Koharski's Donuts Returns on ESPN Fantasy Hockey: SportsFilter's ESPN Fantasy Hockey league Koharski's Donuts is back for its seventh consecutive season. We'll be drafting Sunday night at 9 p.m. Eastern. If you'd like to play, please leave a message. There could be openings or we might expand the league from 10 teams to 12 depending on interest.
Already in. Looking forward to another year.
posted by jagsnumberone at 05:42 PM on September 27, 2019
I wonder if we should think about reducing the number of playing roster spaces on any given night - it seems like a lot of days you can just run all your players out and don't have to think too much. Maybe forcing choices more often could be a nice tweak? In any case looking forward to another low key season of losing :)
posted by rumple at 02:11 AM on September 28, 2019
Ended up missing the draft (something unexpected came up). Will have to tinker with my team some, but that's ok.
posted by jagsnumberone at 11:40 PM on September 29, 2019
This is a good chance to join an NHL fantasy league that players care about. Rumple, my brother and I have played all of the seasons. Four other players have been around for four.