Top 10 Pro Basketball Player Names (2003-2004 edition).: Did he miss anyone?
posted by jasonspaceman to basketball at 11:25 AM - 12 comments
Shame Majestic Mapp won't be drafted.
posted by tieguy at 11:43 AM on November 08, 2003
I prefer pro hockey player names, myself. Here's some older usenet talk. While not as goofy as kids named Lucious or Moochie, they tend to be all over the place and, often, quite apt (ie. Jeff Beukeboom). I've always liked Zarley Zalapski too.
posted by mkn at 12:27 PM on November 08, 2003
Booth's name doesn't get mentioned in that context often. You don't often hear Kevin Calabro say, "And with 1:42 left to go in this rout it looks like Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooth is going to get in the game..." But for the same reason I like Carlton Booooooooooooooozer. My favorite all time would be Tree Rollins, because that was the name of the 120 foot maple tree that guarded the hoop by my high school. Georgia Tech used to have a kid named Orlando Lightfoot...not sure if he ever made the pros - always though that was a good hooper name.
posted by vito90 at 01:38 PM on November 08, 2003
Lucious Harris. If that's not a world-class porn name...
posted by dusted at 02:31 PM on November 08, 2003
There's the Brazilian footballer Caca, can't leave our favorite sport completely out of the picture.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:37 PM on November 08, 2003
for some reason, I always like to hear them say predrag stojakovic. I just wish they'd say it like it's spelled, that's all...
posted by forksclovetofu at 01:21 AM on November 09, 2003
I can't be the only one that thinks that Boozer sounds insensitive. What's wrong with being a bit less insensitive to the poor alcoholics among the players? Lord knows the NBA would never make light of such behavior.
posted by forksclovetofu at 02:08 AM on November 09, 2003
Funny names? Hockey will always win. It's the most international of the major sports leagues in North America. Cheechoo Tootoo Ruutuu Bonk Krog Satan Krzysztof Oliwa (I call him "Bad Scrabble Rack") Tie Domi Most of the Florida Panthers team is an announcer's nightmare. The best name in hockey history was part-time player "Per Djoos". It is pronounced (according to the NHL Official Guide and Record Book for 1993-94) "Pear Juice".
posted by grum@work at 08:47 AM on November 09, 2003
What about the always fun to say Leschyshyn? And Neckar. I always pronounced it Neck-ar until I found out that it's supposed to be pronounced Nets-cash (?). Krzysztof Oliwa (I call him "Bad Scrabble Rack") Eh, Krzysztof is my middle name. So lay off!
posted by mkn at 03:15 PM on November 09, 2003
More offbeat NBA names. And, for when you're not so fresh... yes, i am new and yes, i am bored....
posted by forksclovetofu at 12:08 AM on November 10, 2003
Grum, after the Blues' 2-0 shutout Saturday over the Panthers (I like to think we got Mike Keenan fired), the Blues broadcast team was laughing about how difficult a time they had pronouncing a couple of the names on the Florida roster. Play-by-play announcer Chris Kerber said a couple of times, he just said, "Florida has the puck." Here's another take on the situation.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:38 AM on November 10, 2003
Names like Calvin Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooth are a sportscaster's delight.