Thanks, guys. I had almost forgotten...: ...Number One on the "Ugliest Ten Sports Moments" of 2002. Now it's fresh in my mind again.
Ugly was the whole Hornets-leaving-Charlotte thing. If blame were food, there'd be enough to feed Africa for the next ten thousand years. And to think, not long ago it was damn near impossible to get a ticket to a Hornets game. At least the new NBA franchise is getting off to a good start. The Carolinas are too much of a hotbed for basketball to NOT have an NBA team.
posted by jasonbondshow at 11:44 AM on December 31, 2002
We'll trade you our basketball team (Raptors) for your hockey team. We don't want them anymore.
posted by mkn at 01:15 AM on January 01, 2003
Whither Bison Dele?
posted by waterbedk at 04:51 PM on January 02, 2003
I'd have put that phone call to Darryl Kile's wife a bit higher. That's still got to be one of the cruelest things I've ever heard. It's would still be awful otherwise, but the saddest thing to me is that the joke wasn't even funny.