Member since: | November 03, 2005 |
Last visit: | December 21, 2008 |
captaincavegirl has posted 3 links and 54 comments to SportsFilter and 1 link and 2 comments to the Locker Room.
Some NFL stadiums now accepting tattling via text message.: Fans in some cities can now text stadium security the location of drunken, rowdy fans.
posted by captaincavegirl to football at 10:29 AM on December 21, 2008 - 6 comments
NHL not too worried about new Russian league's impact.: A new Russian hockey league is set to begin play in September and looks ready to offer top dollar for big names like Malkin. The NHL isn't really worried about talent poaching...yet.
posted by captaincavegirl to hockey at 02:50 PM on June 22, 2008 - 0 comments
Am I making sense to anyone??? : I was trying to explain to my husband about a game I watched years ago, I'm guessing in '99 or '00 and involving the Pens. In this game the glass broke toward the end of a period (or maybe it was an injury) and the officials decided to add what time was left of that period to the start of the next period because there was going to be such a long delay that it would be like having two intermissions back to back. I can't find any info about this game whatsoever. I'd like to refresh my memory of the details as well as find out if there's a written rule that addresses such a thing. I'm having such a hard time finding answers that I'm starting to wonder if I'm making this up. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
posted by captaincavegirl to navel gazing at 12:41 AM on May 05, 2008 - 5 comments
Rangers forward Avery Hospitalized: Sean Avery suffers a lacerated spleen in Tuesday's loss to the Pens and is out of the playoffs.
posted by captaincavegirl to hockey at 12:11 PM on April 30, 2008 - 19 comments
This is one of those situations where I wish the writer would explain exactly how these thoughts and statements of Spitz were obtained. If a journalist became curious about the absence of Spitz at the Beijing games, then sought him out to inquire about that absence, then I can't argue with anything that Spitz said. Spitz comes off like a crybaby if he's screaming "look at me, look at me, nobody cares..." but if he was sitting at home, anonymously watching the games like the rest of us when he got a call asking for an interview, then I appreciate his candor. Either way, someone somewhere from the USOC or NBC should have reached out to Mark Spitz, and I find it hard to believe that nobody did.
posted by captaincavegirl at 07:38 PM on August 13, 2008
I don't think the media is playing up the Phelps angle too much because I feel that Lezak really has been given credit where credit is due. The Phelps story is huge and this was the one nobody expected him to get. It's not like they're giving Phelps the credit for the win, which would obviously be ridiculous. But if it wasn't for Phelps' involvement I can't imagine that the French would've been talking in the first place, plus now I can name 2 male swimmers for team USA.
posted by captaincavegirl at 08:26 PM on August 11, 2008
I would imagine that Venus and Serena see their father far more clearly than people give them credit for. I'm willing to bet that they've grown up hearing Richard rant about race and probably spend a good deal of time rolling their eyes. If Richard Williams is as wrong-minded as most people seem to think he is, I'm sure his daughters see it too. Granted, they're obviously shaped by his beliefs to an extent but don't most of us consider ourselves more forward-thinking, tolerant, and enlightened than our parents? I don't think it's fair to assume that the sisters are blindly following their father without their own clarity about what occurred at Indian Wells. They know how he is and I have to give them the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't take such a dramatic stance against a tournament without a better reason than "daddy said".
posted by captaincavegirl at 12:44 PM on July 24, 2008
The Redskins are getting one hell of a deal. As a Dolphin fan I love Jason Taylor and I'm sad to see him go, I'll really miss watching him play. I wish he'd have been able to go somewhere where he'd finally get a chance to win.
posted by captaincavegirl at 12:56 PM on July 21, 2008
What if Jackie Robinson boycotted every major league stadium that he heard racial slurs in? Standing up for yourself is a lot more respectable than whining and running away. Just because Jackie Robinson faced such deplorable working conditions doesn't mean that the Williamses should as well. Does anyone think that Jackie Robinson would say, "hey girls, stop whining, suck it up-I did?". Isn't this why Jackie stood up against such remarkable hatred, so that athletes that followed him wouldn't have to? I can get behind the idea that the sisters should go back and kick ass all over that tournament every year, that would be great to watch. That being said, I've got to respect their decision to boycott because that's how they are choosing to stand up for themselves, and I expect that they won't give a second thought to facing a penalty for it.
posted by captaincavegirl at 11:07 PM on July 17, 2008
But this is not ancient rome and the participants are not gladiators,no they are paid athletes,and we are paying spectators who has a ticket given right to cheer and boo as we please without a reason that need explaining Just as the Williams sisters have a given right to stay as far away from Indian Wells as they want. It doesn't matter if the fans' behavior was racially motivated or not; the sisters feel that it was and that alone is enough to justify their avoiding that tournament. I agree that it would be ridiculous for the WTA to punish them for their decision.
posted by captaincavegirl at 03:33 PM on July 17, 2008
ELEVEN years??? Whoa.
posted by captaincavegirl at 08:53 PM on July 13, 2008
I'm really shocked. I've long believed that the vast majority of teams (in any sport) would take a player of Bonds' caliber when the price was right regardless of their list of crimes. I'd like to take this as proof that I was wrong but it's really hard not to be suspicious instead.
posted by captaincavegirl at 11:46 PM on June 27, 2008
Wow, an actual reason to be interested in the hammer throw, cool! I hope he makes the team.
posted by captaincavegirl at 08:03 AM on June 10, 2008
I condemn captaincavegirl just fyi gfinsf... For the cup finals last year I took my kids out of school a whole 30 minutes early. As of right now THIS school year, my daughter has missed one day of school, my son has missed zero. They are both the best-performing students in their respective classes. Save your condemnation for someone else.
posted by captaincavegirl at 11:39 AM on June 07, 2008
Unfortunately this is just what happens when you end up with a Pacific-time team competing against an Eastern-time team, in any league. During last season's Stanley Cup final I had to pull my kids out of school early to make the 5pm happens. The Sundays though, that's just ridiculous.
posted by captaincavegirl at 05:27 PM on June 04, 2008
Assuming that Gretzky gets all credit for bringing hockey to California, it's only been 18 or 19 years. It hasn't really been long enough to produce many NHLers yet and considering that most Cali kids go the college route, we're looking at at another 4 years or so before hotbed status starts kicking in. And ok, fine...maybe "hotbed" wasn't the best choice of words.
posted by captaincavegirl at 11:58 AM on May 31, 2008
Why are there teams in Florida, Arizona, Texas, Southern California, Tennessee, Georgia, or North Carolina? Because someone wanted to fork out the big bucks to buy a hockey team and they wanted to put said team somewhere that sunny-weather-folk could support and enjoy the game, as well as to capitalize on an untapped market. I don't get it when I hear these arguments that certain cities don't like hockey enough or aren't cold enough to have a team. Of course it's bigger in Canada, but should that really mean Anaheim shouldn't have a team, or Los Angeles? I don't think so. Not to mention what these teams mean to the development of USA Hockey. Even though it only snows once a decade here in SoCal, and there's not a frozen pond in sight, kids are playing hockey here every day. National championships are being won at all levels. You'll be hearing about southern California being a hockey hotbed within the next 10 years, just watch, and I hope that will be justification enough.
posted by captaincavegirl at 04:09 PM on May 30, 2008
The Return of Ocho Cinco
I hope he gets that trade he wanted a team where 85's already taken.