Jets Linebacker Leads League in Trash Talk: The New York Times profiles New York Jets linebacker Bart Scott, who may be the trash-talkingest player in the NFL. "He starts with research. He scours ESPN, Google and scouting reports, which include pictures. He wants to understand the opponents he will talk to, understand what aggravates them, what makes them tick. He looks for police incidents, problems with wives or girlfriends, expanding stomachs, funny faces."
Maybe he and Mo'Nique should host a show together on BET. No telling who the winner of that one would be. Some stuff would probably get said that has never been heard before.
Has he got any Rex Ryan comments in the quote bank?
posted by beaverboard at 03:21 PM on December 19, 2009
He couple probably save himself some time if he just went to Sean Avery instead.
posted by MrFrisby at 09:51 PM on December 19, 2009
He needs to work harder at his art, so that he doesn't appear to be such a whiny tart when he's crying about the Wildcat being a gimmick.