Nike Confiscates Tapes of Jordan Crawford Dunking on LeBron James: Xavier college guard Jordan Crawford dunked on LeBron James during a pick-up game Monday at the LeBron James Skills Academy. There's no video of the event because James directed Nike to immediately confiscate the tapes of the photographers shooting at the event, according to Gary Parrish of CBS Sports. "I'm kind of pissed," freelance photographer Ryan Miller told Parrish. "I lost my tape." Another player, Michael Gilchrist, had this to say of the dunk: "It happened, and it was bad. That was something to see."
posted by rcade to basketball at 07:43 PM - 16 comments
What are the odds that this is a publicity stunt? Like, first the video is confiscated, then somehow it leaks onto the net and goes viral. And when you see the video, Crawford just happens to be wearing a pair of new Nike Lebrons, proving that it really is the shoes...
posted by MeatSaber at 08:42 PM on July 08, 2009
If I'm a freelancer, no way are they getting that tape from me without an incident. Let them decide whether adding the spectacle of an incident makes things better or worse for them.
That tape will get out sooner or later one way or another.
LeBron's sponsor seems to have trouble figuring out which totalitarian state it's trying to be from one year to the next.
Currently, I guess it's Pinochet's Chile. Tomorrow, who knows?
LeBron is a fear-driven, gutless side saddle equestrian who can't handle the truth.
posted by beaverboard at 08:49 PM on July 08, 2009
Can't believe he would be so threatened by a pick-up game dunk. Relax dude, no one's going to confiscate your MVP trophy. Shaq's not going to demand to be traded.
What a pussy.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:09 PM on July 08, 2009
If I'm a freelancer, no way are they getting that tape from me without an incident. Let them decide whether adding the spectacle of an incident makes things better or worse for them.
I could also see Nike mentioning something along the lines, "Remember, kid, we have a lot of power. We know people. If you don't hand over the tape, I guarantee you that you'll never be allowed to a Nike event again, and will do everything in our power to make sure you're doing back-page sports news for timbuktu for the rest of your miserable life."
Not saying that did happen or Nike has that power, but I could easily see somebody's career passing before their eyes.
posted by jmd82 at 12:08 AM on July 09, 2009
What are the odds that this is a publicity stunt? Like, first the video is confiscated, then somehow it leaks onto the net and goes viral. And when you see the video, Crawford just happens to be wearing a pair of new Nike Lebrons, proving that it really is the shoes...
My thoughts exactly. I think that this could very well be a publicity stunt and we will be seeing a Nike commercial sooner or later of this kid jamming over LBJ with a pair of LBJ's Nikes on. One can only hope that it's a better skit than those puppets.
posted by BornIcon at 07:51 AM on July 09, 2009
This article is way different than the ESPN article i read last night about this. This guy makes is sound like as soon as he got dunked on, LBJ had the tapes taken away. ESPN reports the dunk happened early and the tape was taken at the end. This article says video taping of the event was allowed, ESPN has a statement from nike saying there was no taping allowed. Seems like the writer from CBS didn't look into this thing too much, unless of course ESPN is completely wrong. And maybe you guys are right about the commercial and they didn't want anything out on youtube prior to the commercial, but then i don't know why they would wait until after the game to take the tape. If it wasn't allowed Nike should have told the guys to turn off the cameras until the game was over.
posted by sgtcookzane at 08:11 AM on July 09, 2009
I have trouble believing a player at LeBron's level would consent to a publicity stunt that shows him getting schooled by a college player.
posted by rcade at 10:06 AM on July 09, 2009
I first read this as LeBron being dunked on by Joan Crawford and god damn, I wanted to see that video.
posted by cobra! at 10:52 AM on July 09, 2009
Maybe it is just that when exposed to enough media attention, Lebron's true colors are begining to become visible. First his dismal behavior after loosing to Orlando, and now this. Is it possible that he is becoming an egocentric, spoiled baby?
posted by Atheist at 11:11 AM on July 09, 2009
I have trouble believing a player at LeBron's level would consent to a publicity stunt that shows him getting schooled by a college player.
Why not? Considering that if the player is actually wearing LBJ's Nikes, it would only be fitting to make this into a commercial that would capitalize on the sneaker and the concept of what it can do for your game.
Has anyone seen the latest commercial for EA Sports where pro athletes are basically getting beat by regular folks? If "it's in the game", it can be made to look realistic.
posted by BornIcon at 11:53 AM on July 09, 2009
Why not?
Because most elite basketball players have an exaggerated need to be respected and get their props. They're not going to want to look like an up-and-comer from college, excuse me while I begin speaking street here, made him their bitch.
posted by rcade at 12:38 PM on July 09, 2009
Atheist: Is it possible that he is becoming an egocentric, spoiled baby?Becoming? Given his behavior in relation to Stephon Marbury and his Starbury shoe line, I'd say it's pretty clear the dude is basically a (prodigiously talented) man-child, raised from pubescence in the media spotlight to worship the only god he knows: his own id.
Take away his athletic gifts and he's hanging out with George, his only dream to live of the fatta 'lan, tending to his rabbits.
posted by hincandenza at 01:01 PM on July 09, 2009
Because most elite basketball players have an exaggerated need to be respected and get their props
Did you look at the link that I provided? If done correctly, why couldn't it be used as a commercial? Even LBJ likes money, so why wouldn't he want to use this to his advantage. No one wants to made looked like someone's bitch but if there's a bottom line, LBJ could be Jordan Crawford's bitch...with a smile on his face.
posted by BornIcon at 01:47 PM on July 09, 2009
hincandenza - I realize that . I was being sarcastic. He clearly is what he appears
posted by Atheist at 03:11 PM on July 09, 2009
Whoops- well, sometimes my sarcasmeter is a little out of whack. I keep shaking myself in a figure 8, but it doesn't always re-calibrate correctly. :)
posted by hincandenza at 11:47 PM on July 09, 2009
That does it; I will never buy a pair of Nike basketball shoes, ever.