Sports Illustrated Football Prognosticator Dr. Z Recovering from Strokes: In his Monday column, Peter King reveals something that was news to me: Legendary football writer Paul Zimmerman, better known as Dr. Z, suffered three strokes since November and has lost the ability to read or write. "He's still rehabbing hard, concentrating on his speech, studying the morning papers and trying to decipher them, and planning a trip for concentrated therapy later this year," King writes. Dr. Z's most recent Super Bowl prediction was one of his best: He said the heavy underdog New York Giants would beat the undefeated New England Patriots in Super Bowl 0x2A.
A few weeks (month?) ago, they did a big fundraiser dinner/auction for him. Some pretty awesome stuff was donated.
Monday's column actually notes that Dr Z took a step backwards recently, suffering from a seizure.
posted by inigo2 at 09:23 AM on June 24, 2009
Dr. Z's column is one of the first things that I read when I recieve my copy of SI. I did not know that he suffered three strokes since Nov. I do wish a speedy recovery and all the best of luck. You will always me my first choice Dr. Z, you are the best!
posted by BornIcon at 09:30 AM on June 24, 2009
All the best to Dr. Z, and hopes and prayers for a speedy recovery. Always thought his columns were some of the best out there.
posted by irunfromclones at 04:13 PM on June 24, 2009
I love me some Dr. Z and was wondering why we lost his power rankings mid-season last year. Here's hoping he's able to make a complete recovery. I love football, but my love for football pales in comparison to his.
Hey well soon, Dr. Z. Your power rankings are my favorite sports column ever.