Tiger's Roar: The world number one was back to winning ways at the weekend. He let it rip [video] on the back nine (allegedly, although CBS denies it), but it wasn't the first time. How do his farts rate compared to Jack's?
I think what CBS recorded was the release of the dying breaths of the competition.
posted by Fly_Piscator at 01:00 PM on August 04, 2009
This only serves to bolster the whining from the anti-Tiger crowd who constantly complain that Woods "could fart and it would be front-page news!".
posted by Ufez Jones at 02:01 PM on August 04, 2009
I hope he didn't follow through.
posted by Hugh Janus at 02:09 PM on August 04, 2009
Obviously the Beaver and I think alike, I HATE those idiots yelling "Get in the Hole" and am willing to bet the players do, too. Anyone yelling that should be shown to the gate and given a swift kick in the ass !!!
posted by wdminott at 02:24 PM on August 04, 2009
Football players fart. Baseball players fart. Hockey players fart. Basketball players fart.
Golfers have flatulence.
posted by Joey Michaels at 04:10 PM on August 04, 2009
One, I'm glad Tiger laughed, shows he enjoys fart humor!
Two, anyone that yells "Get in the hole", or "It's in the hole", or anything remotely like that, on a tee shot should be fed to the alligators living on the golf courses in Florida...the golfers would be happy, the alligators would be happy, and I'd be happy.
If they yell those phrases on a shot that actually has a better than 70% chance of going in the hole, and they should only be shot.
posted by dviking at 04:41 PM on August 04, 2009
Just to restore some of the shine to Tiger's rep:
You'll notice in both videos that none of the other golfers or caddies back away from him after his pants growler. Further proof that his gas is devoid of malodorous quality.
posted by THX-1138 at 05:25 PM on August 04, 2009
"Devoid of malodorous quality"------yeah, and it didn't stink, either (with apologies to Curly, my favorite stooge). Nyuk Nyuk
posted by wdminott at 06:10 PM on August 04, 2009
several thousand over-Screwdrivered Buick owners
It appears that this was the last year for that to be an issue, as Buick has ended it's 50 year sponsorship of the PGA.
posted by dviking at 07:27 PM on August 04, 2009
It appears that this was the last year for that to be an issue, as Buick has ended it's 50 year sponsorship of the PGA.
Way to go Tiger. Looks like your farts F'ed it up for everybody. Nice.
posted by THX-1138 at 08:38 PM on August 04, 2009
Did they upgrade his firmware? Or is that a bug in the software, like deja vu in the Matrix?
posted by MeatSaber at 09:42 PM on August 04, 2009
Football players fart. Baseball players fart. Hockey players fart. Basketball players fart.
Golfers have flatulence.
posted by Joey Michaels at 04:10 PM on August 04
And Tiger effervesces
posted by bobfoot at 12:00 AM on August 05, 2009
Maybe Tiger needs to drink some of that whiskey Russian fans are using to ward off Swine flu?
posted by billsaysthis at 01:16 AM on August 05, 2009
The laws of physics state that whenever you have several thousand over-Screwdrivered Buick owners yelling "GET IN THE HOLE" following every stroke from tee to green, eventually there has to be a reactionary movement of hot air in the opposite direction.