SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
The Pirates' John Holdzkom has brought the palmball back to Major League Baseball.
I can't figure out why that would do anything other than go deceptively slowly. Also, where is the best place to find more of this pitch-porn? I've seen the PitchCraft stuff over at Grantland and need more.
posted by tron7 at 04:59 PM on September 10, 2014
It's a little disturbing how much this Canadian broadcaster keeps his cool while Mike Tyson is calling him a piece of s---.
posted by rcade at 07:25 PM on September 10, 2014
That's because the broadcaster has already seen Tyson get his.
posted by beaverboard at 08:10 PM on September 10, 2014
FIFA 15 has it all:
I'm suing for copyright. That's how I've been celebrating all my goals for the last ten years.
posted by owlhouse at 09:31 PM on September 10, 2014
FIFA 15 has it all:
Goal celebration notwithstanding, that's the way I get out of bed most mornings.
posted by Howard_T at 10:59 PM on September 11, 2014
The Pirates' John Holdzkom has brought the palmball back to Major League Baseball.