Boston Sports Columnist Finishes August Piece on Late-Season Collapse: ...and other amazing articles at sportspickle.
How does this compare to - posted earlier by vito90? Who takes it? Who's satire reigns supreme?
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:46 PM on March 12, 2003
Thanks WC2002, I missed that link. I havn't had time to compare the two. I came upon sportspickle while reading SI in the bookstore. And the redsox article struck a chord with me. I almost posted sportspickle with a comparison to the onion. Now I'm glad I didn't. That would have been creepy.
posted by justgary at 11:50 PM on March 12, 2003
My favorite: "Tennis star Serena Williams cruised to a victory in the finals of Australian Open women’s singles on Saturday and then dispatched her buttocks on Sunday to secure the doubles title. And make sure to check out the Randy Moss play call diagram featuring the Miranda Right and the Hail Mary Jane. (And from the same page, "PETA Demands “Rally Monkeys” be Banned from World Series" I think the Pickle has alot more to offer than the one I posted. There's a huge archive.
posted by vito90 at 07:54 AM on March 13, 2003
Good site, but today’s lead, ‘Wife Killed for Saying Score Backwards’ was inaccurate. The guy actually killed his wife because he was driven crazy by all the f***ing banner ads on SportsPickle. Course, if it’s a choice between that and having to pay to read it…
posted by kloeprich at 11:43 AM on March 13, 2003
Some of the content is hilarious, but the first thing that I noticed was the web design. I wanted to claw my retinas out after just a few articles. "Screaming Green" should never be used as a background color. I hope they either fix that or make a text-only version. Still, funny stuff.
posted by Samsonov14 at 01:37 PM on March 13, 2003
It was pretty funny, but ... Samsanov is totally right. I'd rather watch a Jerry Lewis marathon than be forced to scan through a few more of those pages ... The story about a guy killing his wife is just not funny, folks. That's the kind of shit that people who read Hustler find amusing. And I know, I know, it's just a joke ... fuck that. Find some other way to be humorous than showing a dead woman's feet sticking out of a doorway.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:01 PM on March 13, 2003
I apologize for the profanity, by the way ... but that gets me pretty worked up. Part of the pretext of that sort of thing is that it's a woman receiving the violence. Flip the story around, or make it a male roommate ... not funny. Kill a woman, though ... man, that's hilarious.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:03 PM on March 13, 2003
What makes it really bad wfrazerjr (and I felt the same way about the article but didn't want to bust up the laughfest in the comments) is that there ARE guys who do that sort of thing. Maybe not kill, but definitely strike or hurt them. The other articles were pretty funny.
posted by grum@work at 11:05 PM on March 13, 2003
That reminds me of an old girlfriend I used to have. She used to complain that all I ever did was watch sports. Morning, noon, night, sports, sports, sports. So one day I'm on the couch watching the game, and she says, "That's it I'm shutting the TV off". I said if you touch that dial you're not going to see me for a week. She shut it off anyway. And just as I predicted, 1 week later her left eye had started to open up just a little bit. It's just jokes people. Words and laughs are how some of us manifest our dark side, and we're able to leave it at that.
posted by vito90 at 09:25 AM on March 14, 2003
For folks who have a dark side, I suggest they try manifesting it by volunteering at a shelter for battered women. It's amazing how quickly that will take the fun and games out of it. Vito, I understand it's supposed to be just a joke. I don't begrudge anyone his or her right for saying or printing what they wish. I'll just feel free to call 'em assholes for doing it. :)
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:51 AM on March 14, 2003
Hello All - I'm the writer of Sorry to all those who were offended by the "Wife Killed ..." headline and story. Did not mean to offend in any way. Hope you keep reading the site each week.
posted by slavc at 09:56 AM on March 17, 2003
Slavc, you'll get a second chance from me ... because you're damned funny. Loved the rest of the stuff.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:28 AM on March 17, 2003
“Boston Globe” baseball columnist Bryan Ricard announced today he has put the finishing touches on a column that outlines the reasons the Red Sox fell short of the Yankees in the 2003 season. The piece is set to run in late August. “Any illusions we had in April that the 2003 season would be different have fallen apart,” the column opens. “Labor Day has not yet passed and already Red Sox faithful know they have to wait … one … more … year. If not more.” Ricard said the column is basically the same one he writes in advance every year. “I’m not one to procrastinate,” he said. “If I’m able to work ahead and free up some time for the future, I’m all for it.” -------------- Even funnier because it could be true.