Adrian Peterson's Young Son Dies After Beating: The two-year-old son of Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has been hospitalized in critical condition and a man dating his mother has been arrested on charges of aggravated assault and battery of an infant. Joseph Robert Patterson, 27, was alone with the child at a Sioux Falls, S.D., apartment when he called 911 to report a choking. Police said injuries were consistent with abuse. Update: The boy died Friday.
ESPN is reporting Peterson's father say it's AP's son.
posted by yerfatma at 02:33 PM on October 11, 2013
There is no punishment severe enough for a crime of this nature...
posted by MeatSaber at 02:37 PM on October 11, 2013
MeatSaberI most heartily concur with your statement.
I say let him (and all child abusers) suffer the same things that they did to the child...for a long time...then be put to death.
posted by steelergirl at 09:44 AM on October 12, 2013
There is a special place in hell for people who abuse children and animals..
posted by Debo270 at 01:17 PM on October 12, 2013
I've seen posts, on other articles, in which people are griping about Peterson's decision to play. I see it as a strong will; he tried to help his teammates win while carrying this burden. He may not have known the child until recently, but it is still a burden. Once the ball is snapped, he's focusing on the play, but once he went to the sidelines, surely this child was on his mind.
posted by jjzucal at 09:42 PM on October 13, 2013
There's some confusion about whether the child is AP's son or another relative.