Phoenix Coyotes to Winnipeg? : Will the Coyotes finally return to an undersized MTS Centre or is Winnipeg the NHL's equivalent of San Antonio and the Alamodome? A great bargaining chip that no one really, ever wants to use?
If any team is going to move, I want to see them move to either Medicine Hat or Moosejaw. I mean, come on, how cool are those town names? Cool enough to be host cities to NHL teams. Hundred Mile House is next on my list of awesome town names, so they deserve a team as well (just not my beloved choke...errrr...Hurricanes).
posted by NoMich at 08:15 PM on April 14, 2011
If any team is going to move, I want to see them move to either Medicine Hat or Moosejaw. I mean, come on, how cool are those town names? Cool enough to be host cities to NHL teams. Hundred Mile House is next on my list of awesome town names.
If we're doing great Canadian place names, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Alberta goes to the head of the class, with Dildo, and Come By Chance, Newfoundland in the mix as well. Moose Jaw is right up there.
posted by tommybiden at 08:29 PM on April 14, 2011
I've always been partial to the names that sound remote, but don't sound goofy (like "Dildo").
Red Deer, Alberta.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
Flin Flon, Manitoba. (Bobby Clarke's home town)
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Trois-Rivires, Quebec.
posted by grum@work at 09:19 PM on April 14, 2011
LOL. Thanks tommy. Speaking of Newfoundland, they definitely deserve a team. I would cheer on a Newfie team extra hard.
posted by NoMich at 09:21 PM on April 14, 2011
*sigh* I want to live in Canada, but I don't have any skills to add to Canadian society.
posted by NoMich at 09:23 PM on April 14, 2011
I've always been partial to the names that sound remote, but don't sound goofy (like "Dildo").
Goofy ?!
Well, Blow Me Down (small town about 45 km east of Dildo)
posted by tommybiden at 09:52 PM on April 14, 2011
I'd like to see a Yellowknife team.
posted by LionIndex at 10:14 PM on April 14, 2011
Canada could support double the number of NHL teams: University of Toronto Report
In the mid 1980's, there was talk of moving the St. Louis Blues to Saskatoon, team to be known as the Saskatoon Berries.
posted by tommybiden at 10:49 PM on April 14, 2011
In the mid 1980's, there was talk of moving the St. Louis Blues to Saskatoon, team to be known as the Saskatoon Berries.
Better yet, put them in Barrie, Ontario...and they can hand out multivitamins before games...
posted by MeatSaber at 10:58 PM on April 14, 2011
Better yet, put them in Barrie, Ontario...and they can hand out multivitamins before games...
I'm The Hoser and I approve this message.
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:15 PM on April 14, 2011
I want to live in Canada, but I don't have any skills to add to Canadian society.
Learn a few Canadianisms, like "If you're going to Timmy's, get me a large Double Double and a cruller", "I'll go to the Beer Store, then the Liquor Store, then for groceries, then I'll be home," how to complain about the H.S.T., and you'll be all set. Be polite, and ........Welcome !
posted by tommybiden at 11:29 PM on April 14, 2011
No worries about the undersized MTS Center, we average about 8,500 for AHL regular season games and sell out all playoff games. Complete sellout for all NHL games is a given.
However, if we needed a larger new arena, we'd simply play games in nearby Bloodvein, Pukatawagan, or Shamattawa ... all extremely well financed by the Canadian Government (and my tax dollars).
We do expect that Morweena's (pronounced MorVena) James Reimer and Winnipeg's Jonathan Toews would be part of the package as compensation for the boneheaded move Bettman made in the first place.
posted by cixelsyd at 11:45 PM on April 14, 2011
Let's suppose that Hulsizer can't get the deal done, but the Coyotes go on to win the Stanley Cup. You could then have the longest Stanley Cup Parade in league history - from Phoenix to Winnipeg. Now that would be awesome.
posted by geneparmesan at 02:38 AM on April 15, 2011
Season tickets to go on sale next week.
The goal of a 3 year commitment for 15,000 season tickets equates to a $225 Million outlay by Winnipeg Hockey fans in the next 1 or 2 weeks ...
It's possible True North walks away from the deal also. It's a very well run organization that is extremely profitable with the current events it books.
posted by cixelsyd at 10:06 AM on April 15, 2011
I think Moose Jaw, Yellowknife and Thunder Bay would make pretty bad ass band names. The latter two would also make a pretty great euphemism for one's man parts.
I wonder how many Philistines one could slay with the jawbone of a moose.
posted by holden at 12:33 PM on April 15, 2011
For strange place names, look no further than that part of Pennsylvania between Philadelphia and Lancaster. There you will be able to go from Blue Ball to Intercourse, and soon get to Paradise. If you make a wrong turn on the way, there's Bird-in-Hand nearby.
As for moving another team to Canada, I'm all for it. Winnipeg is fine, but I'd love to see a team back in Quebec.
posted by Howard_T at 04:39 PM on April 15, 2011
The NHL should keep the number of teams in Canada even, so that there's no odd-man-out on Hockey Day in Canada. So moving two is OK with me...not that anyone would consult me...
posted by MeatSaber at 04:45 PM on April 15, 2011
If the NHL is smart, they'll arrange a package deal with United Van Lines, and do the Thrashers move at the same time, to Quebec City.