Uhhhh ... did I miss a decision about the SpoFi Fantasy Baseball League (SFBL)? I think we're getting down to the point where we need to get a commish, set a draft date, blah blah blah ... how about this Friday as a drop-dead date?
posted by wfrazerjr to navel gazing at 02:31 PM - 148 comments
I'm in for the league, but not for commish. I vote jerseygirl, as punishment for winning it all last year. :)
posted by grum@work at 03:45 PM on February 16, 2004
I think wfrazerjr would be a good commissioner.
posted by dusted at 03:50 PM on February 16, 2004
Punishment aside :), I don't think I should be commish. It would look too weird with last year's happenings. I'd rather someone else did it, to legitimize the whole thing.
posted by jerseygirl at 03:53 PM on February 16, 2004
I think grum should be commissioner. I'm not sure why, but I like the idea of the great American pasttime being run by a Canadian. I also would be happy to serve, however. Have we set a cap for the league at 20 teams?
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:05 PM on February 16, 2004
I'm in for the league. Whoever wants to volunteer for the commissioner role is fine by me.
posted by jeffmshaw at 04:47 PM on February 16, 2004
I think we had a list in the last thread of who committed. I am just too lazy to look it up.
posted by jasonspaceman at 04:56 PM on February 16, 2004
corpse said he'd do it and i'm ok with that. As soon as yahoo says we can sign up we should, i'm all for a midweek late night live draft.
posted by jbou at 05:08 PM on February 16, 2004
i say we go with what we did last year, an early saturday draft. we can do 12 or 1ish EST so we're not waking up the west coasters too early...?
posted by jerseygirl at 05:22 PM on February 16, 2004
Midweek late night works best for me, too.
posted by dusted at 05:54 PM on February 16, 2004
I think more people will show up for a midweek night time draft. Weekends are way too crazy for most.
posted by jasonspaceman at 05:55 PM on February 16, 2004
what's "late night"?
posted by jerseygirl at 05:55 PM on February 16, 2004
i'm in.
posted by oliver_crunk at 06:07 PM on February 16, 2004
I would also like to play, but not commish. I like leagues with a lot of teams, because they make you work harder, so it's more rewarding.
posted by qbert72 at 06:18 PM on February 16, 2004
what's "late night"? Well, us left-coasters need to have time to get home. How about 10PM EST?
posted by dusted at 06:38 PM on February 16, 2004
i'm good with 10pm EST
posted by jbou at 07:18 PM on February 16, 2004
I'll be ready for the draft whenever, baby! No. 1 pick Joe McEwing!
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:30 PM on February 16, 2004
refresh my memory: how long did our draft last last year? i think it went ~3hrs... some of us east coasters got to go to work in the morning .
posted by jerseygirl at 07:41 PM on February 16, 2004
it didn't go three hours, it takes about an hour and a half.
posted by jbou at 08:28 PM on February 16, 2004
ok. cool.
posted by jerseygirl at 08:32 PM on February 16, 2004
From the old fantasy baseball thread: jerseygirl corpse jasonspaceman dusted 86 grum@work jeffmshaw bcb2k2 wfrazerjr mbd1 trox rocketman jbou lilnemo NoMich pivo qbert72 djacobs
posted by NoMich at 11:15 PM on February 16, 2004
We can add oliver_crunk to the list, so that makes 19.
posted by NoMich at 11:18 PM on February 16, 2004
I'm in. We can draft whenever and I'll make it work.
posted by 86 at 07:16 AM on February 17, 2004
I wish yahoo would get off their ass and get this thing rolling. I was just checking out sportsline.com fantasy baseball commish. Nifty, but $120 for the season. I like the ability to set up all your stats and weight them accordingly though. and set up divisions.
posted by corpse at 09:29 AM on February 17, 2004
Can't weight stats at Y! but you can pick from a very large list of ones you want to use. Default is just the standard 5x5 ones.
posted by pivo at 09:46 AM on February 17, 2004
I'm in too, this many teams means that I'll finally get stuck with Juan Acevedo.
posted by dfleming at 10:28 AM on February 17, 2004
corpse, the sportsline league looks sweet. If I wasn't buying a house at the moment, I would lay some money down for a league with those kind of features.
posted by jasonspaceman at 10:47 AM on February 17, 2004
20 teams that I count. Are we doing one league or two? I vote for two with that many, but whatever everyone thinks is fine.
posted by 86 at 11:30 AM on February 17, 2004
Is it $120 per team for that league, or $120 for the entire league? And I say 20 teams all lumped together. Screw it, everyone in the pool!
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:44 AM on February 17, 2004
I'd also vote for 2 leagues. With only 16 teams (?) last year, the waiver wire was a little sparse.
posted by trox at 11:54 AM on February 17, 2004
Here are some comparisoms of other commishing software. I'll pony up the money for one of these, and people can donate if they want, I don't care, I just want something cool this season.
posted by corpse at 12:19 PM on February 17, 2004
20 teams should be two leagues, otherwise the last 3 rounds of drafting are going to be pretty sparse.
posted by grum@work at 12:20 PM on February 17, 2004
I agree that 20 is too much for one league.
posted by mbd1 at 12:22 PM on February 17, 2004
I like the 20 team league, you gotta work a little to win. Corpse I'd be open to using a paid league.
posted by jbou at 12:38 PM on February 17, 2004
I would say while 20 may be too many, 10 is definitely too few, unless we split to AL/NL specific leagues or something, which I know wasn't the plan. I want in the NL league if that is case, though :)
posted by pivo at 12:42 PM on February 17, 2004
"otherwise the last 3 rounds of drafting are going to be pretty sparse" If those guys get off your bench too often, you have bigger problems :)
posted by pivo at 12:44 PM on February 17, 2004
$120 for a league is a bargain, and it looks like we can split into two divisions. I've emailed Sportsline to check the maximum number of teams and to verify that it is $120 for the entire league, with no other costs. The only problem would be collecting money from everyone... any ideas? Free is nice (and easier), but I think we could handle $6 each.
posted by dusted at 12:46 PM on February 17, 2004
It is $120 per league, not per person. My AL-only league runs on Sportsline, and it works great. I'd pony up the $6, for sure. I like the idea of a 20-team league. It shouldn't be all-stars teams, IMHO. But I'm cool with two ten-team divisions, too.
posted by jeffmshaw at 12:50 PM on February 17, 2004
If my previous post didn't cover it, consider me 110% interested in putting in $6 for a league. I would also suggest come caution in whoever would want to put down the $120 up front. Like I said, if we weren't purchasing a house, I would put the league on my tab and invite whoever wanted to join, regardless if you wanted to put down $6 or whatever.
posted by jasonspaceman at 12:56 PM on February 17, 2004
As far as splitting into leagues, I could go either way on it. I LOVE scouring the waiver wires and taking a chance on someone, it's a great way to learn about the players and the prospects. of course, this didn't help my standings any.
posted by corpse at 01:17 PM on February 17, 2004
I'm willing to put up the $120 for the league and have people send their $6 to me. Let me know if we wanna go that direction. I'm also in favor of a 20-team league. Baseball is big enough, with big enough rosters, to dig out what you need on a week-by-week basis. Also, there's so much up-and-down from the minors that you can always find some surprise.
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:20 PM on February 17, 2004
I like the idea of a 20 league team. There's 30 teams in the majors as it is. There's players out there that will make you competitive. What's the fantasy of having four or five all-stars on your team? *No Yankees jokes please.* If we do end up going to the sportsline league, sign me up for NL and give me an address to send the $6!
posted by jasonspaceman at 01:25 PM on February 17, 2004
Thanks, wfrazerjr! All of the latest comments seem to support the idea of the Sportsline league, but maybe we should have a poll to make sure everyone agrees. Also, I think I'll send a little more than $6 to wfrazerjr to thank him for his time and cover the possibility of someone not paying. The voting so far: Yes: corpse?, dusted, jasonspaceman, jbou, jeffmshaw. No:
posted by dusted at 01:36 PM on February 17, 2004
Yes, I vote yes, I'm in for $6 and more. Perhaps a webpage could be set up for donations? Anything collected over the 120 could be used towards the league next year, or even prize money. Also on the page we could vote on whether or not we want divisions or not.
posted by corpse at 01:38 PM on February 17, 2004
Here's the response from Sportsline: $119.95 is the full cost of the site. There are no other costs. You can have up to 30 teams. You can have up to 4 divisions.
posted by dusted at 01:45 PM on February 17, 2004
sweet, sign us up frazier, and give us an address to send you the cash, how about we all give 10 or 20 bucks and then we can have prize money?
posted by jbou at 02:05 PM on February 17, 2004
I'd pony up $6, and I really like the idea of two divisions. Does that mean one division would be NL only and the other AL only? Just curious... I've never been in a league so big.
posted by trox at 02:39 PM on February 17, 2004
Hell, I've never even been in a league, so if we could all just slow down a bit, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about tossing money towards this. How does a draft work? Trades? How many players are on a team? I'm fairly new to baseball and sports, and have never done a fantasy league, so this is all mighty intimidating, especially for a person like me without copious free time.
posted by rocketman at 03:14 PM on February 17, 2004
I've been looking over all the things you can customize at sportsline, and there is pretty much nothing you can't change. You can have 4 divisions, either NL only, or AL only, mixed, or even from custom picked teams. You can set up how the positions are classified, either seperately, or as middle infielders (MI) and corner infielders (CI). Roster limits, tracking player's salaries, contract status, setting the waiver period, how trades are handled, either by comish approval, or league voting (!), trade deadlines, you can even set up entry fees, if we really do want to enforce the entry fee. I like it!
posted by corpse at 03:15 PM on February 17, 2004
the draft will be a live draft, which if we use sportsline, can be set at any time possible. if you can't be there, you can submit a pre-ranking of players, and it will be drafted in that order. The numbers of players on the team is up for debate now, but it is totally customizable, but it usually consists of the same ones in a regular game, all the position players, plus a a full compliment of pitchers, both starting and relief. trades can be customized as well, as i mentioned in my post above.
posted by corpse at 03:18 PM on February 17, 2004
trox, I don't think the divisions would be split into leagues. Various parties have opposed AL-only and NL-only. I think it would be a draft where everybody gets their teams together, and then we're split into divisions somehow.
posted by jeffmshaw at 04:11 PM on February 17, 2004
The voting so far: Yes: corpse, dusted, jasonspaceman, jbou, jeffmshaw, trox. No: No vote yet: jerseygirl 86 grum@work bcb2k2 wfrazerjr mbd1 rocketman lilnemo NoMich pivo qbert72 djacobs oliver_crunk
posted by dusted at 04:30 PM on February 17, 2004
Yeah sure, why not.
posted by 86 at 04:42 PM on February 17, 2004
posted by lilnemo at 05:17 PM on February 17, 2004
how are the teams set up though? by salary cap? is anyone still interested in the free yahoo one?
posted by jerseygirl at 07:58 PM on February 17, 2004
I assume that it'll be a straight draft league, with no salaries -- hence no cap. However, I'd play either way. I've used and like Sportsline, have not used Yahoo before. Again, though, I'd play either way.
posted by jeffmshaw at 08:32 PM on February 17, 2004
$6US? That's a week's salary for this canuck! ;) Lemme think about it. I'd be more inclined to play the free Yahoo! one, and I'd want to know all the rules/scoring/drafting-details before committing some cash. And I'm DEFINITELY against any sort of prize money. The moment you put up a prize, you introduce the possibility of collusion (splitting the money). I'd rather play for honour instead of money.
posted by grum@work at 08:51 PM on February 17, 2004
If we are doing a straight 5x5 I see no reason to stray from the free option. Splitting up into divisions is nice, but not worth the hassle and grief of 20 strangers getting money to one person on short-ish notice, IMO. Will pony up for Sportsline if it comes to that, but my vote would be no. As with Grum, I would be against prize monies, again not worth the hassle, and not fair to the holder of said funds (who I would want not in the league and not commish). Bragging rights on SpoFi should be more than reward enough :)
posted by pivo at 09:22 PM on February 17, 2004
ok, no prize money, and i'll play in either league, yahoo, or sportsline.
posted by jbou at 09:28 PM on February 17, 2004
yahoo for me.
posted by dfleming at 10:09 PM on February 17, 2004
The voting so far: Yes: corpse, dusted, jasonspaceman, jbou, jeffmshaw, trox, 86, lilnemo. No: pivo, grum@work, dfleming, jerseygirl? No vote yet: bcb2k2 wfrazerjr mbd1 rocketman NoMich qbert72 djacobs oliver_crunk
posted by dusted at 10:11 PM on February 17, 2004
What pivo said.
posted by NoMich at 10:40 PM on February 17, 2004
Here's my take: I'm ready to put some money on the real American pastime, fantasy sports. If I do so, I want value, i.e useful things that can not be done in a Yahoo! league. Salary cap is a must. A keeper league would be nice, but that's probably too much of a time investment for a lot of people here. I'm also ready to cover the cost for one newbie and/or penniless Spofite, in addition to me. That means I'm ready to put 12 bucks into the pot. Otherwise, I'm fine with good clean free Yahoo! fun. And I second Grum on the "no prize money whatsoever" clause.
posted by qbert72 at 10:52 PM on February 17, 2004
I vote Yahoo. It's less complicated for many reasons, but especially the money reasons. I think there's a lot of room for muddying integrities with cash contributions/prizes/etc. I'm also against a cash prize for the reasons grum and pivo said above.
posted by jerseygirl at 07:01 AM on February 18, 2004
I agree that prize money would be bad, and I only think the contribution thing will work if it's optional, but i truely believe the sportsline software will rock. I always had to pay for extra stuff that i needed on yahoo anyway, stattracker and all.
posted by corpse at 07:31 AM on February 18, 2004
I am in for either league or both (pay and Yahoo) leagues. Just no prizes.
posted by jasonspaceman at 07:44 AM on February 18, 2004
oh, by the way, the yahoo season has launched today
posted by corpse at 08:14 AM on February 18, 2004
I'll do either, but I'd prefer Yahoo since I'm so new to this. I also think prize money is a bad idea.
posted by rocketman at 08:24 AM on February 18, 2004
Heck, I want to think about baseball and talk smack with my Spofi brethren. Count me in for either one, whatever the decision is.
posted by trox at 08:37 AM on February 18, 2004
so, are we Yahoooooooooooooooooo?
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:12 AM on February 18, 2004
If anyone wants to see the cbs sportsline interface, i've signed up for the 14 day free trial, just email me spofi username and an email address I can send the invitation out to. jheath at gerousia.com
posted by corpse at 09:30 AM on February 18, 2004
I'll drop $6 for sportsline, and I agree that bragging rights are all we should be playing for. I'd also sign up for a yahoo league as well because I am an addict.
posted by mbd1 at 10:20 AM on February 18, 2004
ok, so let's do yahoo, we have some first timers and they'll find yahoo easy to use. my vote is now for yahooooooooo!
posted by jbou at 10:30 AM on February 18, 2004
I think an emerging consensus is Yahoo, no prize money, 20 teams, MLB league. Draft time? I'm open to any time of day or night, so others with constraints should pipe up.
posted by jeffmshaw at 10:33 AM on February 18, 2004
whatever gets decided on is fine with me. as a first timer to the spofi fantasy world, i'll just follow whatever the pack is, though i prefer that no loot is involved.
posted by oliver_crunk at 10:33 AM on February 18, 2004
i second jbou's reasons. i'd prefer an earlier evening time, 9pm EST, or a mutually agreed on weekend time.
posted by jerseygirl at 10:36 AM on February 18, 2004
I was checking out the times for yahoo and there are no weekend dates and the weekday times range from 9am to 2pm. Nothing in the night.
posted by jasonspaceman at 10:59 AM on February 18, 2004
are all the times taken or they just aren't offering them?
posted by jerseygirl at 11:10 AM on February 18, 2004
Jerseygirl: Maybe a combination of both. I am not sure. The interface looks much better than years past as well.
posted by jasonspaceman at 11:27 AM on February 18, 2004
Yeah, there is no way I can do a draft from 9am to 2pm. I would have to prerank.
posted by corpse at 11:37 AM on February 18, 2004
I'm in another yahoo league with a draft set for 10:30 pm EST on Monday, March 22. Maybe all the weekday evening slots are taken?
posted by mbd1 at 11:41 AM on February 18, 2004
there's no way i can draft during the day either. do we have to do a livedraft?
posted by jerseygirl at 11:44 AM on February 18, 2004
How about we draft using AIM, MSN Instant Messenger or a chat program? Theoretically, we could even do a draft thread here in the Locker Room if we set a time. Then we could input the teams manually. That's a pain, but not exactly rocket science. And I volunteer to do some inputting.
posted by jeffmshaw at 11:53 AM on February 18, 2004
I think we'll have to do an offline draft, because unless I missed it, there are no more Yahoo draft times available at all.
posted by dusted at 11:56 AM on February 18, 2004
those are some pretty good ideas. i'd volunteer to do some inputting too. work blocks AIM and all that good stuff. i'm probably not alone on that one. i think a chat room would be the closest way to replicate a live draft, if we must do a live draft. anyone else have suggestions :) ?
posted by jerseygirl at 11:56 AM on February 18, 2004
I have a hard time with Yahoo already having everything booked. That's real stupid on their part. I mean, they must allow for more time at some point. I'll go see what I can find out.
posted by jerseygirl at 11:57 AM on February 18, 2004
Guys, I am now getting PLENTY of available times. February, March and April -- all across the clock. At first, nothing was available, and now everything is. This may have been a Yahoo glitch initially. It's a matter of picking the time. I'm going to follow up this post in a few minutes with a League Settings selection.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:06 PM on February 18, 2004
Work day draft is not a possibility for me. I have no problem having to pre-rank 200 players or so. I'd avoid the free-for-all chat room draft idea because it means that everyone has to keep track of EVERY player drafted. With the Yahoo! interface, it automatically updates the "available players" list, plus makes it easy to search for your back-up 3B from the list of 300 scrubs still remaining.
posted by grum@work at 12:09 PM on February 18, 2004
These are the settings the commish will have to set. This may be a good guide for the new folks joining, to give them an idea of what we're getting into. The default selection is the first choice provided here. I believe we decided on going for default on everything, but we may want to discuss the default on the cant cut Maximum teams in league: (max is 20) Type of scoring: Rotisserie, Point-Only, Head to Head Player universe: all baseball, AL only, NL only Max Player acquisitions for season: no max, (1-40) Max trades: no max, (1-40) time managers have to protest pending trades: 2 days, (1-7 days) trade deadline: august 15, (any friday in august) time players are on waivers: 2 days, no waivers, 1-7 days can't cut list provider?: yahoo sports, none **(A number of the best players in the game will be on this list throughout the season. When a player is on the list, he cannot be waived from a team under any circumstances. The "Can't Cut" list, which will be updated when necessary, will prevent managers at the bottom of the standings from changing the league dynamics by waiving all of their outstanding players.) trades reviewed by: league votes, commissioner after a draft, make all unowned players: follow waiver rules, free agents the following only apply in rotisserie and point leagues max games per position (non-pitchers): 162, no max, 140-179 max innings pitched, per team: 1250, no max, 50-2000 (by 50s -- 50, 100, 150, 200, and so on) allow roster changes: daily tomorrow, weekly on either Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat start league scoring on: March 30, anyday between March 31 April 12.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:24 PM on February 18, 2004
How is draft order chosen? With 20 teams playing, the first few drafting are going to have a distinct advantage.
posted by dusted at 12:25 PM on February 18, 2004
It would seem that way, dusted, but it's different. It goes in order 1-20... and then the second round goes 20-1 and third round goes 1-20 again... and so forth.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:30 PM on February 18, 2004
I just found the answer to my question: The draft order will be randomly determined approximately 30 minutes before the draft begins....
posted by dusted at 12:35 PM on February 18, 2004
My offer still stands if anybody wants to look at the sportsline interface. I'm probably going to end up buying a league anyway, and doing it with some other people if spofi decides to go the yahoo route.
posted by corpse at 12:43 PM on February 18, 2004
I would be ok if we had to pre-rank and have the yahoo computers do the work for us. I would love to do a draft online through yahoo if we do end up getting a chance to agree on the times.
posted by jasonspaceman at 01:00 PM on February 18, 2004
i'm still curious corpse. i'll email you from home.
posted by jerseygirl at 01:02 PM on February 18, 2004
i'm still voting for yahoo here. Corpse i'd be interested in your league too, i'm a fantasy baseball junkie, i really should get help. ok, someone start a league or i'm going to do it, and jersey will freakout and no one will be happy, lol.
posted by jbou at 01:11 PM on February 18, 2004
jg, okay, i'm testing it out to see if it will send dusted an invite, then i'll let everyone know if it will allow people to sign up during the trial period.
posted by corpse at 01:17 PM on February 18, 2004
jbou, we're working it out until friday's "drop dead date", per wfrazer's original posting on this thread. i'm anxious to get started too, but its probably good for the new folks to get their questions in, and we're all still figure out some of the finer points. who is going to be yahoo commish if corpse still goes with his sportsline league, for instance... and really, let's not let me freakout. won't someone think of the kittens. hah. ;)
posted by jerseygirl at 01:21 PM on February 18, 2004
i'm a fantasy baseball junkie, i really should get help. When you find help, let me know so I can get the same treatment.
posted by jasonspaceman at 01:25 PM on February 18, 2004
I'm in, corpse. One thing I can say right off the bat: the auto-rankings are a LOT better, with a choice of projected (very cool), 2003 stats or 3-year average. The analysis articles also seem (to this rotisserie rookie) much higher quality.
posted by dusted at 01:34 PM on February 18, 2004
*watches from the sidelines with a mixture of bemusement and admiration. this all sounds so much more complex than our simple old EPL Fantasy League*
posted by squealy at 01:41 PM on February 18, 2004
Also.....roster changes should definitely be daily.
posted by mbd1 at 02:01 PM on February 18, 2004
Here's a look a sample look at the interface: projected RBI (150k jpg). There are a lot of extras for those who are truly addicted (output stats to spreadsheets, wireless notifications, etc.). I could go with either one (or maybe even both), but I think this one's worth the price of admission.
posted by dusted at 04:07 PM on February 18, 2004
Let's not turn this into a NASA mission, folks. It's fantasy baseball, and we have some newcomers. Yahoo should be the league, and then the rest of us who have Icy Hot in our veins should sign up for dusted's pay league. Ok, so we now need to pick the damned time. I'm good WHENEVER ... except for Tuesdays. That's my production day.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:39 PM on February 18, 2004
No freaking way Jim Thome projects to a .2805 batting average this year. He'll top out at .2802, .2803 max. /good grief
posted by mbd1 at 05:02 PM on February 18, 2004
late night weekdays, someone suggested 10pm EST, i'm cool with that, might i suggest a Wensday.
posted by jbou at 05:02 PM on February 18, 2004
Yahoo should be the league I thought we were still discussing that. And it's not my league - I posted a picture of corpse's trial league to let everyone look at the interface and features without signing up.
posted by dusted at 05:12 PM on February 18, 2004
posted by jerseygirl at 05:17 PM on February 18, 2004
I'd prefer a little later for the draft, even if it is past my bedtime. I can always play sick the next day. I nominate wfrazerjr for commish.
posted by rocketman at 06:22 PM on February 18, 2004
well i cant play sick. don't have that luxury. 10pm est is a bit too late as is.
posted by jerseygirl at 06:53 PM on February 18, 2004
I can't play sick either, but I'd be up for a 9pm start. Just not on a Wednesday (or Thursday, if I'm being picky). I'd vote for Yahoo, 20 teams, wfrazerjr, Rotisserie (so you can't dominate in one category), all players, no max pickups or trades, 2 day protest, Aug 27 trade deadline, 2 day waivers, vote on trades, all unowned players go on waivers (so it's not an instant first-come-first-serve situation...not fair to those that drafted by list only), 162 games max, 1500 innings max, daily roster changes, March 30th start. Also, I'd like to see a league with maximum of two IR spots.
posted by grum@work at 07:24 PM on February 18, 2004
How does Rotisserie scoring work? I *could* Google it, but so many people in the know around here can explain things very well. Thanks.
posted by NoMich at 07:27 PM on February 18, 2004
Roto scoring is based on stats and number of teams. We will probably (I am guessing) play a standard 5x5 league, which is: Avg, Steals, Runs, HR, RBI for hitters and ERA, Strikeouts, Wins, Saves and Whip (Walks and Hits per inning, basically how many baserunners per inning a pitcher allows) for pitching. You can score points for each stat based on your ranking in that stat. In our 20 team league best player in the stat gets 20 points and last place gets 1 point. Add up your points in each stat and there you have it.
posted by pivo at 09:34 PM on February 18, 2004
OKAY! :) Let's wrap this up today and make some decisions!
posted by jerseygirl at 10:22 AM on February 19, 2004
I'm going to play Yahoo too. 1. Anybody but me! 2. Default is fine by me. 2a. I think the cut list is fine, I think yahoo changes as the season progresses, to account for injury and the such. 3. Nada. Looking forward to enjoy the league.
posted by corpse at 10:34 AM on February 19, 2004
I'm going to play both. 1. wfrazerjr 2. Default settings 2a. Stick with Yahoo cut lists
posted by dusted at 10:39 AM on February 19, 2004
I still don't get the cut list. So Yahoo decides whether or not I can cut a player from my team? That seems... arbitrary and it lacks verisimilitude. The fire sale is a respected MLB tradition.
posted by rocketman at 10:42 AM on February 19, 2004
I'm going to play Yahoo too. 1. wfrazerjr 2. Default is cool. 2a. Yes to the cut list. 3. That rocketman stops using the word verisimilitude. There's no verisimilitude in fantasy baseball!
posted by jasonspaceman at 10:53 AM on February 19, 2004
You've already used it twice as much as me.
posted by rocketman at 11:27 AM on February 19, 2004
1) No prefs on commish, whoever wants it. 2) Default works 2a) I like the no cut list...It may seem controlling at first but many a league has been skewed by big names appearing on the waiver wire in a wholesale dump by a last place team. If you want to dump the big name for nothing then I'm sure you could easily find someone to trade for them.
posted by pivo at 11:35 AM on February 19, 2004
1. No prefs on commish, whoever wants it. 2. Default settings 2a. Stick with Yahoo cut lists
posted by jeffmshaw at 04:01 PM on February 19, 2004
soooo, 122 comments into the thread.... is there no room for new players...? just wondering. wasn't quick off the draw with the talk of registering and now there are two pools going and i know i'll want to participate once the weekly updates are rolling in.... no worries if there is no more room (20 player league and 20 expressed interest). i was slow on the uptake though have been following the discussion since about comment 12.
posted by gspm at 05:06 PM on February 19, 2004
Yahoo! wfrazerjr default cut list pony
posted by grum@work at 09:25 PM on February 19, 2004
gspm: I'm only joining the Yahoo league, so there's at least one opening in the Sportsline league. As far as the Yahoo league is concerned, whatever set up is fine by me. Just let me know when to sign up and I'll be there. Thanks.
posted by NoMich at 09:59 PM on February 19, 2004
wfraz, your people have voted you in on the ballot in all the primaries. you up for it?
posted by jerseygirl at 10:21 PM on February 19, 2004
I'm playing both if there''s room: 1. Whoever has the bandwidth 2. Default it cool 2a.Fine with the cut list
posted by trox at 09:36 AM on February 20, 2004
sorry, folks, I was in Indy all day yesterday. I'd be happy to commish the Yahoo league. I'll go in later this afternoon and find what I can on times and post them in here for you all to make a choice. Defaults and no-cut list are fine with me also :)
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:01 AM on February 20, 2004
I think someone's going to have to suck it up. A 9 p.m. EST start means 6 p.m. on the West Coast. Is that enough time for people to get home and get ready for the draft? I need feedback on this today! Right now we have availability all the way through the month of March. Are we looking at perhaps a March 10-11 date? That's a Wednesday/Thursday.
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:08 AM on February 20, 2004
I'll be out running around for most of this afternoon, but I will check back here by 2:30 CST to see what the masses think. Here's what I think we need at this point: 1) Time range you could start the draft (please list what time zone you are in) 2) First choice day of week 3) Second choice day of week Thanks!
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:13 AM on February 20, 2004
I'm very flexible, so whatever works best for others is fine.
posted by jeffmshaw at 11:15 AM on February 20, 2004
Me too, I am flexible. Just do not do it on the same weekend, if possible, as the other league.
posted by jasonspaceman at 11:48 AM on February 20, 2004
1) Hourly time range? two part: if it's on the weekend, you can do it anytime and i'll be there. if it must be during the week, no later than 9 EST please? (im in EST) 2) Saturday (anytime), Sunday (anytime) or even Friday night. 3) Thursday evening.
posted by jerseygirl at 11:51 AM on February 20, 2004
Does the weekend work for people? I always hear complaining about people being gone for the weekend (or away from work for a draft where they can sluff off ;))
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:24 PM on February 20, 2004
i like the idea of the weekend. corpse is doing that for the sportsline one.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:29 PM on February 20, 2004
My preferences: 1) 9EST or later 2) Wednesday 3) Tuesday I hate the idea of the weekend, but if it comes down to that, I'll pre-rank.
posted by dusted at 12:47 PM on February 20, 2004
My prefs (I'm in CST): 1) 8CST or later 2) Thursday 3) Sunday
posted by rocketman at 01:16 PM on February 20, 2004
Sorry, forgot to say I'm in PST.
posted by dusted at 01:23 PM on February 20, 2004
Sounds like a Thursday evening might be best so far ... are we going first-come, first-served for sign-ups?
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:24 PM on February 20, 2004
Well, I think people in this thread should be notified of the signups first. Then open it up if there are any spots leftover.
posted by grum@work at 06:54 PM on February 20, 2004
no weekend if possible
posted by jbou at 10:56 PM on February 20, 2004
Weekend would be best here, but I could probably make a weeknight one, although I'd appreciate it not to be later than 9PM EST (Some of us are on AST, one hour ahead of EST).
posted by dfleming at 08:14 AM on February 21, 2004
Folks, I'm going to sign us up for a Thursday night 9 p.m. EST start in the second week of March if I don't hear lots of complaining otherwise. Here's the list of folks I have who are interested: jerseygirl corpse jasonspaceman dusted 86 grum@work jeffmshaw bcb2k2 wfrazerjr mbd1 trox rocketman jbou lilnemo NoMich pivo qbert72 djacobs I will send out emails to all of those folks by the end of this week with an invite to the league. After that, whatever spots are left until we get to 20 will be first come, first served. I also plan to go with the default settings as prescribed by our friends at Yahoo. Sound ginchy?
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:41 PM on February 23, 2004
Could I get added to that list?
posted by dfleming at 02:08 PM on February 23, 2004
Sounds beautiful. Thanks for the organizational work.
posted by jeffmshaw at 02:59 PM on February 23, 2004
No, fleming, absolutely not. *snigger* Sorry 'bout that. You're No. 19.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:11 PM on February 23, 2004
If "ginchy" means "ducky," then it's all ginchy.
posted by NoMich at 04:32 PM on February 23, 2004
hey yo! i'm still in, if that's cool. oliver_crunk AT crunktrunk DOT com
posted by oliver_crunk at 08:00 AM on February 24, 2004
and oliver makes twenty ... geez, with six you get egg roll! We gettin' the whole damned poo-poo platter!
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:08 PM on February 24, 2004
Yahoo still hasn't launched their season yet, I assume we're waiting on that, since you can't determine a draft date until then. We could go ahead and pick commish though, and make sure he/she/it is on the yahoo mailing list so there league can be set up as soon as it becomes available.