It's Who We Are?: It’s really not surprising that, on December 10, 2015, the school board of McLoud, Oklahoma voted to maintain their racist mascot. All of the usual arguments were made, in support of keeping the R word: “It’s an honor,” tearful pleas of “We’ve been the R** for generations”, and, my favorite, “It’s who we are.” The latter is by far the most accurate and telling. Put simply, the events during the McLoud meeting was not only a by-product of American history, but an indictment of it.
I really can't summon up any more outrage at outrageous racist bullshit anymore.
Yeah, it is getting exhausting. I will never understand why reasoned and reasonable appeals to empathy, such as the young girl's testimony about the origin of the word r*dskin, only makes the jackasses dig their heels in deeper. On a subconscious level, I think they know it's racist and they like it. Or, as has been said--
Change your fucking team name, you fucks.
posted by tahoemoj at 11:24 AM on December 15, 2015
Change your fucking team name, you fucks.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:52 AM on December 15, 2015
I just glanced at the article and was wondering exactly what the mascot is. Is it the same as St. John University old mascot, or a shorter version of such, or the same as an NFL team? So, I went to the school's website, which is powered by a company specializing in school websites out of LA and Austin.
For a town that is approximately 75% white (based on 2010 census numbers found on wiki), there are a lot of photos of minorities on their website. I am guessing these are not actual students but stock photos provided by the website provider.
This is probably something I normally would not have noticed if it was not for the basis of the story.
posted by prof at 10:16 AM on December 16, 2015
I really can't summon up any more outrage at outrageous racist bullshit anymore. It's not a bug of American society, it's a feature.
Change your fucking team name, you fucks.