World Cup of Hockey Fantasy Pool!: Get your team here. I set up a private league to join after creating your team. League Name: SpoFi Password: spofi
So far, it's just me and you, and I didn't register till after today's game started, so my picks don't start till tomorrow...
posted by MeatSaber at 12:56 PM on August 30, 2004
Alright, I'm in. Now there's three of us. Smells Like Teen Chico will ROCK YOUR -- oh, who am I kidding.
posted by chicobangs at 02:06 PM on August 30, 2004
I'm in. As of tomorrow. Go Hormone Pigs!
posted by Samsonov14 at 02:07 PM on August 30, 2004
i'm in. and i'll be giving NoMich a run for his money at the bottom if the league.
posted by goddam at 03:50 PM on August 30, 2004
Go Pieboys Go Pieboys GO!
posted by Succa at 04:06 PM on August 30, 2004
I'm in...
posted by Punkrockrat at 06:26 PM on August 30, 2004
I'm in, though I'm late and missed the first game.
posted by mkn at 10:36 PM on August 30, 2004
I'm in. I plan to fight for last place! I know I stand a good chance at that. The Eddy Shack Experience (shamelessly stolen from a friend's ball hockey team) will be kicking ass and taking names! Or hanging out near the beer & hot dogs.
posted by Salmonberry at 03:14 PM on August 31, 2004
I didn't check out the lockerrom for a week and missed this. I reserve the right to question all of your specific picks and berate you from the safety of non-participation.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 04:06 PM on September 02, 2004
I somehow missed a whole day, so when we get to the end of the tournament, just remember to add 20 points to my total, okay? Thanks.
posted by chicobangs at 04:59 PM on September 03, 2004
Whoo-hoo! My long awaited death march to the bottom has begun.
Rank | League Members | FPTS |
1 | The Reggie Dunlops, Punkrockrat | 60 |
2 | NoMich Numbnuts, The, NoMich | 50 |
3 | Meat the Feebles, Chris Harrington | 50 |
4 | Smells Like Teen Chico, Chicobangs | 50 |
5 | The Pieboys, Nick Taylor | 50 |
6 | Hormone Pigs, Neil Crealese | 50 |
7 | Canuckistan Bombers, mkn | 40 |
8 | goodgoddam, Jen | 40 |
9 | Random Monkey Check, grum@work | 40 |
10 | Eddy Shack Experience, salmonberry | 30 |
posted by NoMich at 11:39 AM on September 04, 2004
What the? Where'd all that space come from? Oh well, call it a spoiler alert. *shrug
posted by NoMich at 11:39 AM on September 04, 2004
I came in late *and* forgot a day's worth of games. I'm telling all you last-place-wannabes, I cannot be beaten! I'm a bad, bad fantasy sports league player.
posted by Salmonberry at 03:07 PM on September 04, 2004
I'm in second last (damn crappy Czechs!), but I've nailed a bunch of the "tie breakers". I wish those were worth some points...
posted by grum@work at 08:12 PM on September 05, 2004
...and now I forget there is a game on Labour Day and get zero points for that one too. D'oh!
posted by grum@work at 07:52 AM on September 07, 2004
Crap. Missed games 1, 13 and 14. Still tied for second today, but probably not for long. To be honest though, I would have picked the CZE/SWE game wrong anyway.
posted by Samsonov14 at 01:33 PM on September 07, 2004
We suck at this. We are limping towards the end of the tournament. It's a pool of attrition. Eugh. (Has anyone been watching/been able to watch the broadband broadcasts of the games? The feeds are pretty strong.)
posted by chicobangs at 01:56 PM on September 07, 2004
I've given up. Too many games, not enough memory.
posted by Salmonberry at 10:18 PM on September 07, 2004
Oh for crying out loud! I made picks for today: Sweden (goddamn you Czechs!) and USA. But it only registered my Sweden pick. So it's zero points for the whole day. Fuck it all.
posted by grum@work at 10:59 PM on September 07, 2004
This league sucks, but "Meat the Feebles" would be an awesome band name.
posted by Samsonov14 at 11:31 AM on September 08, 2004
registering required too much info. thats why i bailed.
posted by garfield at 12:23 PM on September 08, 2004
C'mon dudes and dudettes, sign up and kick my arse. NoMich Numbnuts, The shall prevail at the bottom of the league!