Okay, we did the fittest, but what sport has the biggest party animals? : Collegiate and high school football player date rapists don't count: party animals do first and foremost unto themselves, not unto others. I'm going to nominate alpine skiers, with such fine examples as Alberto Tomba, and the long-established tradition of the Hahnenkamm afterparty at the Londoner. Anyone else?
posted by lil_brown_bat to fantasy at 12:36 PM - 9 comments
In High School (non-date-rapey), it was always the soccer players who threw the best parties. They were just jocky enough to get some really good looking girls, but cool enough to have some decent, erm, substances. In college, I'll go with Mr. Streed here. I've never partied with athletes like I have rugby players (both male and female). I'd say "good memories", but (cliched enough) there really aren't any. I have no idea who on the pro circuit parties well, except maybe the Pro Disc Golfers, man.
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:08 PM on August 27, 2004
rugby. i think the fact that they were a club team in college instead of varsity helped. they didn't have to answer to the AD for their naked mudslides and things of that nature.
posted by goddam at 01:27 PM on August 27, 2004
Before I clicked I was already thinking rugby. I never played but there's a pub nearby that local rugby players use as their watering hole. Fuckers are out of control, and usually assholes to non-rugby players to boot.
posted by vito90 at 11:11 AM on August 29, 2004
ultimate. hands down. Rugby players take second.
posted by sauril at 12:50 PM on August 30, 2004
We used to go to the drink-ups after college rugby games. Girls' Rubgy. It was fun, and our team had some total cuties on it. No kidding.
posted by Samsonov14 at 02:09 PM on August 30, 2004
I'll say Rugby as well. I remember being in a New Orleans bar near Tulane and some rugby guys came in. Within minutes, they were all naked. Can any other sport even pull that off without having charges filed against them?
posted by usfbull at 02:34 PM on August 30, 2004
posted by usfbull at 06:59 AM on August 31, 2004
The Devil wears Depends?
posted by billsaysthis at 01:02 PM on August 31, 2004
Rugby. Neuron bruising of the first order. Also the sport in which the parties bear the greatest likeness to the action on the field.