aacheson's profile

Name: Amanda Acheson
Location: Oakland
Gender: Female
Social Media Account: IQ number?
Member since: January 31, 2002
Last visit: April 11, 2010

aacheson has posted 2 links and 84 comments to SportsFilter and 1 link and 36 comments to the Locker Room.

Sports Bio

Not much of a traditional sports fan, but trying to get better. Have to get better on the sports questions in Trivial Pursuit so msacheson stops winning on the damn sports questions!

Favorite sports movie-Bull Durham. Hands down. But recently saw Brian's Song and was a weeping mass on the floor afterwards.

"Traditional" Sport I like the most: Golf

"Non-traditional" sport I like the most: Snowboarding. Then snorkeling. And hiking/backpacking/camping.

Sport I hate the most: Football. Then boxing. Then football. Did I mention football?

Recent Links

Help msacheson & aacheson settle a dispute!: OK, so msacheson & I were having a debate last night over dinner about which sport requires the athlete to be in the best overall shape? We couldn't agree so decided to hand it off to the all-knowing spofi-ers. Please rate these from the MOST fit to the LEAST fit. +Volleyball +Soccer +Hockey +Cycling +Boxing +Football +Basketball +Swimming+ Choose wisely, cuz if I don't win, msacheson doesn't get any :)

posted by aacheson to navel gazing at 11:23 AM on July 26, 2004 - 44 comments

Cancelling the season...Overreacting or justified?: Woodside High school administrators cancel the rest of the HS Football team's season after some of the team members do a nasty chant about their coach after losing again. Is the action justified? Is there be a better alternative? Are they teaching these kids a good lesson? Note that it's not just because of the chant but also because of ongoing discipline problems with the team.

posted by aacheson to football at 11:37 AM on November 07, 2003 - 7 comments

Poor little Darrell Russell: SF Chronicle says that Darrell Russell, friend of felons, accused rapist and X user is just "misled" and too "naive" for fame and riches. I say BALONEY. A 25 year old man, old enough to make 8.3 million, is old enough to know that raping a women who's passed out and taping it is WRONG. That taking illegal drugs while on probation probably isn't a good idea. I say that if he's found guilty of the rape, throw him in prison, cancel his contract, and let him rot.

posted by aacheson to football at 06:39 PM on March 05, 2002 - 1 comment

Recent Comments

Men's Luger Killed in Training Crash at Winter Olympics Track

And thats just not right that they limited track time to other so much. thats just wrong. I don't know if its just this olympics or what, but this should not be allowed.

posted by aacheson at 12:57 PM on February 13, 2010

Men's Luger Killed in Training Crash at Winter Olympics Track

Man, all the padding in the world couldn't have saved that guy. That was horrible. Awful. Plexiglass the whole damn thing would make a huge difference.

posted by aacheson at 12:54 PM on February 13, 2010

New Jersey High School Girl Nearly Seven Feet Tall

Ouch. I bet her joints hurt at night.

posted by aacheson at 09:22 PM on December 22, 2009

Tiger Woods Fined $164 for Careless Driving

Well, the Chinese TV reenactment seems to show her weilding a driver, so its GOT to be the truth!

posted by aacheson at 07:55 PM on December 04, 2009

Tiger Woods Fined $164 for Careless Driving

Most men buy Cadillacs. Its more of a guy car than gal car. Thats what I meant.

Tselson, that was hilarious.

posted by aacheson at 12:26 AM on December 04, 2009

Tiger Woods Fined $164 for Careless Driving

Did you hear Tiger is changing his name to Cheetah Woods?


posted by aacheson at 10:11 PM on December 03, 2009

Tiger Woods Fined $164 for Careless Driving

I think he has a great body-very toned and strong and muscular and lean. A sexy body.

posted by aacheson at 08:48 PM on December 03, 2009

Tiger Woods Fined $164 for Careless Driving

Some women are that shallow, this is true. I thought it was a stupid comment because, first of all he made it sound like the vast majority of women only like him because he's rich. Being a woman and also knowing LOTS of women, all of my friends that care about Tiger like him because he's got a great body, he is an exciting golfer to watch (as exciting as golf can be, at least,) he makes the game interesting, and as I stated before, he appeared to be a family man. Its not the money women like-although he makes money because women and men like him. Does that make sense?

I bet that most people who buy the stuff that Tiger pushes (Tagheur watches, Cadillacs, nike golf crap) are men, not women, so I doubt that will affect him much.

On an aside, why do these men always pick such embarassing mistresses?

As for being one of the tragic oldies that is back (you're only 7 in front of me, yrfatma-awesome) I lurk occasionally but most of the sports-talk here is waaay beyond my pay grade. Thus, I rarely post. But this, I can discuss. Not straight sports stuff here.

posted by aacheson at 05:14 PM on December 03, 2009

Tiger Woods Fined $164 for Careless Driving

"And as long as Tiger is a billionaire, it's doubtful his popularity with women will fall off at all. " Dude, apthomason, did you REALLY just say that??? Wow. Do you really think women are that shallow? Methinks you're probably not married...and apparently for good reason.

I am a woman and I adore Tiger first and foremost for his mad golfing skills. An added bonus was the wholesome person he isand his obvious love and support of his wife, kids, and mom & Dad. Now, I'm not feeling that love for him. Nope, not gonna buy my husband any more Nike golf schwag anymore.

I will still love watching him play golf, but now, in my book, he's a DOUCHEBAG as rcade and others keep suggesting.

It makes me laugh to think if Elin going after him with a golf club...guess it was the closest thing on hand. The bastard is lucky he doesn't play baseball for a living.

posted by aacheson at 12:48 PM on December 03, 2009

Root for the Home Team (for $3,000 a Night)

I can totally see your thinking yerfatma. But I think this is cool. This guy isn't harming anything. He hypes everyone up, helps people have a good time, get's people into it, helps people laugh. And it gives a seemingly cool guy a cool job we're all jealous of.

posted by aacheson at 11:31 AM on June 06, 2006

"Sexuality and gender don't change anyone's performance on the court."

wfrazerjr, I know of a LOT of people who were married and discovered they were gay after a while. A family in my high school-had 10 kids, married over 40 years and the mom discovered she way gay after all that.... Many people don't realize it-they hide it so deep that they don't know it. It happens more than most think.

posted by aacheson at 11:33 AM on October 27, 2005

Are You Ready for Less Football?

There will be less football in my house, thank god. We don't have cable so we won't get MNF, and we don't get good reception for the station getting SNF, so we won't have that, either. I'm jumping for joy. Poor msacheson though!

posted by aacheson at 03:24 PM on April 19, 2005

NBA All-Uglies Team

Yeah, they may be ugly. But I bet they still get some all over the place from groupies.

posted by aacheson at 10:37 AM on March 31, 2005

The legend of Latrine Sprewell grows

I love it, "Suck Latrell Sprewell's (Expletive) Night. " Great stuff in Simmons. So , the woman just said he should watch his language cuz there are kids around. That definitely doesn't deserve the tongue lashing. What a (expletive)!

posted by aacheson at 02:35 PM on December 08, 2004

The legend of Latrine Sprewell grows

Man, that guy is just such a fine, upstanding guy. I was so very disappointed when he left the warriors. What a loss.

posted by aacheson at 02:33 PM on December 08, 2004