Ozzie Guillen Done as White Sox Manager: The Chicago White Sox have granted manager Ozzie Guillen's request to be released from his contract, apparently so he can sign a four-year, $16 million deal to manage the Miami Marlins. Guillen, who in 2005 led the team to their first World Series title in 88 years, was unhappy he couldn't get a raise in Chicago. "Fuck more years," he said. "I want more money. I don't work here for years. No, I want more money. Years -- what, I'm going to die poor? Hell, no. Life is about money. "People don't believe that. People are happy after they make money. Fuck it."
The dulling down of the Windy City continues. A far cry from the frontier days of the not too distant past when Ozzie, Piniella, Pierzynski, Zambrano, Bradley, et al. helped create a guaranteed daily spectacle of one sort or another.
posted by beaverboard at 11:05 AM on September 27, 2011
I happened to be watching the MLB Network (hoping for a look-in on the Cardinals game, which I am now not too sad to have missed) when this was formally announced. One of the talking heads suggested that a great move would be for the Sox to hire Ryne Sandberg as manager, which he suggested would (paraphrasing here) "turn a bunch of Cubs fans into White Sox fans overnight." I totally disagree with the analysis (in terms of converting allegiances), but it would be a great F-U to the Cubs here in Chicago, would keep the Sox in the media spotlight and help steal some of it from the Cubs, and would probably get some casual Cubs fans to attend and/or tune into Sox games.
posted by holden at 02:05 PM on September 27, 2011
Long time listener, first time caller: As a life long Sox fan, I am so thankful for Ozzie's part in winning the World Series.
On the other hand, you, sir, are no Tony LaRussa (Ken Harrelson is such a douche bag for firing him).
posted by BubbaHicks at 02:44 PM on September 27, 2011
(Ken Harrelson is such a douche bag for firing him).
Fixed that for you.
posted by grum@work at 04:38 PM on September 27, 2011
you, sir, are no Tony LaRussa
I would take that as a compliment.
posted by yerfatma at 05:39 PM on September 27, 2011
Yes, this Cardinals fan would be happy to see La Russa head off to finish his career back in Chicago.
At least one local hack seems to think it is a possibility.
posted by holden at 06:30 PM on September 27, 2011
The wind off the lake isn't the only source of briskness in Chicago.
Joey Cora was named interim manager of the Sox for the last two games, then fired before he had a chance to manage even one of them.
Cora has thus surpassed the brevity of former Chi Sox skipper Eddie Stanky, who took the helm of the Texas Rangers in 1977 and then promptly quit after one game to return to the college ranks.
posted by beaverboard at 08:56 PM on September 27, 2011
Open up a bit and tell us how you really feel, Ozzie.