Atlanta Braves Abandon Plans to Revive Chief Noc-a-Homa: The Atlanta Braves have canceled their plans to revive Chief Noc-a-Homa, the team's racially offensive "screaming savage" character, on the team's batting practice caps this season. The character was part of the team's logo from 1967 to 1989.
Yeah, it's like someone from the '70s invented time travel. How could you think this was a good idea?
posted by yerfatma at 11:15 AM on February 12, 2013
Yeah, it's like someone from the '70s invented time travel. How could you think this was a good idea?
Agreed. But a quick perusal of the comments here suggests this is not a universally-held view.
posted by holden at 12:26 PM on February 12, 2013
In somewhat-related news, the Mayor of the District of Columbia recently said that a proposed move of the Washington football team to a stadium to be built at the site of RFK Stadium would need to be preceded by a name change. [He eased back on that statement a bit last week, though he did still say that the name should be changed and referred to the team as the "Washington football team."]
posted by bender at 01:08 PM on February 12, 2013
I didn't realize there was talk about replacing FedEx Field, which is only 19 years old. But then I read about all the dumb things Daniel Snyder has done to worsen the fan experience. Selling in-front-of-front-row seats that require everybody behind them to stand was pure genius.
For DC locals, is the one-mile trek from the nearest Metro station really an imposition? I think I walked that far from the Metro going to see DC United at RFK.
posted by rcade at 01:15 PM on February 12, 2013
I suppose writing 'proposed' wasn't exactly accurate, as I'm not sure if there are firm plans on the table, but I think the District has been trying to get the team back ever since they moved, and the prevailing opinion seems to be that it will happen sooner or later.
For DC locals, is the one-mile trek from the nearest Metro station really an imposition? I think I walked that far from the Metro going to see DC United at RFK.
I don't think a lot of fans (or at least a large percentage) take the Metro--probably a mix of the length of the walk, possibly concerns about the neighborhood through which that walk goes, and the length of the Metro ride to get there. Conversely, though, with the sea of parking lots surrounding the stadium, traffic (particularly post-game) is miserable. The stadium is also far from special.
Speaking of dumb things Dan Snyder has done, did you hear about the time he sued the Washington City Paper over this article that he didn't even read?
posted by bender at 02:05 PM on February 12, 2013
The Atlanta Braves have canceled their plans to revive Chief Noc-a-Homa
Now can they get rid of the stupid "tomahawk chop"? Every time I see that during a Braves telecast, I'm reminded of a bunch of zombies going through some ritual of allegiance to their chieftain.
How about a win-win deal? Red Sox get rid of Sweet Caroline and Braves get rid of the tomahawk chop. Everybody wins, and maybe if Cleveland puts a foot through that annoying drum, it gets even better.
posted by Howard_T at 02:25 PM on February 12, 2013
I wish there were more fan rituals in American sports stadiums, not less. That's one of the best things about the Premiership.
posted by rcade at 02:43 PM on February 12, 2013
I wish there were more fan rituals in American sports stadiums, not less.
Sure, if they were cool and not unabashedly racial in nature. Songs, cheers, and chants are fine, but the fucking droning that is the tomahawk chop is awful.
posted by tahoemoj at 03:57 PM on February 12, 2013
I have been personally offended by the MLB National League team in NY referring to themselves as the sexually ambiguous "Mets". I won't even discuss the racist "Running Rebels" !
posted by NEPABob at 05:57 PM on February 12, 2013
Is "rebel" now a race? I'll be damned.
posted by tahoemoj at 06:27 PM on February 12, 2013
New Atlanta Braves Logo Features Gruesome Depiction Of Trail Of Tears
posted by NoMich at 01:29 PM on February 13, 2013
Guess they will have to rename the team. Can they no longer be called the Braves?
posted by RiverChief at 09:29 PM on February 13, 2013
It's almost inconceivably tone deaf of them to have even considered making a mock-up of that hat. I thought it might have been a hoax when I first saw it on Uni Watch.