What the Hell, Bill Simmons?: The idea for LeBron James' The Decision broadcast came from a reader email published by Bill Simmons. Simmons pitched the idea enthusiastically to ESPN executives and James' team (something he never told his readers), was left out of the actual event and wrote hours before it occurred that it was a terrible idea, calling it "an hour-long show in which he picked his next team and tainted his legacy in the process."
posted by rcade to basketball at 08:53 AM - 3 comments
The Celtics recently did a webinar for season ticket members with Bill Simmons and his Dad. They mostly did recollections of their time as season ticket holders, but Simmons is a very funny guy. Because of the webinar I began re-reading his The Book of Basketball, paperback edition, which has some material that's not in the earlier hardcover. The TV business is his thing. He was a writer for Jimmy Kimmel after his ESPN gig. I know that he is a sarcastic sob from his comments in the book, but I didn't know about the "Decision" thing. It sounds like something he would do, more from self-promotion than from a standpoint of producing entertainment.
posted by Howard_T at 05:17 PM on June 28, 2020
It seems like a serious breach of ethics to slam an idea that you were privately pitching to ESPN. It's also a breach to not disclose your attempted involvement in the broadcast, especially if it involved any money.
posted by rcade at 05:18 PM on June 29, 2020
Simmons is a bright, knowledgeable, talented guy, but at times is a bit too pleased with himself and the glow of his presence on the scene. Comes with the territory I suppose.
Poor Ohio sports fans - imagine their shock at being made uncomfortable by a Michigan native.