Hockey Enforcer Apologizes for Mocking Unconscious Foe: After knocking out Washington Capitals forward Jay Beagle during a fight Thursday, Pittsburgh Penguins enforcer Arron Asham made a "you're out!" sign like a boxing ref and then put his head by his hands like he was going to sleep on the way to the sin bin. "It was kind of classless on my part," Asham said. "I wish I could take that back." Barry Petchesky writes on DeadSpin that Asham taking down an inexperienced fighter like Beagle's nothing to crow over: "This kind of mismatch isn't supposed to happen. ... Beagle was so out of his element that he was illegally wearing a visor during a fight."
Hope the NHL deals with Asham appropriately.
posted by cixelsyd at 02:18 PM on October 14, 2011
Knocking some kid unconscious is okay. Making a gesture about the knock-out is bad.
posted by bperk at 02:26 PM on October 14, 2011
Knocking some kid unconscious is okay. Making a gesture about the knock-out is bad.
Agree. doubt the league will do anything.
posted by Debo270 at 02:30 PM on October 14, 2011
Making a gesture about the knock-out is bad.
It seems like Asham completely agrees with you. He fucked up, he knows it, and he freely admits it. I'd be shocked if he were to do anything like it again for the rest of his career. That being said, it wouldn't be inappropriate for Shanahan, despite Asham's contrition, to throw a suspension at him to send a message to the rest of the league. The NHL isn't the WWE, and bush league taunting, even that followed by sincere regret, will not be tolerated.
posted by tahoemoj at 03:55 PM on October 14, 2011
posted by BornIcon at 04:00 PM on October 14, 2011
He fucked up, he knows it
Maybe it's the Deadspin article, but I don't see it: he was in a fight and won it. You don't just turn around and hand the ball to the ref, you spike it.
posted by yerfatma at 09:56 AM on October 15, 2011
You don't need to spike anything after winning a hockey fight. Your opponent spikes himself.
posted by rcade at 10:39 AM on October 15, 2011
I think Mr. Asham should be rewarded by having to sit out the rest of the season (when it begins). Perhaps at the end of the season this "child" will have learned some of the elements of being a mature person.
Professional sports has its share of imbeciles. Maybe that's why us non-professional people question the financial gifts they receive.
Naturally, hockey officials will not suspend him. After all, he knows how to hit hockey pucks.... and people.
posted by agwaurora at 07:02 PM on October 15, 2011
I think Mr. Asham should be rewarded by having to sit out the rest of the season (when it begins).
The regular season started October 6th.
Naturally, hockey officials will not suspend him. After all, he knows how to hit hockey pucks.... and people.
The decision has already been made, no suspension is forthcoming. While Arron Asham's actions were not very classy, to suspend him for 77 games would be rediculous and absurd. During the fight (an accepted part of the game, whether you like it or not), he did nothing wrong.
After the fisticuffs concluded, perhaps he should have just skated to the penalty box, but his emotions got the better of him. A 1 game suspsension I would have understood, for something along the lines of 'Conduct Unbecoming The Game', but anything beyond that would be ludicrous.
Hockey wouldn't be much of a game if the players didn't hit hockey pucks, or people, for that matter.
posted by tommybiden at 07:30 PM on October 15, 2011
He apologized--give him a break. He did it in the heat of the moment when the stadium was full of emotion. I believe his apology is sincere.
posted by kandylynn at 11:36 PM on October 15, 2011
Let's see, Beagle goes up high with his stick and takes a guys helmet off with it. Asham, let's him know it's unacceptable. They grab each other, Beagle begins to punch Asham trying to accomplish the exact thing that Asham accomplished. Instead Asham caught him on the button and put his lights out. So Asham should have to sit out the rest of the year?
As for the "taunt" after the fact, Asham couldn't have know he was hurt that bad. If he had made the gestures while the guy was being carried off, that would be 1 thing, but he made them when the guy fell to the ice.
It's a fight, these gestures are common place in MMA. A fight is when 2 people attempt to knock each other out. It was the heat of the moment.
posted by meccadon123 at 11:22 AM on October 16, 2011
this from another reader ....I think Mr. Asham should be rewarded by having to sit out the rest of the season (when it begins). Perhaps at the end of the season this "child" will have learned some of the elements of being a mature person.
wow, you act like he pulled out his junk and unloaded a "shower" on him, and the guy from the islanders who sucker punches several players from behind got a total of 14 games for 3 incidents in 3 different games... ashom didnt even start the fight,advice to the beagle don't go in the yard of a pitbull if youre not ready to step in some shit
posted by salsadude at 11:45 AM on October 16, 2011
Perhaps at the end of the season this "child" will have learned some of the elements of being a mature person . . . Maybe that's why us non-professional people question the financial gifts they receive.
Can I just ask, do you like sports?
posted by yerfatma at 03:06 PM on October 16, 2011
Too late. He's back under his bridge now.
posted by tahoemoj at 07:43 PM on October 16, 2011
Was watching the game. Not like Asham jumped him and Beagle was the bigger guy. The move after was classless, but being in Pittsburgh, Asham has been all over everything saying how sorry he is.