NBC to Stream NFL games live on the Internet this season.: Maybe this internet thing isn't just a fad after all.
Well in all fairness, it's the only game they can stream. I'd be pretty surprised to see CBS/FOX/ESPN allowing NBC to rebroadcast their games over the net.
posted by apoch at 01:38 PM on July 26, 2008
1 game/week? Screw it, I'll stick to Sopcast and watch my 6 games at once on my comp screen. I'll bet you're fun to buy Christmas presents for.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:24 PM on July 26, 2008
Being a Jew, definitely. I'm mad and bitter at the world.
posted by charlatan at 04:39 PM on July 26, 2008
And I guarantee it'll be fucking US only, just like all this stuff usually is. Yeah, fuck the rest of the planet, so long as the country with the crappiest broadband in the western world gets all the good stuff.
posted by Drood at 06:27 PM on July 26, 2008
yes fucking US only because the rest of you can watch "SOCCER" and tell us all how "that" is "real" FOOTBALL,
posted by doorman10423 at 12:50 AM on July 27, 2008
yes fucking US only because the rest of you can watch "SOCCER" and tell us all how "that" is "real" FOOTBALL, Um, what?
posted by blarp at 10:19 AM on July 27, 2008
1 game/week? Screw it, I'll stick to Sopcast and watch my 6 games at once on my comp screen.