Philly has a long way to go to get back into it. Sorry, this may not be the place but, i must address this ridiculous statement. The Eagles have i think the most cap room of all the teams, something like 12 million under (5mil alone for letting simon go to the colts). They had the most picks of this years draft. Practically all their subs played this year due to injury and they won 6 games. They get 10 starters and 5 probowlers back from injury next yr. It wont be that long before the road to the superbowl for the NFC goes back thru philly just like the last 4 yrs.
posted by RZA at 06:58 PM on January 09, 2006
Im disgusted. Black fathers where the hell are you. Uncles, Godfathers, Big Brothers, Pastors, why are you missing in action? Why are you living up to the stereotypes that are out there. These Young men need discipline. Its no 1's fault but yours. These young men are being treated like kings by their so called "boys". Its going straight to their head. They live with the belief that they are above what is right, and just. They have this delusion that there is no consequence for their behavior. Black fathers, big brothers, uncles, stop living behind the weak excuse "hey they're grown, there is nothing we can do". Your absence and lack of caring is costing our younger generation their careers and livelihoods. We sit and argue that the "whiteman" is holding us back, while in actuality, we are doing it ourselves. Stop thinking paying child support makes you a father. Look at what some of our young men are doing. They are making fools of themselves and all of us. Their conduct is pathetic on and off the field. Step away from whatever the hell you think is so important, and go spend some fucking time with our next generation. They believe that a promising athletic career is a free pass to conduct themselves how ever the hell they want to. Stop saying "hey they're grown, there is nothing i can do". You can step the fuck up and spend some time with your children, nephews, God-children, and even neighborhood kids before its to late. Mike Vick, go get your fucking brother before you have to sign a piece of paper on a clipboard and talk to him behind safety glass. These young men are listening to the fools around them who dont have shit, and trying to live up to some bullshit rep that its cool to disrespect people and live like a thug and a hard ass. Disrespecting people doesnt make you hard young black man. Being a respectable man in your community and controlling your emotions and your actions does. You're going to feel so damn stupid sitting in that fucking cell saying "what was i thinking"? Its not to late, start right now. Men, talk to your kids. Young blackmen in college, rolling with a fucking posse and disrespecting people is not the answer. Cut those ties you have to whatever could possibly get you in trouble. You're throwing your life away. People can lecture you until they are blue in the face, but its up to you. Stand up and be a man. Work hard. Respect yourself and others. Cut the bullshit "hard" rep loose. Its not going to get you anywhere except prison or the grave-yard. I dont care how cool tupac and biggie made dying, its not something you want to do. Get your fucking shit together, before the warden does it for you.
posted by RZA at 06:40 PM on January 09, 2006
Just offering you some more work grum. Obviously adding Doug williams name there was a mistake by me. He indeed wasnt a running QB. I only meant to add his name when it came to the "pressure of making the right decisions" portion of that comment. I noticed that was your 1st post here. Any thoughts on the topic? Or just disecting me again? And i wont mention that you didnt offer the stats of the other QB's i mentioned. Just an oversight on your part right? You should have offered Williams passing stats from the superbowl that year. Then we could refer to this thread and compare Mannings stats from this years superbowl, provided he makes it. You had an opinion on the thread itself too, right? God knows we dont need to ruin another thread by pointing out other posters errors. Your post would have been fine had you just made mention of the link or the topic. I only offered Williams awsome performance in comparrison to mannings big game performances. He certainly isnt the topic here.
posted by RZA at 03:48 AM on January 09, 2006
tselson, i feel for you man, i really do. Nothing is worse than having your team defeated when you lose what is considered your best player. He his without a doubt a topnotch player. Then to come here and read things like "the best team won" and so on, hurts even worse. Its never the same when the shoe is on the other foot. Atleast the majority here are saying the bengals are good, and showing the team itself respect. You know your team was not at its best but it is being judged as if it was, i really know what you mean. The next thing i offer you is not with bad intent, its just to let you know how it feels to see your team judged poorly here at spofi when they are not at their best. For instance when there is an entire thread about them being quitters or saying they are pitiful when they have lost not 1 but 10 starters, and count them 5 probowlers. Good luck next year, the bengals have a hell of a team.
posted by RZA at 02:22 AM on January 09, 2006
Lets face it, neither manning is a big game QB. You can say payton has passing td records but thats it. So the truth is, neither is a true QB and never will be. You could say mike Vick has rushing records, that doesnt make him a good QB as some of you have pointed out. I wouldnt want none of the mannings QB'ing my team in the big game, all they do is show off for a few plays, get to the line of scrimmage do a bunch of BS fancy dancing around like they are planning an attack on Iraq, or directing a Baptist Church choir, then hand the ball off or go deep. Give me a healthy D. Mcnabb over P manning anyday in a big playoff game. You put Mcnabb on the colts with those receivers and you have a superbowl dynasty in the making. I think they are over rated because they dont run the ball well or make good decisions when the big game is on the line. Elway, Young, Fran Tarkenton*, Doug Williams all ran the ball well in big games. When the pressure was on they made the right decisions. Some of you may argue that P.Manning has this record or that record, but that doesnt make him a Champion. As a matter of fact, in a big game, P. Manning folds faster then a poker player holding 7/2 off suit. If he wants to impress people, he should set some records in the superbowl like Doug Williams did. Until then, he's average at best. Both of them.
posted by RZA at 07:56 PM on January 08, 2006
Cry Cry Cry, How dare he. I wasnt the one mentioning prison. And i wasnt the first to pull the card of some of these idiots mentioning he belongs in prison. Oh, come off it. He doesn't belong behind bars. He just needs to learn sportsmanship before he gets to play big-time football again. posted by chicobangs at 11:52 PM CST on January 6 If some of you fell that he does belong in prison maybe you should debate it with chicobangs. Texan, are you the grand dragon, the skinhead or the nazi? Never tell me how to respond. Its only going to get you exactly what you dont want. You're posting without a damn clue as to what happened: What did he do to get the unsportsmanlike call in the Gator Bowl? I have to admit the big VT-Louisville match-up had me reaching for the remote and searching for Seinfeld re-runs. posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 5:18 PM CST on January 6 wfrazerjr offers his opinion and view point: Texan, he basically stomped on the leg of a Louisville defender at the end of a play. It was complete horseshit and should have gotten him thrown out of the game at the time. It was so blatant, Vick didn't even try to act like it was an accident. posted by wfrazerjr at 5:22 PM CST on January 6 then you post again: Dirty bastard. Thanks for the info wfrazierjr and sad otter. posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 5:29 PM CST on January 6 So you form some "yea lets get him" opinion. Then you tell me what "not" to come back with? Are you fucking serious? You obviously didnt even read the link. If you have no thoughts of your own, why the fuck are posting? Just to be in agreement with someone? Atleast my thoughts are my own. Dont fucking post based on someone elses view point. That adds nothing to this place. Then actually have the fucking nerve to tell someone what and what not to "come back with". Next you'll get someone elses quips, act like its your own, and hope someone says your a funny guy. Not enough attention at home i see. Im not implying he did nothing wrong, im implying that as usual there is the over reaction when it comes to a black athlete, like mentioning prison, welfare, or other black men, mike tyson, dennis rodman etc. If you dont think it has racial overtones you are either a racist yourself or your an idiot. LBB, your comment is basically the same as mine. Give me a fucking break. Mentioning prison? What the hell is wrong with some of you? I make my comment in sarcasm because someone mentions prison. And you say im bitching? The bitching is all the people before me making comments as if the guy that got stomped on is their uncle or something. They want to retaliate on Vick almost like he started a family feud in a trailer park. Some of you take my comments so personal. It shows that you indeed view this as some sort of "oneside vs. the other" type setting. i.e. a "white vs. black" thing maybe. I point out that some people are over reacting, i also point out that people are mentioning other black athletes (T.O. , Terry Glenn, Tyson, Rodman) And i point out that people are calling Detroit and citys like it "shitholes". Marcus Vick is the same caliber idiot as Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman. Hell, in 5 years or so it wouldn't surprise me a bit to hear that they were all living in the same refrigerator packing crate under an overpass in Detroit or some other shithole. posted by jm_mosier at 7:11 AM CST on January 7 You read a comment like this, and then claim im playing the race card. What the fuck does the above comment mean to you? we're not the judge or the jury or the parole board, and we aren't the ones dealing with any of the above alleged criminal matters posted by lil_brown_bat at 1:45 PM CST on January 7 Then why do some of you act like the previous mentioned court authorities everytime you comment? This kid did something stupid and hes off the team for it. But thats not enough. Some want prison, others want no chance at a career. Some want him to try this in the NFL so he can have his bones broken. You're hate is for naught. Stop complaining. I cant wait to see who reads all this. Haters.
posted by RZA at 05:39 PM on January 07, 2006
Grabofsky74, you would actually be surprised how angry im not. I've been reading spofi for about 6 months now. I've actually liked alot of the threads here. Then i began to notice a little discrepancy in the threads. I wanted to see what kind of flack i would catch if i joined and started addressing it. If you want to see real anger to the point of hatred. Go read the thread about M. Vick. Or take another stroll through this one. Or the Vikings players and the boat party. Or any T.O. thread. Some of the folks here at spofi have such a "how dare they" attitude is ridiculous. Now thats real anger. So angry it becomes hatred. I dont hate anyone here, we disagree on things. What kind of place would this be if we all had the same opinion. I dont think anyone should lose their membership. Some things may be offensive to me, but that doesnt mean a person should lose their right to say it. What if someone wanted to stop me from saying what i wanted to say?? Where would it start or stop? Wfrazerjr makes an interesting point. And if the level of discourse from someone falls to the level of physical threats, why allow it to go on? You have come to ask the question that i have asked in the past wfrazerjr. Why should we hold the members here at a higher level above the people we comment about? Is it ok to say, "i would like to whip the shit out of T.O. or to insinuate that a man should be sodomized in jail by his cellmate bubba for stealing a phone because they are not members of spofi? But if you say a member here should be dealt with the same way you have crossed the line? Just another example of the "some of us here are above these lowly men we comment about" mentality. People are people. This isnt the Klan here wfrazerjr. You dont simply get rid of one of the members because they may be collaborators with what you obviously deem to be the enemy. Thats the good thing about the 1st amendment. People like you dont get to choose who should shut up, "take their ball and go home". Thats actually kind of funny. "We'll never convince him to hold our opinions, so just cancel his membership". But in all honesty, you know i would take that tire iron, turn that sumbitch sideways,..and stick it straight up your candy ass. If ya smell... what the ro.... "RZA" cookin. Dont hate me cause ya aint me. Now sit there and think of some dumb shit to say and get to typin.
posted by RZA at 03:34 AM on January 07, 2006
Punk? PrisonQB movies? Behind bars? I should say it was an accident just to piss some of you over reacting scared shitless sissies off. He got caught driving with a suspended license? Oh shit, give his black ass the chair. I also see that this leg stomp gets T.O. an honorable mention on this thread. Did the victim lose his leg or something? Is his career over? Some of you are acting like they had to sew this guys leg back on. Vick is going to play in the league. You dont even get fired from walmart if you get a ticket for driving on a suspended license. Bertuzzi crippled a guy and some of you would argue that his suspension was to long. Stop hating, you look foolish. think the "behind bars" mention was a reference to some of Mr. Vick's off-the-field transgressions... YOU DONT GO TO JAIL FOR DRIVING WITH A SUSPENDED LICENSE M. Clarett steal cellphone-20yrs to life M.Vick suspended license/leg stomp-20yrs to life T.bertuzzi cripple man with blind side attack/end his career- 1 yr suspension from playing a game. Hmm??
posted by RZA at 02:31 AM on January 07, 2006
He is better than Butkus or Singletary ever were He's good. but you must have fell and hit your head on something hard. Better than D. Butkus? There are no words to describe how far off you are on this one. I would only assume that you're a new fan of football, or you're a teenager. Those would be the only 2 legitimate excuses for making a statement like that. Oh yea, maybe you're related to him. Ok, 3 reasons for making that statement. Imagine top college linebakers winning the "brian bosworth" i mean, the "brian urlacher" award.
posted by RZA at 01:52 AM on January 07, 2006
You're sissy ass is somewhat excused because you're a perfect example of a 15 yr old kid whos had or going to have everything handed to him and you've been taught nothing more than to disrespect adults. Your father should have whipped your ass for the mouth you have on you. You have no idea what context that was written in because your reading only bits and pieces of whats being written. But you being a little punk is not going to be a good enough excuse for long. And you are one of the white kids im talking about, i mean "ying yang mafia"? Please. This time you've stuck your nose in a little to far punk. Dont type things you wouldnt say face to face. I think its best for you to stay in a childs place. I have never talked about what i've been through until now in a context to which you do not understand. But you were looking to share your true feelings anyway. I'd love to teach you the things your father has failed to, starting with slapping you right in your mouth. Stop looking for a "way to go kid", or a "you told him dude" when it comes to things that are above your understanding. This is no time for you to try to get "some love from the homies" because your father is failing to show you any. I should slap your father for letting you think your ass is grown, ya damn wannabe yingyang fake eminem. But he's only to blame for letting you be raised by cable TV. Thats why your sideways hat wearing punk ass thinks hes down. Continue watching cribs, while you run up daddys credit card bill loading your ipod with eminem and offspring music. You're pretty fly for a white guy, right? Now lets watch and see which dumbass positively reinforces your ignorantly learned behavior.
posted by RZA at 02:08 AM on January 06, 2006
Could you whine about how tough your life's been a little more? I can almost hear the violins playing in the background A more accurate statement: Who gives a shit nigger, screw you and whatever you've been through. People like you are not important to the make-up here. And no-1 cares. The _black_hand, i certainly wasnt looking for compassion from the likes of you. Something offends you and it should be addressed with all manner of seriousness. You have no idea who i am or what i've seen or been through, and yet you basically say "screw you, get over it". Thats cool, i wasnt really looking for a pat on the back. I merely felt maybe an explanation was in order. The sad thing about people like you is, one day you will try to get someone to understand why you are the way you are, or why you express yourself the way you do. Unfortunately, when that time comes, you will receive the same lack of acceptance and or understanding as you have chosen to display here to me. Then you will sit and wonder, in that small mind of yours, why someone like you never ends up happy. When you sew the wind, you WILL reap the whirlwind. Its just a matter of time. Reap it. you're arguing on the basis that it's because they're black that we point it out dfleming, i dont expect the majority of your little group of "WE" to understand anything. Again i was responding to 1 person asking what my point was. All i offered to that one person was the thought of atleast trying to understand why i make my points the way i do. It's a lot easier to understand if you act in a way that's understandable. A more accurate statement: Its alot easier to accept if you act in a way thats acceptable to "US". Lets not fool anyone, you understand exactly how i act, and you dont like it at all. What you dont understand is why. You dont want to understand, and you never will. Will your refusal of understanding why force me to "act" in a way thats acceptable to you. Never. How is you coming in here being narrow-minded and self righteous with this "act how we think you should act" going to solve anything?
posted by RZA at 04:46 PM on January 05, 2006
wfrazerjr, you may find this odd but, i swear to you that my comment to my brother the day before yesterday was.... "if alot of these new rock groups are the "jackass's of mtv, then the whitestripes are the tom green show". they say great minds think alike, no matter the cultural background. Damn, 3 posts in a row and no racialphobia comments. i'm going to lose my rep.
posted by RZA at 02:47 PM on January 05, 2006
LBB, im not trying to be sarcastic or anything. But if you've never been placed in a jail cell by 2 white policeman for something you didnt do, got your ass beat unconscious, sat there for 2 days not knowing what was going to happen to you. No phone call, no food, no water, clogged toilet, roaches and ants, no where to sit or laydown. Then police find out you're not black/spanish, you're italian , 10 minutes after they discover this, you get your phone call, medical attention, you get a warm meal and something to drink and you get released on your own recognizances only to have the charges dropped after you're proved innocent. You will never ever ever understand what my point is. And believe me when i say this, lucky you. If you've never had your own father, the man you respect and love and honor the most tell you to "de-nigger" before you come into my house from the time you were 8 yrs old until he passed away when you were 20, you will never understand or know my point. lucky you If you've never loved a woman/man so much that you would give your life just to spend 1 more day with them and for that you get called nigger lover over and over and over by the people who are suppose to be your family, you will never know or understand my point. Lucky you I dont fault you for not knowing or understanding my point but i do ask that you just maybe try alittle to understand why some people in this world may be a little angry. I'm not asking you to like it or accept it. Im just asking that you try to understand.
posted by RZA at 11:49 PM on January 04, 2006
Jack White= the new Prince/Hendrix, and i dont say that lightly. Im a huge Prince fan, and Jack White displays that kind of genius.
posted by RZA at 11:12 PM on January 04, 2006
Im about to lay a confession on everyone since i'm feeling all fuzzy and shiot. But i cant yet....i gotta wait until my assignment is complete. Chicobangs, at the risk of being stoned by your fellow RZA haters, thanks for being honest. jerseygirl, the quadruple honky was way over whelming, i felt like superman when he had that chain of kryptonite around his neck, i was powerless...i got the sudden urge to talk about the weather or politics, sports even. i definitely found myself in new territory.
posted by RZA at 11:07 PM on January 04, 2006
StolenAgnel, well put Sister and God bless. "HE" indeed is real. Your testimony is proof of the Truth of the following; Mark (6:31)-(6:34) "Therefore take no thought saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof". yerfatma, why would you post? Its hardly offensive to you. The_Black_Hand, you change my statement and then based your comments on what you changed it to, rather than what i actually posted. Since you felt the need to point out my inadequacies in regards to helping my race, why not share the things you have added that help the cause of the blackman in america? There is nobody else in this thread announcing their ethnicity as loudly or confrontationally as I am You see, there in lays the difference between the person that StolenAngel may represent vs. the person i represent (in some of your opinions). As long as someone from the ghetto rises above the tribulations of it, they may be acceptable to you. But someone like claret is unacceptable to you in the condition he may be in now. I got news for you, whether he is doing right or wrong, he is still the same person that needs the same God that we all need, and even more so than some of us who have become more successful. 1 mistake doesnt erase your chance at salvation on any level or what you yourselves deem as success or salvation. He may first of all not be guilty, secondly he may repent ( or have already repented) for what he has done. God may very well put him on top of the NFL. But all some of you will choose to see is the black man from the "ghetto" who stole someones cell phone. My point (no matter how confrontationally i come across) remains the same. Stop looking at what people are and start realizing what they can become. By doing so you may just help them become it. Or maybe thats not what some of you want.
posted by RZA at 07:57 PM on January 04, 2006
Actually, i've had this thread up for about a 1/2 hour trying to find the secret racism towards the blackman in it. But with the honky honky honky, and the smack talk on Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger and Elton John im confused as hell. I dont know what to do. You all did this on purpose. I'm melting.... melting....... melting
posted by RZA at 06:56 PM on January 04, 2006
You know something dfleming, im not actually looking to find "buddies" at a sports forum on the internet. We can agree or disagree. Its no big deal. But alot of times i say the things i do to draw the type of reaction i have gotten from you. Heres why. Scroll up and look at how my response to the racists was treated, and yet none of the so called spofi veterans responded to the initial racism that was expressed (the ghetto boy comment/welfare). Now you'll make a point to tell me a good way to "make friends" here, but the actual racism on this thread was kinda swept under the rug. I drew a 4 paragraph reaction to my post from you. And yet you made no comment at all about some of the racist things said about claret. You took what i said more personally because it was directed towards your race. Its the samething with me. You see, in a way, your doing the samething i am doing. You are responding to something you found somewhat offensive. Maybe your response isnt as aggressive as mine is, but how often to you find racist threads here towards whites? I make a few comments on 1 thread about whites, 5 people respond. 40% of the posts here have some sort of racial overtone to them towards blacks, 1 1/2 blackman responds and its borderline unacceptable. Which is worse? Me being offended and lashing out, or the racially biased comments like mentioning welfare or the word "boy" when referring to a black man? You responding to me makes me believe that you find me being offended more offensive than the racism that was displayed here towards african americans. Its almost like you're saying "we'll never be able to control racism by the whiteman towards blacks, but we'll damn sure try to control how a blackman displays his being offended". Whats your opinion on this comment? At least if he is in jail we can keep an eye on him, otherwise our tax money will be taking care of him in the form of welfare and he will be on the loose terrorizing innocent people who are trying to make an honest living Theres one more thing absent here. There is no other african american present on this thread offering you different options on "how to get along with us" or saying maybe you shouldnt have responded the way you did towards me. Or demanding that you "take heed". Do you see where im going with this at all?
posted by RZA at 03:40 AM on January 04, 2006 Friday, December 16, 2005 DNA mutation accounts for white skin Penn State University scientists claim to have discovered a genetic mutation responsible for the emergence of white skin between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. From the Washington Post: The work suggests that the skin-whitening mutation occurred by chance in a single individual after the first human exodus from Africa, WHEN ALL PEOPLE WERE BROWN-SKINNED. That person's offspring apparently thrived as humans moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world's races. Oh the weakness and stupidity of an unlearned man. To actually hate something they use to be. This discovery didnt come from Georgetown or Virginia Union either. It was made by majority white scientists at a majority white school. My question is, why is it about twice a month, there is some negative thread about a black athlete on sportsfilter? Is there nothing else in the world of sports to talk about? I think its due to this type of forum being one of the weakest forms of self expression. People say things here that they would never say face to face. Its becoming more of a venting place for some weak minded individuals who hate the fact that they have to hold their tongue in public for fear of being dealt with accordingly. Or it could be mere jealousy. There are so many successful young black men making a life for themselves in the world of sports, that a weak nonblack man has to point out every single negative thing certain black men do to make himself feel better. If Claret is guilty and goes to jail for life, it wont change the fact that he won a national championship as a freshman. I bet 80% of the men here couldnt even make their high school baton twirling team. So this seems like a good place to talk shit and feel like you're getting revenge. Majority of champions in all weight classes of boxing-black or hispanic/mexican. NFL-majority black. MLB-majority non-white (black/hispanic) NBA-nuff said. Golf-Tiger (black/asian). NHL(had to cancel a entire season/lack of interest/no money) Majority white. Majority of soldiers fighting in the war in Iraq non-white. Majority of senators and state reps. white. Maurice claret may or may not have pointed a gun at someone and stole their cell phone- black. Majority of the people involved in the enron scandal-white. Majority of people involved in the California energy scandal-white. Young black men will continue to dominate the world of sports, and young (and old) "NON" black men will continue to join sports forums to complain about it. Keep on hating, its making us stronger. After a few more Jerome Iginlas, we'll have the NHL too. Then all that will be left is driving cars in a circle real fast, that takes alot of athletic ability huh?
posted by RZA at 03:20 AM on January 03, 2006
Very well put LostInDaJungle. Some people forget its a game when they have their rent money riding on the out come. Then you have the guy whos' life goes as his team goes. i.e. the team loses, he grounds his kids and beats his wife. His team wins and its Mcdonalds for dinner tonight. Some of us lose our grip on the "game" aspect of ...well...the game.
posted by RZA at 08:18 PM on January 02, 2006
Actually, the only reason i considered that a form of backing was due to the fact that they (rahmer, moneymaker) did have financial obligations to ps.n after winning. So, in comparison, i meant that if you back someone that otherwise cant pay their own way into the tourny, maybe theres a chance that they would end up like a rahmer or a moneymaker, thats all. It was a response to "why back someone that cant pay their own way into the main event". My answer was, they may end up like a moneymaker or a rahmer. Ya just never know. Some of these guys look at it like they're betting on horses. Even if there are long odds against, they see it as buying a lottery ticket for say 5 grand, the prize pool being a % of 7.5 million. You just never know how the cards are going to fall. And God forbid if you end up at the same table as the person you backed, you just increased your odds by a truck load. Some of these die hards are just all out gamblholics.
posted by RZA at 08:10 PM on January 02, 2006
The fucking statue of liberty could fall over and it wouldnt hurt any solid point i have made here. No matter how angry i come across, dont ever think my emotions outweigh the fucking disgust of racism. Just another one of those people that think "yea maybe you should be offended, but only be as offended as I think you should be"! Yet again, address the respondant, never the aggressor. What the hell, white power......right?
posted by RZA at 04:31 AM on January 02, 2006
Hey Ufez, i have no problem with addressing the points in my post. But just to make it look like you dont follow me around waiting to see what i write, why not, after you verbally "lash" my every comment, add something about the thread. You make it seem as if me addressing the issue is worse than the issue itself. Notice how you were sure to highlight my racial slur, but make no mention of the "boy" comment i was referring to. Its almost like you're saying, "I'M not a racist, but i dont appreciate you standing up for your race the way you do". Any thoughts on this thread? On the racist comments posted here? And if so, why do i have to milk you to get them? I just feel like maybe you should be offended by the thread first instead of 1 persons comments. Unless of course, this sort of thing doesnt offend you at all. And if my email address doesnt permit itself, just bite your tongue. If indeed you are not "one of the racists above" (which was my statement) why are you so offended as to address me directly and add nothing about the topic?
posted by RZA at 04:23 AM on January 02, 2006
Well put ying yang. However, there will always be people like drevl who has to let everyone know who he considers a jackass. drevl, they will never "drop the ball and head back to the sidelines". They will catch a pass for no gain and jump up like they just bitched slapped your mother. However, i dont think it will damage your children mentally, and the stock price of the business you work for will not suffer. Im not sure what has lesser value, the dances the "jackasses" do or the opinions we have about it. The funny thing to me is, the people who continue to watch the "jackass" after he makes the catch. You know he is going to do some sort of foolish dance, and yet you refuse to look away. Why do you continue to traumatize yourselves? You're secretly looking for new moves to try at the club arnt you? Tell the truth!
posted by RZA at 01:06 AM on January 02, 2006
Im not sure what to do. There is controversy before i've posted. Anyway, I think poker is another attempt to hold the black man down. How come phil ivey and phil helmuth have the same first name, but you see helmuth twice as much?......Calmdown, im kidding. Quick side note, greg rahmer was accused of collusion on pokerstars before he won the world series. While i understand what greenstien means when he says "why back a player who cant scrape up the buy-in himself". I would say because they may turn out to be a rahmer (who was backed the year he won) or moneymaker (who won his seat from a $40 buy in satellite thus being backed by pokerstars) thats why. Is it ethical to back a player in a tournament in which you yourself are competing? Maybe not, but I cant remember the last "ethical" card game i was in.
posted by RZA at 12:48 AM on January 02, 2006
I think RZA may actually have a platform here I thought i saw the bat signal. No sooner said then done. Yet another disgraceful thread for people like the racists above to spout off about a black man. Hatred breeds hatred. There is no convincing spofi to address threads like this. I mean, we have to have regular members like chico constantly request that the personal (racist) shit be taken to email. If clarret isnt an NFL player, why is this thread here? Isnt this a sports forum? No threads about the NBA stay in school program. No threads about the white owners jacking up the prices of the fucking tickets and robbing us blind. We need more threads about a black man that tried to play pro sports is "wanted" for questioning in regard to a robbery that he may or may not have committed. Now he's from the ghetto and on welfare. At least if he is in jail we can keep an eye on him, otherwise our tax money will be taking care of him in the form of welfare and he will be on the loose terrorizing innocent people who are trying to make an honest living What innocent person is strolling behind a bar at 2:00 am. If anything its a drug deal gone bad, and 1 of the people high was the owner/manager of the bar who bought the gold medal flower and thought it was coke. But, spin it as you wish cracker. What else can you do? You certainly cant defend yourself, so just lie and make yourself look like a pitiful victim. The actual guy guilty was probably seen "asking" clarret for an autograph before the bar closed and this is the spin they put on it. You know all black folk are related and hang together. Pretty soon thread headlines will just read "fuck you nigger" please post accordingly. Now the sad thing is, they will probably remove my post. Hows that for censorship.
posted by RZA at 12:15 AM on January 02, 2006
Oh, how I wish Chad Johnson to be paralysed from the neck down! Am I bad? Too bad! My opinion is wasted on the pansies. They want to have their pixie dances. Dance, sissies, dance! If that's what you live for! I take it he scores on your team alot. I think there is a clinical term for this, something like Multiplhatersclorosis.
posted by RZA at 02:44 AM on December 31, 2005
Hmm, and to think i've been accused of trying to "fight" with everyone. An entire post to point out a word misspelled by 1 letter? UniqueFreak, 1 thing you must understand is that there are people here that will disagree with you. Some just point it out differently. 1 may disagree with a lucid, well thought out rebuttal. Others will say that you typing in caps actually hurts their eyes and they call it "yelling". However, your opinion on after touchdown celebrations is a little off. In the NHL, when a player scores, teammates gather to congratulate the goal scorer. Should they not do this because they are losing? This maybe infact what they need to get their confidence back, to maybe change momentum. Confidence and the belief that you can win in pro sports is sometimes as important as talent. (see every great sports upset in history). So, just as i made the remark about people agreeing/disagreeing differently here at spofi, some people display their confidence differently. Some talk a good game, some play a good game. Some do both (i.e Michael Jordan). When you're winning you feel good, when you're losing you feel bad. These are called emotions. People express their emotions differently. Its a waste of time to complain about why someone doesnt like a post TD dance when it has nothing to do with the outcome of the game. We use to call these people sore losers. If you want to stop the celebration, whip their ass in the game to the point that all they can do during or after the game is hold their head down. Asking a player not to celebrate is like asking the fans not cheer until the game is over. Atleast you dont see players taking their shirt off in 20 below temps and painting half their body the color of the team. My question is, why give a shit whos dancing if you're up 42 to zip.
posted by RZA at 11:01 PM on December 30, 2005
It ain't what you do," said the custodian. "It's how you do it. This should read, It ain't what you do said the CHAMP. It's how you do it. It didnt read, "said the truck unloader", or "said the "volunteer". Its well known that He was not an educated man, but how many of us can say "I beat Ali" and then my son beat Larry Holmes. 1 of the best father/son teams in sports. Keep your head up CHAMP. Remember that there is never honor in what we do, The honor is in how we do it! God bless you and yours this Christmas.
posted by RZA at 04:08 AM on December 26, 2005
Everett, you may have a point , however this ron artest thread came 4 days after a previous artest thread, so i figuerd this all should have been added to the other thread. It just seems if the person in question is black, there seem to be more threads about i.e TO. I'll reffer you to one major example here on spofi. Ron artest is assulted during a game, he doesnt know if more cups of beer are coming at him, so in the confussion he thinks he sees who did it, he goes into the stands to defend himself (at that time he had just been shoved in the face by wallace and he walked away). He gets suspended for a year. Ty domi gets assulted by a fan who accidently falls into the penalty box while leaning on the glass. Was the fan irate and out of control, sure he was. Did he kick the glass out and throw a full plastic cup of beer on ty? no he didnt. ty domi hits him with a few jabs. Nothing came of it at all. Ty was defending himself. Fans run onto the court in detroit, jermaine o'neil defends himself( the same way ty did) he gets criminal charges pressed, fined and suspended from work. Why? explain it? Is fighting ok in a majority white sport because they grow up with violence? No, young black men are suppose to be brought up in a violent culture right? isnt that the stereotype? Why can 2 white men kick the shit out of eachother on national TV in a professional sport (NHL). On some of the same networks that air basketball games. And its ok. TO fights with a former teamate and he should be hung. Jermaine O'Neil does the same exact thing as Ty domi, one gets fined,suspended, charges, the other gets nada. Last but not least i offer these threads. Please note the comments on the thread about the fan running onto the field and taking the ball from bret farve. Notice the majority of the comments(not all) are similar. They all thought that farve or another player should have, blasted,knock down, mame, otherwise bitch slap the idiot that ran onto the field. but in contridiction, observe how harsh the majority of the people here were towards artest and O'neil. Keep in mind, farve never got touched at all with anything. the guy that came at farve wasnt menacing or threatening in anyway. The guys that came on the court in detroit had fists up ready to go. This is what im referring to. some of us are being racists when we dont even know it. Racism is alive and well in america. and its alive and well right here on spofi. I'll list the thread names incase the links dont work. detroit brawl thread additional thread about artest(one wasnt enough like TO threads) Farve thread Note how on the farve thread the majority of posters think a player or security should hammer the guy. On the contrary, majority of posters on both brawl at the palace threads think artest, o'neil and jackson got what they deserved.
posted by RZA at 06:23 AM on December 24, 2005
Willnothrill, you'll know better next time than to stick your new nose where it doesnt belong. you should have atleast waited 6 months before trying to impose yourself into something that you have no idea where it stems from. But like most new members that wade thru these threads looking for a place to insert themselves with the hope that the majority will "like them" and "think they're witty", you actually have had no point what so ever. What has been your point? To annouce to the rest "who already knew" that someone was using the wrong spelling of a single word? Tell me what you think you gained by interjecting something so meaningless? Do you think you gained acceptance? Do you now feel like you're on the "winning team". Do you feel more confident about posting now? Or was your single selfcentered objective achieved when i addressed you directly? Is it possible that a person would require attention so much as to insert themselves into a off topic pointless argument over the internet?? Now that you have done so, please share your true reason for why you immposed yourself? Does the correct form of the word "clique" vs "click" have that much meaning to you? Or were you telling the truth when you wrote "you were confused when you first saw the word click, and you didnt know what i was trying to say"? If so, you mean to tell me that everyone else involved knew, and you didnt? Or maybe your intention was to give "your opinion about me" without feeling like you were just piling it on where it definitly wasnt needed. So, you address a pointless error, then you lie about being "actually confused", you reach your objective by having me address you, then all you had to add was this point is reveal you own biggotry need to quell you own anger Tell me how much of a dialogue there would be if we all pointed out, or had a complete post on spelling grammatical errors? I think maybe you have accomplished your true objective. You now have the attention of the arguement directed specifically on yourself. Why is it so hard for you to admit the truth?? You knew exactly what i meant when i used the word click. You didnt "try your hardest" to stay out of this foolishness. You tried your hardest to insert yourself into this foolishness. And now that you have done so much to cover up why you are even involved in this. What next? Does it actually make you feel better now that you have typed your worthless opinion in this thread? Do you think you've gained some new "internet" buddies or do you think you've made yourself look like a complete idiot by admitting that when you see my name in a thread you deem it illegitimate, yet you go as far as lying to get yourself thru the door of this one. Whats that make you? A seeker of illegitimacy? Or just more of a hypocrite than even you claim me to be? Please 'will the thrill" (clever) force more of your worthlessness on us, you're one of my last personality types, this ought to be good.
posted by RZA at 12:14 PM on December 22, 2005
funny a black man though to be a disgrace by a redneck pabst blue ribbon drinking (half black lmao) white nigger from CA but loves "john elway". Crackers like you make me sick. Actually saying you're half black so no others will call your comments offensive. How does it feel to wannabe? And to know that even ron artest looks like a model citizen compared to your punk ass. Get over the "half black" thing white boy, its to obvious. cracker
posted by RZA at 11:24 AM on December 22, 2005
But if it didn't strike a nerve, and you feel that you have discussed it enough, then why try to shut down the discussion of others? Just decline, stay away, go start a thread about something else. But don't try to tell other people that they should shut up because the subject's been discussed enough. posted by lil_brown_bat at 4:09 PM CST on December 16
posted by RZA at 01:21 AM on December 22, 2005
LBB, my favorite, sweetheart this is rage: Nor, I think, can you make the case that the jurisdiction in which these players were indicted has a burgeoning problem in sexual predators (and, really, who gives a shit if they're online or any other damn thing?), that they need to be attending to in an urgent manner. Funny thing is, you were the first to feel insulted, and the first to use profanity. Oddly enough, after several offers by me (the person you wanted to convince the most)indicating that maybe "we" were both jumping the gun and drawing prejudicial conclusions, you rejected my statements even further, going as far as "throwing a fit" with the entire "you're right about everything" post. There was no compromising with you at all. Me arguing that maybe it was blown out of proportion enraged you to the point that you started pointing out my typos, just to prove that i was capable of making a mistake and you wouldnt stop until you could prove it. You are definitely 1 of the 1's here that is almost incapable of seeing another persons point, regardless of how they present it to you. That type of emotional behavior is rooted in a deep pain that you suffered at some point in your life. It also indicates that something must have happen to you where you were the victim of something harsh and cruel and when you first presented the matter, someone you cared about deeply did not believe you. You have been a most interesting case study so far. im looking forward to sharing my findings with you after this is all said and done. However, i must continue, i have 2 more personality types to examine. They have evaded me thus far, but im sure they will show themselves soon enough.
posted by RZA at 01:07 AM on December 22, 2005
Hey skydivemom, you're another type here at spofi im attempting to expose. Those trolling around threads , just looking for an argurement. What will that get you? Further acceptance in some CLICK thats useless, you will be a part of those who will regret some of their own posts when this little experiment is complete. Skydivemom, i called her a control freak after the "manish" remark. women can be control freaks. I did not make reference to her acting like a man by being a control freak. i was obviously reffering to previous comments and the way they were made (being mentally forceful, narrowminded and abusive) all negative personality traits predominately exhibited by men (according to surveys taken at divorce seminars conducted at 20 different battered womens shelters on the east coast). Willnothrill, grade your own grade school grammatical/spelling errors. Here is yet another one, gets offended by what is directed towards someone 1 else, yet wants to be a part of the arguement so bad, he spends countless minutes trying to find the slieghtest little opening where he can project himself into a bunch of pointless bantor. The real question is, why would someone want to take part in any activity like this? The answer is coming.
posted by RZA at 12:35 AM on December 22, 2005
Shut me the fuck up, are you kidding. You both are useless, cant you face that. Two whiteboys that wish they were ron artest of all people. Deal with it. if you dont like the words you're seeing close your eyes and dont read them. if artest is a tool, what is your sorry ass. you're on the internet hating and arguing over a millionaire that dont give a shit about your walmalrt, car detailing loser ass. whats that make you? i mean Look at your name "B-RAD JEEZY. LMAO your punk trailor park ass swears your black. keep trying sucker. you might get a walmart promotiom and make enough money to get out of your moms basement "wanna" B rad greasy.
posted by RZA at 12:10 AM on December 22, 2005
Last and least, LBB, here we have a woman who fills here days with typing all the arguments she wishes she could have with a man, on the internet. Its so obvious in the tone of her comments here that she has been left by every man(really only 3)that she has ever been with. So, every time there is a thread about any man (white or black...well more so black) that gets out of line in anyway. She pounces on it the same way she pounces on her vibrator. She has noone in her life to spend christmas with, she'll be 1 of 3 people (lilmomo will be another) adding comments to spofi about how all men should die because she has found the her true soulmate(yourfatmama), however yourfatmama has tried on several occasions to convince her that what they did at the spofi meeting picnic was just her experimenting with her masculine side and she really isnt bicurious. LBB, here it is, what all people here want to say to you, but dont want to hurt your feelings. YOU ARE NOT A MAN!!! No matter how hard you try to force your opinons on people. When will you get it? Your alone in life because of that manish attitude of yours. Stop being a control freak. You will die alone, if you dont. Its no fault of anyone here. So stop taking it out on innocent new members of spofi. And last but not least. No matter how how hard any of you try, you will never every control african americans anymore. We are taking over this country. We wanted to take your favorite thing first, sports. You are all so obviously jealous that you lack the athletic ability of black folk. All you can do is make up internet websites amongst yourselves to talk about how much black athletes bother you. And the sad part is, do you know what you'll do abou it? Nothing, you'll keep tuning in to watch us dominate your favorite sport and keep our paychecks rising. thanks whitey. Karmas a bitch aint it. We dont need reparations, we're getting them thru our paychecks from sports and entertainment, while you assholes serve us drinks at our orgies we have on boats. My the tide has turned hasnt it?????? remember when you were whipping us and raping our women? Now your women (the ones worth having anyway) dream of being with a black athlete or rapper or actor. Your kids run around with their pants hanging off their ass because they think that makes them like us. But you'll never be us though its not for a lack of trying. Yea, you still hate us, its just jealousy now. REAP THE WHIRLWIND OF SLAVERY WHITEBOY go buy your son/daughter our next album/jersey/sneaker/movie or video game for Christmas. Payback is a biotch aint it. I would say politics is next, but we dont need that underpaying shit. Shaq makes the presidents yearly salary by half time of every basketball game his team plays (whether hes in it ir not). keep hating
posted by RZA at 07:53 PM on December 21, 2005
tselson, here we have a white guy chiming in using mark chmura of all people as an example. i see you're point tselson, now go back to defending child molestors. "whats wrong with being 31 at a prom party"? enough said, i do believe that you were one of the guys on that tv show about the sting set up to catch internet prowlers. Now if that was TO instead of chmura, there wuold still be threads about it here on spofi calling for his head. but since he was white, our click will let it slide.
posted by RZA at 07:16 PM on December 21, 2005
Lilmomo, you obviously were summoned by the click captain. You have no idea what the hell is going on, yet you chime in with the same quickness you displaywhen finishing sex with your boyfriend. Another expossed member of this click. hint, find some friends outside of the internet. are you the 40 yr old virgin guy? Or was that movie based on your life? next time you want to display racism, just call someone a nigger if your sissy ass dares. or you can just continue to put your tail between your legs everytime you're confronted by a black man in everyday life. im sure you've been waiting for the moment that you could join the spofi gang up on a person of color thread. You are obviously here to try to be funny, so one of the overweight women( if i can call them that) will show some sort of interest in you and hopefully it will lead to voice chat. Leave the porn alone, you're going to hurt yourself. lmao. And relax with the caps ya ass, its going to get read. thats an underlying problem you have calling attention to yourself. You struggle with attention in real life like that aswell probably. My only concern is, how long you actually sat at your pc to think of all that. you spent over an hour trying to get it right so people would think " you're the funniest". Now that funny
posted by RZA at 07:10 PM on December 21, 2005
Tron? 1 thing. Did you actually click on my name, follow the link, to see everything i posted? Another 1 with to much time on his hands. Hint, get a girlfriend/boyfriend. whichever way you swing. or go out with your cousin elway fan. im sure you and him can find someone to pretend linch. i cant believe you would try to look at everything a person posts here. Lift some weights cracker.
posted by RZA at 06:57 PM on December 21, 2005
Are you fucking walmart shopping crackers that hrd up for friends in life, that you have to make this you're entire day? I'm having trouble between posting at work and firing some posts off be fore i goto bed, i cant keep up. There is a clinical diagnosis on what you guys are displaying, but i currently have it narrowed down to 4 mental ailments. i'll be glad to post the final 3 and then you each can choose. It's like you have a secret republican,dennis miller wannabe gang. And you all want to impress eachother so much, that you wil do or say anything. For example, yerfatma, you werent posting on this thread at all recently. What made you chime in as you do? You know what i mean. You get into debate after to debate that you cant win, so you "root" for one of your slow witted "debate typing militia" click members to accomplish what you couldnt? Or were you just killing time by "surfing"? MY nex qeustion is were you actually following the arguement in its entirty? And if so, Why? Do you have that much time on your hands? I gotta hint for ya.....Move!!!!!, get your blood flowing, step away from the candy, im kidding, lmao. But i will say, You're fat Mama!
posted by RZA at 06:52 PM on December 21, 2005
You better than everyone else, no life having, cant control anythingin your life so you try to impose you will and witt on a fucking website assholes. Since im probably 1 of 4 african americans (and obviously the only 1 that will speak his mind)here. I will not sit by and read these repeated threads about some black athlete that people just dont like. No1 gives a fuck about what any of you low life crackers think about a person thats better of than you in life. Its so obvious that some of you are furious about the way "some" of the african american athletes condcut themselves. So you come to a place like this forum, and cry, cry ,cry. A basketball player asking for a trade is hardly fpp news unless its one of the top 10 players in the league. If john barry or bob sura ask for a trade, it never makes this website as an fpp. But since its a black athlete that most white people dont like, it deserves 2 fpps in 1 week, just so you can make yourselves feel better in life by bashing him. If this was a white player (who averages 19 points per game) this wouldnt have been posted at all, let alone twice. im sick of reading this accepted subliminal form of racism. So everytime i see it, i will address it. Now, normally a thread like this would have been addressed by admin, and the poster would have been advised to just add comments such as these to the current thread running. However, this shit is getting more and more acceptable and some of you know what im saying is partly true if you dont agree with me entirely. Then chico you say not to respond off topic, then you do exactly that. WTF? if you feel strongly about something you can respond, but if its something you dont agree with, you just threaten the persons first ammendment right to say how they feel by saying they will lose their posting ability? SIC? the only interest in this bullshit was to get exactly what you got. Kids and grown ups that act like kids saying they want to "punch artest in the face" and how a coach would "lose" his respectablity if he went after artest. Elway fans attitude and comments speak for themselves. There was enough of this shit on the artest post 4 days ago. Just like there was enough on the first 4 TO bash posts. Noone gives a shit about bashing some black athlete anymore. Except obvioulsy some of the skinhead/klan members here. So with the freqeuncy of the bash the black athlete posts that i see. I will continue to check this bullshit like it or not. My email address is Email away. Whats wrong? You crackers arnt use to a black man speaking up here? Note my posts on the thread about rose, i've shown more than once that i have no problem talking sports. But if its up to me, these racist post are going to slow down if not stop. You want to bash a black man? Go to your local mall and bash the first one you see. Whats the matter? No pc to hide behind? You wont, You,ll just sit there and continue being intimidated. I have a feeling this post will be addressed by admin. But i have a feeling they'll continue to leave the post calling me a nigger up. whats that say about the people who "volunteer" here? Sic, post another "lets bash this black guy some more"thread, consider it hijacked. i dont give a shit how many times you wannabe sports writer half wit clowns, call people names (troll). I wish i was in the locker room the day you assholes thought of that. "hey what can we call someone that "we" think acts like an ass"...."hey, lets say george michael is gay", and then nobody post anymore"!! "No No, thats to long", lets just call them a troll and post a pic of a train wreck" OK OK "thats cool"... yea guys lets all do it. "yeaaaaaa we're cool". But, 2 people that didnt form a click here, that aggressivily disagreed with eachother are 7 year olds? thats just ridiculous. Some of you people live for this shit, i say bash a man to his face. You want to dislay some racism? Do it to a black man when you see him at your local store. otherwise, i will be checking that bullshit here. Delete this free account because you disagree with me, and i'll just start another 1 on 1 of the 65 pc's i repair a day, or on 1 of my laptops with the 8 dial up networks i have access to. thats aprox. 70 different ip. addresses. you cant get rid of me. So begin to chill with most of the racist threads here, or maybe yahoo wont want to offer this forum as a link on their home page options. Believe me they dont want to be linked to anything that has to do with racism this day and age. Media and internet giants shun it like cancer when it might be asscoiated with them, and they shout it to the mountain tops when they hear about it. Even more so when it comes from someone in the entertainment industry. So, either do something about it, or all "bash the black athlete" threads are going to end up just like your poster boy brett farve, in the toilet.
posted by RZA at 06:34 PM on December 21, 2005
Aw, your right, it is klan, and i see you pulled the old summon my spofi click when the going gets rough. Come now yerfatma, you're quick to address this discussion on racism, yet you were silent when i showed the old threads about the man running on the field with farve vs. the white guys that ran on the court in detroit? Chosing your comments wisely i see. LBB: "How not? You were the one who headed off into the weeds with your talk about them innernet sexual predators". I think you were going for "internet" as opposed to the "innercircle" you people have here. I love it, off into the weeds pointing out typos. Whats next? you gonna tell on me? Let your anger go. I dont know exactly why he/she left you, but im starting to understand.
posted by RZA at 12:29 PM on December 20, 2005
you have a point terrapin. I posted the link about 10 minutes after he did, but since mine was second, they removed it. Mine read: There was plenty of quit in the packers and farve. Whats with the monday night football spankings the last couple weeks? The Eagles were missing 10 starters including mcnabb. Even with farve at the healm, greenbay got a whoopin. Do you think this should be bretts last sign he needs to step aside and call it quits? PS. greenbay isnt my favorite team
posted by RZA at 11:13 AM on December 20, 2005
Tron, your cousin elway fan doesnt have an email address listed either.
posted by RZA at 10:55 AM on December 20, 2005
Uhgt oh, eminems 3rd cousin is going to drive from CA all the way to philly to kick my ass. I think its a testement to spofi, that those comments remain. I have seen less removed. I certainly can argue with the best of them. But even i wont directly respond to being called nigger here at spofi. Actually i kind of exspected it. Jackass, i wouldnt mind that, sometimes people get emotional. Asshole. I wouldnt mind that, some people cant fully control there emotions when they get worked up about a certain topic. But i will say that if the owner operator of this website was african american, such racially charged comments would have been removed the minute they went up. In fact, i witnessed someone being called gay in a thread, and it was removed the next day. We have chicobangs here threatening to delete accounts if it continues?? Should we assume he works here? And if he does, why do the comments remain? I will say that the "calling me nigger even if i wasnt black" comment thoroughly indicates that he thinks it would be reasonable just because i was black. Spofi? do you support this belief?
posted by RZA at 10:53 AM on December 20, 2005
It never fucking fails with you better than everybody else types. No matter how much a person admits that all the facts are not known by either side, it appears that the thing you're attempting to do is convince me that YOU are right. And when that doest happen, you resort to name calling? LBB i've never purposely disrespected you in anyway with any sort of name calling in this thread. But because i disagree and feel just as strongly about my opinion as you do. You turn to verbal insults. What the fuck is your problem? A man that left you or some shit. Look you cant convince me of shit with that holier than thou uppity, i dont care how they're found in court, they are guilty and should burn in hell because i say so attitude. If either of you have a personal problem with the things black athletes do (see no reference of the convicted abuser mark gasteneu*spelling/or antics by john rocker) than i really could careless about it. Now i see why there was no1 else chiming in trying to convince you of anything. Why is the reference to only black athletes you racist, better than everybody else fucking cry babies? This is the exact type of shit that im going to be hollering about every time i fucking see it here. Areyou fucking people God and i just dont know it? What do you want from me? Do you want me to say linch them? The only thing i can say is. YOU WERENT FUCKING THERE EITHER!!!! Geez. Why discuss this topic as if a rape accured. Do either of you understand that the only actual victims in this crime were people that had to SEE something they didnt want to see. Uht OH, call the fucking linch mob, my precious fucking eyes were offended. You both can stick your upity, crybaby, racist bullshit in your least favorite place and draw up a petition to bring back public linchings. I still dont know how ANYONE saw something so specific unless they were fucking right up on top of what was going on. What was the prejudgment? A person with predetermined hatefull views such as yourself couldnt see if it was written on the next clan insert from your local newspaper.
posted by RZA at 10:37 AM on December 20, 2005
I know there is a previous post with this link, however i guess my browser didnt refresh in time. Sorry about the duplicate link. Im sure there are a few angles this spanking can be covered from.
posted by RZA at 09:33 AM on December 20, 2005
LBB in reference to the 1 question you pose, this is my answer/opinion. "IF" anybody was on the top of a bar performing/recieving oral sex, this would further my belief that the people who chartered this boat definitly made the owner of the craft aware that he was going to have strippers/whores (whatever you want to call them) aboard. We are talking about Black NFL players at a party thrown by a black athlete, thats why i assumed (as im sure everyone else did) that the women were majority black. Although im sure some of us are use to black athletes putting themselves in foolish positions, you are referring to this boat as if its the local gas station down on the corner. I dont think donte culpepper would go down to the local corner store and have sex on the counter. And i would ask you the same, do you think that Culpepper would do that? knowing his career would be in jeopardy. Now with that said, i think there are facts here that none of us are privy to. I think thats the norm here. Black athlete guilty until proven innocent. You must admit that yourself, and dyams are addressing this matter as if there was already a conviction in this case. Im simply offering another side to the story. But its apparent that you both refuse to believe that the situation could be blown out of proportion. Why is that? Why are they guilty until proven innocent? Is it because they are black? Im seriously asking this question. I want to know how some people can get so worked up over something that hasnt even been proven yet. Tell me honestly how you would feel if 1 of these players x-girlfriend came forward and admitted she made this shit up. I answered your question, i would appreciate if you both answered that. How would you , yourself feel if your brother or father was assumed guilty of something before he was proven guilty in an american court of law. This is suppose to be a right afforded each american, but can you see how some americans are found guilty in the public eye before there is even a trial. This sort of thing happens all the time to african americans and i'll admit even sometimes to lower middle class white men. I will gladly say that if these men are found guilty, they deserve whatever they get. On the other hand. Would you admit that you shouldnt have prejudged the matter if its discovered that the acusations are bogus? Or will you simply say that you're so use to many black athletes being fuck ups, drug dealers,drug abusing, adulterers(as dyams offers) that you had every right to beleive they were guilty just like OJ was still guilty after proved innocent in a court of law? And last but not least, if these men are found guilty, we willl have plenty of time to treat them as such and they will pay for their crimes. But if they are found innocent, you would have undeservingly treated them as guilty this entire conversation. And that would be an entire seperate injustice that happens everyday and will continue to happen. You have no idea how that makes you feel until it happens to you. Forgive me for defending them until they're proven guilty. They have an idictment not a finding. Ps. LBB chill with the minimum wage bozo shit please. I grew up/lived in low income housing for the first 25 yrs of my life. My father had an IQ of 158 but had to drive a cab for 15 yrs because he was disabled and all he could muster the stregth to do was steer a car. My mother was a waitress for 27 yrs of her life before she passed away from swollowing a toothpick in 1 of the club sandwhichs we use to get for free from her job. So please believe none of my opinions are rich vs poor motivated.
posted by RZA at 12:50 AM on December 20, 2005
Elway_fan, if your sorry ass is mixed, then im really the pope. Dont try bullshit damage control now. How the hell does Artest make you look bad? In the eyes of the white man? Give me a break. You certainly wouldnt have waited this long to state that you're mixed. No person of any race would refer to his own race as "the black man". And you certainly wouldnt have made the comment you made early saying "its easier to hate him because he's black". You only want certain people to think you're mixed, because you think that gives you some sort of OK to make a comment like you made. If you are 1/10th black your comments are a disgrace to the entire race. Mentioning strawberry and hammer is even more disgraceful. Its a sad day when you have to pose as another race just because you're afraid of what people might think of your comments. To prove even further that you're not being honest, you dont hear white men here saying, "they hate jeffery dahmer, john wayne gassey, or charles manson because they make the white race look bad. You think by saying you're mixed it will give you a green light to bash the black race any way you feel like it. You probably want to be black. I did notice some jealousy in your comments. Tron, thats your opinion, i take it with a grain of black pepper. Just has you feel thats what i wanted the whole time, I feel a 2nd thread about Artest was encouraging just that. If what im discussing bothers you, why the comment? Did you comment because you feel like you can say whatever you want? Even if the off topic discussion doesnt concern you? Well thats the way i feel. Do you actually have a problem with it?
posted by RZA at 11:47 PM on December 19, 2005
Spira, i definitly understand your point. If the fans start to think the game is fixed there will surely be less interest. And you certainly have a point about if he had commited manslaughter instead of gambling he would be in the HOF as we speak. I mean, there are drug users, spouse abusers and maybe even a murderer here or there in the baseball HOF. Its still my opinion that after the precedent was set with Rose, there should have been something put in place to deal with any other gamblers that might be in the league. Although good points have been made about rose and his gambling, Im certain that he is no where near the only one who has done it. What could possibly be put in place to determine such a thing? Gee, i dont know. How about congress. If they are so concerned with baseball being corrupted with drugs. Why stop there.
posted by RZA at 11:13 PM on December 19, 2005
I'm fully aware of the DA bringing the charges on the players by way of the people offended filing complaints. Thats how people get arrested. Someone calls the cops. Im sure the DA wasnt on the boating witnessing this glorified lapdance. Thats why i said "if it ends up". I am drawing a conclusion. If there is a civil suit, we will know what their intention was. Thats an easy conclusion to jump to. It happens all the time. Redsnare, funny how you accuse me of turning assumption into facts. The first assumption was the poor little girl who just turned 18. but i can see how you would blame me for making the first assumption. Now here we go with the fucking role-model bullshit. When is the last time you sat your kid, nephew or the like down in front of a TV and said, "i want you to have a personality just like Donte Culpepper"? Let me get this straight now, are they asshole athletes, people with collateral asshole behavior? Or are they role models? They cant be considered all 3 for convenience of argument. I personally wouldnt call an asshole a role model. Now LBB, your killing me with this crap you learned in your 1st criminal justice class. Please keep my comments in context. Myself or this article is not on trial, i am not offering a New bedford defense for anything. This is called making an observation viewed from the opposite side of the parties in question. And the comparison was made in the same fashion as the comment about the "18 yr old girl". Someone makes a statement you agree with, you argue its hypothetical. someone makes a statement you dont agree with, they're jumping to conclusions. My 1st comment comparing the 2 matters reads: I will admit that LBB, i dont know the particulars, i was merely arguing the other side of the incident. Just as dyams didnt know for sure who was offended, or if someone was just acting a little Holier than thou. I would agree that both sides of this article are truly uninformed. I personally was comparing the merit of the complaint to something I saw on TV lastnight How the hell can that be misconstrued as an attempt to pose argument? See, I said "Me" and "personally", and i admitted that i am uninformed about the facts of the matter. I hardly think they are going to use this post at the trial. Im offering a different view point. Im not trying to convince you i am right, nor am i trying to offer a cynical new bedford defense.
posted by RZA at 01:55 PM on December 19, 2005
Im sure you have plenty of white pride Elway. I normally wouldnt be drawn into an all out white vs. black debate, but i may be inclined just to see who sides with you. Thank you for affirmitive action. And thanks for the fountains and the seats on the front of the bus. We do be appreciatin it boss.
posted by RZA at 01:13 PM on December 19, 2005
I never used the the term trailor trash. You use the term piece of garbage, then mentioned a few more african americans. I just pointed it out. Weedy, Im one of the few african americans here. Im tired of seeing these " I hate this black athlete " threads. If it makes a few white people mad along the way, im willing to risk that. I knew another post about Ron Artest would draw people like Elway_fan. So if its out right, or subliminal racism. Im addressing it. And trust me, my ax is plenty sharp. Geekyguy, I'v gotten to much shit about punctuation, grammer and such. Your name was the beginning of my statement, i capitalized it. Nothing personal. And you actually fucking think that people like Elway-fan have racist views because a mixed person says there is underlying rasicm in some of these threads? Yea, and maybe some of my relatives were lynched because they called masa a racist too. Thanks for reminding me about the "shouldnt post unless its positive" comment i made. Its my exact feeling about threads like this in general. It leads back to my original post about people coming to threads like this for a bashing session. "Ron Artest should be hit in the face". Thats the type of BS that this type of thread will draw. My point was there was just a thread about artest to do this in a few fucking days ago. Get it? Do you actually need a black athlete bashing thread every few fucking days? When there is a thread like this, im going to check it. If you dont agree with me, move on. If you see the RZA at the bottom of a thread, skip it. I wont lose sleep.
posted by RZA at 01:04 PM on December 19, 2005
Grum, if there is a fucking congressional hearing about steriods, and doping wont keep you out of the HOF, then shouldnt there be a bigger investigation into something that can keep players out of the HOF? I mean hell, if you apply for a job at walmart, they pose the question "have you ever been convicted of a crime? If yes please explain"on the application. Shouldnt they just assume that we're all innocent until someone proves us guilty? How will they know unless they ask? Its obvious that the powers that be hold gambling out to be a more serious infraction than doping. So since there are urine tests for drugs, shouldnt there be a background check for gambling convictions or any other crime for that matter? Its not like some bookie is going to cry foul on some gamblers the way conti did about the dopers. It was discovered that Michael Jordan had a gambling problem. With his admitted gambling issues, do you think there will be an investigation into his eligibility for the Basketball HOF? As much as he won, should we assume that he bet on himslef? So let me get this straight. You can use steroids to give you an unfair advantage to win the MVP in baseball and get in the HOF, but you cant gamble on your sport or you'll be banned for life?? In comparison, you cant be the winner of american idol if you have a misdemeanor conviction on your record. But you can drink and drive and smoke weed and still get elected President of the United states. Justgary, besides posting your opinion about my comment, I was wondering if you have any opinion on the actual topic of this thread? You know its about a bat of rose's that may have been corked right?
posted by RZA at 12:32 PM on December 19, 2005
Geekyguy, i call them like i see them. For instance, look at the post by B-rad. Notice how he mentions darryl strawberry and mc hammer. He could have compared Artest to john macenroe*(the white tennis player who was the biggest crybaby in sports) or vanilla ice ( vanillia ice was alot worse than hammer). I bring up race because some of these people are to afraid to say how they feel. Note the anger in the post by BRAD. Do you think he hates artest that much becuase of the way he plays? You can tell the difference by the way some of the people post. Look at sakana's post. He/she keeps it entirely in the context of sport and the post is totally relavent to the topic. Now note b-rad jeezy's post. Personal attacts on the mans character, lively hood and the comparison to other not well off african americans. "hes a worthless piece of garbage". "To bad he sucks at life". This coming from B-rad jeezy, americas trailor park representitive. Thank God he'll only be posting until that free trial of AOL he got from walmart expires.
posted by RZA at 04:02 AM on December 19, 2005
Yea, Jojomfd1, no doubt. Thats definitly the ultimate question. I always assumed they were talking about him betting/gambling in general. I was never clear on whether there were acusations of him betting on games were he played/managed. Then i guess you have to get into detail as far as how he actually bet. For example, if he bet that his team would win, I dont see an issue with that. I mean pro teams get some sort of bonus for winning the big game anyway dont they? I know athletes get performance based incentives. Now if he bet his team would lose and then played/coached a poor game intentionally, of course theres a problem. The thing is, how often did he play poorly? He must have bet against himself like once.
posted by RZA at 03:19 AM on December 19, 2005
Grum, thanks for the level headed explanation on why people hate on him the way they do. I guess it is a little deeper than i 1st thought. I never really put him on a pedestal, i thought his performance (without performance altering drugs) spoke for itself. However, its my opinion that taking drugs to alter your performance that would otherwise alter the outcome of a game, is more damaging then just betting on a game itself. Think about it, is it more damaging to alter the outcome of a game as opposed to gambling on what the outcome will be? Both dishonest acts were lied about. Hell some players lied under oath at a congressional hearing. And some of those players will end up in the HOF. Talk about denying something and then convieniently admiting it. I think if you ban Rose, you have to then give every player (previous or current) a polygraph test to see if they too gambled. Then you have to hold all forms of dishonesty accountable, and begin banning Mcguire,Palmeiro*, Bonds, Sosa, and all the other dopers, corked bat users and gamblers. Hell, then ban any player that has ever tested positive for any drugs, getting arrested, spousel abuse, and anyone that has every commited any crime at all. That way we can reduce the HOF down to about 3 members. Thank God Heaven wont be as unfair and as selectivly strict as the baseball HOF.
posted by RZA at 10:40 PM on December 18, 2005
Taylor spits on player
Not the twilight zone(funny), sometimes things need to be said. But not all the time, so dont get happy.