Book: Cryogenics Workers Batted Around Ted Williams' Head: As if the story of Ted Williams' death wasn't sad enough already, his head was abused by workers at the Alcor cryogenics facility where it was stored, former Alcor executive Larry Johnson alleges in a new book. A worker played batting practice with his head to get it unstuck from a tunafish can, Johnson claims. "Nothing in the book is as gruesome as Johnson's descriptions of what happened to Williams' body," the New York Post reports.
WOW thank god I'm an Atheist!
Ah, sweet irony. Take wing and regale us with your glory!
I read this article hours ago and didn't know exactly what to say. I still don't other than it is just about as ghoulish a thing as I could imagine as the fate for Ted Williams mortal coil. I wasn't even aware that Alcor was such a wretched place for your loved ones to end up. They go in thinking (OK, before they die, that is) that they might one day be resuscitated through some form of future-science technological miracle only to end up stuck to a can of tuna fish and getting smacked around with a wrench.
posted by THX-1138 at 07:19 PM on October 02, 2009
Keeping the guys head there is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of to begin with. He's dead. People who do this type of thing need serious help, and the fact there are people out there preying on individuals who want to preserve their loved-ones noggins should be illegal. Instead of letting freakin' Ted Williams, of all people, die in a dignified manner, now we have to remember him for this bullshit? Having his head smacked around with a wrench? I'm so embarrassed by the entire situation I really can't even stand to think about Ted Williams again.
posted by dyams at 07:24 PM on October 02, 2009
I think "one day be resuscitated through some form of future-science technological miracle only to end up stuck to a can of tuna fish and getting smacked around with a wrench" is going to be my motto for the day.
posted by dusted at 07:37 PM on October 02, 2009
I admit that I know absolutely nothing about cryogenics. However, if I were to take a shot in the dark - I'd like my entire body frozen. There are parts of my body that I'd much rather have regenerated than my brain. My giant brain may let me think of great pleasure, but other parts have been known to let me FEEL great pleasure.
posted by pullmyfinger at 07:59 PM on October 02, 2009
I'm sorry, but I chuckled. The visual was just too much and for some reason made me think of Futurama.
I can see it now. Thousands of years from now Ted wakes up... "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING IN THIS TUNA CAN?!!!!"
posted by Drood at 02:44 AM on October 03, 2009 read my mind. Futurama, man.....Futurama......
posted by kcfan4life at 08:15 AM on October 03, 2009
The whole heads in jars things was a stroke of genius. Hell the entire show is a stroke of genius.
posted by Drood at 04:19 PM on October 03, 2009
Were they swinging for the fences, or for average?
posted by tommybiden at 04:36 PM on October 03, 2009
WOW thank god I'm an Atheist!
People do the darndest things.