Name: | Tim Mitchell |
Member since: | August 01, 2005 |
Last visit: | November 21, 2007 |
tb_mitchell has posted 0 links and 21 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
Frankly, I think that it's annoying to sit at home watching a game, and you can't even hear the commentators because of all the noise from the fans. Not to say they shouldn't cheer, etc., but it's obvious that they are trying to rattle the opposing this the only way that the Astros can win? Bravesfan, I thought the whole deal with home field advantage, in any sport, has to do with the fans being as loud as they can to support their team. It sounds like to me that it happens everywhere but Atlanta. I like the fact that you can't hear at Minute Maid Park. It shows that a city is all about rooting for the home team. I wouldn't watch the game tonight if you don't want to hear tons of screaming fans, because this could be the loudest game in history. And to answer your question, The Astros are 7 - 5 in the postseason and 3 out of 7 wins come on the road. With all that said, we still have to have better relief pitching to win so we'll see what happens! Let's go 'Stros!
posted by tb_mitchell at 08:13 AM on October 25, 2005
I've never seen a team with so much "MO", look so defeated after only two innings. After Oswalt fanned Pujols, he wasn't going to be touched. The next three batters looked scared to death. Good Job, Oswalt! Congrats Astros!
posted by tb_mitchell at 01:07 PM on October 20, 2005
I guess you have to hand it to those "scrappy" ESPN broadcasters for never blowing anything out of proportion.
posted by tb_mitchell at 08:50 AM on October 19, 2005
And BTW, every major city is dirty for the most part! New York, Boston, Chicago, LA, and even St. Louis has it's dirty secrets, I'm sure. Houston is no exception! I thinks it's funny how playoff baseball brings out this kinda hatred, especially if you've never been outside the city limits of your little home town. So, let's sit back, pop a top, and enjoy the ride.
posted by tb_mitchell at 08:30 AM on October 18, 2005
I think that this rivalry could be great for baseball. I think that everytime these teams meet it will be a great game to watch. But, it will only be that great if it doesn't turn into a red sox/yankees thing where people actually fight, stab, throw batteries, hurl insults, and make utter jack asses of themselves over something they really have nothing to do with. Now, I've been a baseball fan for about 25 years and I just don't want this series tainted by idiotic insults by people who never played, or haven't watched until they're team does something good. The cards are still down in the series 3-2, and they're facing Roy Oswald, and if necessary, Roger Clemens. They are great at home in big games so I think it is going to a great game or games.
posted by tb_mitchell at 08:17 AM on October 18, 2005
It doesn't matter where your from or what team you follow, a true sports fan enjoyed this game. 18 innings, everybody played, and a game winning home-run. It's what playoff baseball is all about. Being an Astros fan for years, I have to say that it feels good to be on the winning side of the drama for a change. We can enjoy this for a day, but it's back to business in preparing for the Cards. Should be fun!
posted by tb_mitchell at 08:14 AM on October 10, 2005
I know it's a different day and age, but I think I'd be alittle embarrassed if I got my ass kicked by a kicker. (especially if I was a "bouncer" at bar.) I guess it's time to bring in Patrick Swayze. I think I'll take this guy on my fantasy team! Just to intimidate the other kickers.
posted by tb_mitchell at 07:29 AM on August 18, 2005
Wow! Another male sufing porn on the internet. Hope there's still enough room for me. Football players are human, and not gods, who knew!
posted by tb_mitchell at 03:33 PM on August 17, 2005
Ok, Ok, everybody needs to lighten up. Everybody to my place for Daquaris. We'll call the, "T.O., PLEASE go to the bahamas" party. Be sure to wear your Hawaian shirt. PS T.O., you're not invited.
posted by tb_mitchell at 03:45 PM on August 12, 2005
Did someone say RITALIN?
posted by tb_mitchell at 03:34 PM on August 12, 2005
Does a screaming line drive to the cranium count as a collision? I don't know what's worse, Head-on-collision or pitcher catching a line drive to the dome. Those two get my vote! Either way, I have to say, I'm glad it wasn't me. Yikes! Even an Astros fan couldn't wish that on Beltran. "Taveras for el Presidente'"
posted by tb_mitchell at 09:43 AM on August 12, 2005
verfatma, I appreciate your concern for my education, but I took economics in college. Besides, English Lit is where I had problems. And your point is noted. Now, about Oakland affording T.O. and Moss. They had Brown and Rice, I just don't remember, or don't care enough to research, what they were paid. I just think that would be a perfect place for a perfect loud mouth.
posted by tb_mitchell at 11:35 AM on August 11, 2005
Never underestimate Oakland! They would probably throw a party for him. Personaly, I could see that happening.
posted by tb_mitchell at 10:30 AM on August 11, 2005
lil brown bat, I applaud your knowledge of the veterans that make league minimum to stay in the game. I also know of players, both great and small, who have taken pay cuts to remain on "their" team. These players keep me watching sports, not the "look at me, I'm bigger than life" players. Just one man's opinion. Can we be friends? :)
posted by tb_mitchell at 09:39 AM on August 11, 2005
Jets Fans Gather Each Halftime For 'Show Us Your Tits!' Ritual
Batteries, booze, and tits.... oh my! This is just Jets fan being Jets fan. How could the rest of us feel good about ourselves if we didn't have these clowns? I say the guy who gets the most women to exposed themselves gets free batteries for the rest of the season. Slime on Jets fan.