Imperialism is offsides.: "We've run in the streets together. We've been in meetings together. We've strategized against imperialism together. But now it's time for Bay Area Anarchists and Communists to bring our relationship to a whole new level. So we're going to build unity and work out our differences where it really matters - on the soccer field. Come support your comrades and cheer us on!" A fascinating look a sporting subculture. (With a tip o' the hat to eddydamascene)
posted by Ufez Jones to soccer at 02:01 PM - 13 comments
How organized can a team of anarchists really be? And it would be hard to score on the communist team, because you'd assume that everyone would need to have equal access to the ball.
posted by mkn at 03:17 PM on October 26, 2003
Long article, will read at work tomorrow.
posted by StarFucker at 10:12 PM on October 26, 2003
How organized can a team of anarchists really be? Well, let's face it, they'd still get a draw against the Villa. Sigh.
posted by BigCalm at 03:44 AM on October 27, 2003
"Playing organized soccer without a permit"? In the Land of the Free? ;-)
posted by salmacis at 05:13 AM on October 27, 2003
they'd still get a draw against the Villa. Only if it was a team of anarchist women. ;-) Didn't Monty Python do a sketch about something like this (anarchist/communist football team, not the Villa)?
posted by squealy at 09:38 AM on October 27, 2003
Monty Python did quite a few sketches about soccer... The ones i can remember now are pirates against doctors, and Greek philosophers vs German philosophers... Funny shit.
posted by StarFucker at 11:50 AM on October 27, 2003
I can't believe i wrote soccer...its FOOTBALL!
posted by StarFucker at 11:51 AM on October 27, 2003
squealy, you may be thinking of the Communist Quiz sketch.
posted by goddam at 12:23 PM on October 27, 2003
Goddam, those guys are just hilarious, totally, wish I'd heard of them before now! Seriously, there's even a football connection in the skit, such as: "Coventry City have never won the FA Cup." Which is pretty damn funny all by itself. BC: thanks for the huge laugh, mate!
posted by billsaysthis at 12:49 PM on October 27, 2003
StarFucker's right, I was thinking about the philosophers' football match, though the Communist Quiz sketch was very funny too.
posted by squealy at 01:35 PM on October 27, 2003
Kronstadt takes the Cup! Anarchy reigns!
posted by eddydamascene at 03:49 PM on October 27, 2003
*rips tags off of mattresses, dons white October!* That'll show you, you fascist capitalist pigs. Oink Oink!!! Sportsfilter Uber Alles!
posted by Ufez Jones at 03:54 PM on October 27, 2003
This is sure to get soccer accepted into mainstream american life ;)