SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
Typical male chauvinism. Women should be seen, and not heard.
posted by graymatters at 10:44 AM on July 03, 2011
Tomas Vokoun for $1.5 Million is the steal of this year's free agency class. You've got to think there are a couple of NHL teams out there who feel like they could've upgraded in net for a lot less than they expected.
posted by dfleming at 11:07 AM on July 03, 2011
UEFA need more cash, launch youth sides version of Champions League.
I cannot be too critical since LFC are part of the inaugural sixteen competitors.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:37 PM on July 03, 2011
The screaming and howling during women's professional tennis events...
A few years ago I had a women's match on TV while my wife was in the other room. She asked what I was watching. When I told her it was tennis, she said she had thought I had a porn tape in the VCR. I agree with dyams, it's annoying.
posted by Howard_T at 12:40 PM on July 03, 2011
Typical male chauvinism. Women should be seen, and not heard.
This came up on MetaFilter
posted by jmd82 at 01:56 PM on July 03, 2011
From that metafilter thread:
opponents used to complain that Seles' grunt/shriek was so loud they couldn't hear the racket hit the ball (and so couldn't get a good jump). if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess.
Speed of sound: 340.29 m/s
Speed of light: 299 792 458 m/s
If you are using sound to determine when the racquet hits the ball, you are doing it wrong.
posted by grum@work at 02:35 PM on July 03, 2011
I thought the point was that a trained ear could tell where on the racket face the ball was hit by listening to the sound of its impact, and thus perceive some slight information about how it might be spinning. Less about getting a jump on the ball and more about how one could expect it to approach.
posted by Hugh Janus at 04:33 PM on July 03, 2011
If you are using sound to determine when the racquet hits the ball, you are doing it wrong.
You can use multiple senses to help play the game.
posted by jmd82 at 05:50 PM on July 03, 2011
It's nothing to do with chauvinism. It the fact that the grunts and moans make it frankly ridiculous and stupid to watch.
I love tennis, but I couldn't watch Wimbledon because of it, and I love women's tennis. (It's slower and more interesting.)
I mean really, it's like going to a racing event and just having someone scream in your ear so you can't hear the sounds of what's going on.
It's ridiculous, stupid, and they need to do something about it. It has nothing to do with gender. If the men do it, they need to be stopped too.
To call it chauvinism is one the stupidest things I've ever heard. It's designed to do nothing more than put the opponent off their game IMO.
posted by Drood at 10:11 PM on July 03, 2011
It doesn't matter if you're deaf. But if you're blind, you can apparently become a referee at the Women's World Cup.
posted by owlhouse at 11:11 PM on July 03, 2011
When I told her it was tennis, she said she had thought I had a porn tape in the VCR.
Damn, Howard_T -- I know you're old, but VCR old? (smiley emoticon)
posted by holden at 02:57 AM on July 04, 2011
To call it chauvinism is one the stupidest things I've ever heard.
Man, some people can't take (or understand) a joke when they see it.
posted by graymatters at 04:32 PM on July 04, 2011
Can't believe that non-call, Owlhouse. Longest handball ever.
posted by rcade at 01:38 PM on July 05, 2011
It doesn't matter if you're deaf. But if you're blind, you can apparently become a referee at the Women's World Cup.
The clip has been pulled from youtube, leaving a notice that FIFA exercised its proprietary rights. Obviously they don't want any more evidence of their incompetence to surface.
posted by Howard_T at 04:14 PM on July 05, 2011
The screaming and howling during women's professional tennis events, Wimbledon included, is embarrassing and getting beyond the ridiculous point. Fans are asked to not move, speak, breathe, etc. during play, but these women can shriek like they're being assaulted by a killer? I wanted to watch but had to turn the sound off on the TV.