August 25, 2012

Hall of Famer Rod Carew ... Not a Jew: Contrary to what Adam Sandler claimed in his Chanukah Song back in 1994, Hall of Famer Rod Carew is not Jewish, he told TMZ at Los Angeles International Airport. "I was about to convert, but I never did. ... I got to know Adam. (The song) was good." Carew's first wife Marilynn Levy was Jewish and their three daughters were raised in the faith, according to some people on the Internet.

posted by rcade to baseball at 12:17 PM - 2 comments

Bumping into airheads from a site like TMZ at the airport has to be one of the great perks of fame.

I said "fame" rather than "celebrity" since Carew made his mark at a time when you had to do something that was actually noteworthy and of some redeeming measurable substance to get your name in the paper.

As insufferable as I happen to find Sandler and his career, I can't imagine that he was ever a bother to Carew. Anyone who spent years toiling for the likes of Calvin Griffith as Carew did would likely have a fairly forgiving perspective on what is and what isn't a genuine pain in the ass.

posted by beaverboard at 02:09 PM on August 25, 2012

Yeah, but he still had mad hits. At least the Beasties got it right.

posted by Ufez Jones at 03:37 PM on August 25, 2012

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