AJ Feeley's Problems: I've been looking for a place to sneak this into the comments, but I haven't been able to and I'm getting impatient. So, without further ado I offer you AJ Feeley's injury report.
posted by 86 to navel gazing at 02:01 PM - 11 comments
Heh...this reminds me of playing NHL 2000 (I think it was), and surfing throught he injury reports for my season. Seemed Mike Ricci missed 3 weeks with a scrotal laceration...ouch...
posted by MeatSaber at 02:09 PM on December 02, 2004
posted by Samsonov14 at 02:21 PM on December 02, 2004
Mr. Feeley has learned a very important lesson: when you flip a big dude off, it's best not to hide it in your ass.
posted by NoMich at 02:38 PM on December 02, 2004
That's the best laugh I've had all week. Thanks 86.
posted by rocketman at 03:05 PM on December 02, 2004
he went digital. Mr. Feeley, middle finger, and buttocks...sounds like a police report not an injury report.
posted by chris2sy at 04:04 PM on December 02, 2004
Feeley, huh-huh, takes hecklers way too seriously.
posted by garfield at 04:11 PM on December 02, 2004
this would have been perfect for the not implemented linklog in the sidebar!
posted by gspm at 04:27 PM on December 02, 2004
Tee hee hee hee. This just ain't the Dolphins' year, all the way around, eh? Tee hee hee.
posted by chicobangs at 05:10 PM on December 02, 2004
He's spent most of the season with his thumb up his arse, so it's nice to see he's trying some variation. In a similar, yet completely unrelated non-real world event, on my game of Football Manager, Newcastle lost Alan Shearer and Craig Bellamy to injury at the same time... Alan Shearer : Bruised foot. Craig Bellamy : Bruised head. Hmmm.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 02:59 AM on December 03, 2004
Hilarious Mr. B.
posted by 86 at 08:45 AM on December 03, 2004
Scroll down just a bit to find AJ Feeley.