scholars is a farce, but I do not have a problem with keeping their football commitments to a minimum in early-to-mid December, at the very least doing it for those that care. And late December finals are over. If you have to find room for more games, I'm not sure that it is possible to keep them from conflicting with a tight scholastic schedule. Last, it keeps the total game schedule from growing one more game, an idea which I also believe holds value. College kids already play too many games mainly because schools feel the need to play in August. I personally think the general season should to be capped at 12 games. All bowl teams can play one extra and the two finalists finish their season playing a max of 14. Even that seems like too many, but for two teams and two teams alone, I'll let it slide. I've always thought that a system like this was a great compromise. You get a clear-cut champion. You don't add too much. You don't take away from school. And you can even keep all of the bowls games in place, using them on a cycle as the semis and finals, much as they do today. What yall think?
posted by 86 at 04:02 PM on December 29, 2003
Almost any playoff system would work...86's there is a good idea on one that would work (I agree 5-8 really have no beef at not being in, but at the same time the drama of the #8 winning it all is nice too). I think any of the thousands of playoff systems that have been discussed are doable, it is just that the NCAA doesn't want it to happen. It's not about too many games, or academic integrity, or "for the kids", it's about whatever kickbacks/payoffs/whatever they get from the BCS people. Were split national champions so bad that we had to ruin every bowl but 4 of them to settle it? I miss the Big-10/Pac-10 Rose Bowls (though still get a lot of those), the Big-8/Independent Orange Bowls, SWC in the Cotton Bowl. These bowls were the goals for teams. Now it's BCS or bust. Who the hell want's to see Miami/Florida St for the 18th time in the last 2 years (and now there in the same conference, yay even more games) in the Orange Bowl? Unfortunately all this is moot, as Michigan will save the BCS' bacon. I am really torn on this too as I want my Wolverines to win, but a split national champ (in a vast majority of opinion it would be) would further demolish BCS credibility, not that they really have any to begin with.
posted by pivo at 05:04 PM on December 29, 2003
anybody else see the ad in the new SI that Nike put out? It's a four team BCS playoff bracket, complete with dates and teams. Black bracket, white background, lil' swoosh at the bottom with the words "Just Do It".
posted by forksclovetofu at 01:10 AM on December 30, 2003
86, four teams is just fine but I think you're going to have a helluva time getting the season capped to 12 games, although I think it's a great idea. I speculate that the reason we don't have a playoff today is that bowl games had too much clout (and still do) to be left out of the BCS and bowl games do not want a playoff. Sure they'll take a national championship game but they want to pick their matchups otherwise because of beliefs in arcane alchemical formulas involving hotel beds filled and number of souveneir wristwatches sold. Remember bowl games are run by committees of provincial Babbits who favor odd-colored sportcoats and do a lot of back-slapping.
posted by pastepotpete at 11:26 AM on December 30, 2003
86, four teams is just fine but I think you're going to have a helluva time getting the season capped to 12 games, although I think it's a great idea. I speculate that the reason we don't have a playoff today is that bowl games had too much clout (and still do) to be left out of the BCS and bowl games do not want a playoff. Sure they'll take a national championship game but they want to pick their matchups otherwise because of beliefs in arcane alchemical formulas involving hotel beds filled and number of souveneir wristwatches sold. Remember bowl games are run by committees of provincial Babbits who favor odd-colored sportcoats and do a lot of back-slapping.
posted by pastepotpete at 11:26 AM on December 30, 2003
Billy, I think we're in for a split title if USC wins, no matter who wins the "National Championship (of LSU and OK) Game". And seeing as the BCS was put in place to get rid of this split-title scenario, I can't see any reason for not shifting to a playoff system. That system should (and will) start with four teams and will later move to eight (once the NCAA realizes how much money they will make with those extra games).