"Hail to the, uh, team from Washington!" The Lincoln [Neb.] Journal-Star has joined the Minneapolis Star-Tribune in banning "Redskins" and other Native American team names and mascots from its pages. "When we're reporting on that team, we'll call it Washington, writes Editor Kathleen Rutledge."
I wish they would do the same for stadium names and bowl games, either calling them "the stadium from Seattle" instead of "Safeco Whored-out field" or "The Fiesta Bowl" instead of "The Whored-out Nacho chip Sell-out Whore Tostitos Whore Fiesta Bowl"
posted by vito90 at 08:09 AM on January 29, 2003
Well, I think this is blowing things out of proportion a bit, but if it�s offensive to Native Americans then I guess it�s the right thing to do. I guess that means they have to stop calling us the fightin' whities, though.
posted by Samsonov14 at 08:28 AM on January 29, 2003
Hahah! Vito makes a valid point.
posted by jasonspaceman at 08:59 AM on January 29, 2003
Of course, they're not really from Washington, either. Perhaps TMQ's idea is best: The Potomac Drainage Basin Indiginous Persons.
posted by Mookieproof at 09:31 AM on January 29, 2003
You could call them the Warlords, but El Presidente Bush might not like that since we are about to pay Saddam a visit anyday now. OR bring back the Federals of the USFL, but not those awful jerseys. OR we could call them the Generals, unless Donald Trump still has rights to the name from the old USFL days. Just drop the Redskins name. Its like calling the Knicks the New York "N-words". I oughta know, because I have relatives who are Cherokee and,even though they are diehard Braves fans, they HATE the name Redskins.
posted by jasonbondshow at 10:54 AM on January 29, 2003
Personally, I like Deadskunks, since that's the way they play lately...but then I'm a Giants fan, so what do I know?
posted by PeteyStock at 05:31 PM on January 29, 2003
While I am not sure where I stand on this, I can see how Native Americans might find the use of 'Redskins' insulting. I would like to know if there are, or have been, any Native American athletes on a sports team that has a Native American 'tone' to it, whether it be a 'racial slur' or not.