in the new nhl anyone who makes over 5 million dolars aaing a39 million dollar slary cap is expendable. I hope the wings can at least resign Bredan Shanahan, and make a run at Tony amonte
posted by navy9112000 at 12:15 PM on July 27, 2005
Mark Cuban has no buisness owning a baseball team
posted by navy9112000 at 09:28 AM on July 20, 2005
how come when these fuckers get fired they get millions of dollars, and why do fuckin millionaires have unions what a fuckin joke FUCK LARRY BROWN
posted by navy9112000 at 10:58 AM on July 19, 2005
the chowder heads aren't good fans never have been never will be
posted by navy9112000 at 10:00 AM on July 17, 2005
chelios is a jackass always has bben always will be but this is beyond not being politically correct
posted by navy9112000 at 11:09 AM on July 12, 2005
this guy is an ass, I sincerly hope The rangers suspend his retarded ass and MLB levies a huge fine, what is it sport star insanity week, after Jeremy Roenick deicided his sport doesn't need its fans Kenny Rogers goes all Dennis Rodman on someone what the fuck don't mlb contracts have behavior stipulations.
posted by navy9112000 at 09:37 AM on June 30, 2005
Can this guy ever keep his trap shut?
posted by navy9112000 at 10:47 AM on June 17, 2005
correct me if I am wrong but i thought MNF was moving to ESPN does taht mean more Chris Berman and who cares about Madden anyway is era is over new era please
posted by navy9112000 at 10:12 AM on June 16, 2005
why are we even talking about this?
posted by navy9112000 at 10:04 AM on June 15, 2005
no steroids no homeruns man really easy equation there
posted by navy9112000 at 09:24 AM on June 08, 2005
Jerry Rice is man I don't know he use to be the man now he's like a running joke. Hey was there a picture of Oj Simpson ina 49ers uni?
posted by navy9112000 at 10:14 AM on June 05, 2005
Larry brown is horrible, and I live in Detroit so I would know. Hecannot make up his mindand every other week he's ready to trade away all of his players. So good luck Cleavland when on the turn of a dime he trades away Lebron and your left with nothing. I cannot waitthe day the Larry Brown saga is out of my city
posted by navy9112000 at 08:53 AM on June 04, 2005
mike tyson is an ass!! A ear biting ass! A wife beatibg ass! A I want to eat your kids ass!! and ya know what go away ass nobody cares anymore
posted by navy9112000 at 02:08 PM on June 03, 2005
What Will NASCAR Do About 'Buschwackers?'
Ok the deal here is all about testing. In the Cup series now you can only test at 4 tracks or something so all the owners are feiding full time busch teams to get their drivers seat time. I don't think there should be any restrictions on full time busch rides. But maybe a cap of like 7 for guys who are not running the full Busch schedule.