Andrew McCutchen Re-Enacts Dodgers-Giants Brawl: The Dodgers and Giants brawled Tuesday night because catcher Nick Hundley didn't like batter Yasiel Puig engaging in introspective self-criticism after he fouled a pitch and Puig didn't like Hundley not liking it. Andrew McCutchen arrived late to the fracas from the outfield. He explains why in this re-enactment.
'Cutch is a damn treasure. Even when the Pirates and Reds were both competitive and had a bit of a 'rivalry' a few years back (was it really just back in '11 and '12?!), I found it very difficult not to cheer for 'Cutch when he wasn't playing Cincy.
posted by tahoemoj at 11:47 AM on August 16, 2018
He's too funny with his play by play on the "brawl".
posted by BornIcon at 01:43 PM on August 16, 2018
If you're gonna have a brawl, it's always good to have guys named Panik and Belt involved.
posted by beaverboard at 02:51 PM on August 16, 2018
Puig suspended for two games
posted by NoMich at 05:25 PM on August 16, 2018
A) Is this another one of old timey baseball's unwritten rules? That you are not allowed to be upset with yourself for wanting that pitch back?
2) McCutchen's video is hilarious. Especially comparing an outfielder's arrival time to a brawl with that of a kid's late arrival at a fun birthday party.