Good question! I was wondering the same thing...
posted by BoriQa at 06:11 PM on January 23, 2008
It was about time Ferguson got fired!!! Now lets put another inept in the job. Hopefully, we can't do any worse... Right now we are 2nd to last in the overall standings.
posted by BoriQa at 08:52 PM on January 22, 2008
>> Have you considered writing a column instead of these updates? Thanks. I'll consider it next time.
posted by BoriQa at 08:50 PM on January 22, 2008
>> would you happen to know how Taylor Graham is eligible to play for Puerto Rico? All you need to play for PR is to be a US citizen and to be nationalized for Puerto Rico (means that he agreed [and signed] not to play for the US team) >> Also do you have a link to last Wednesday's game recap that doesn't require a subscription... Try: and
posted by BoriQa at 08:46 PM on January 22, 2008
posted by BoriQa at 09:22 AM on January 21, 2008
Another news link on the 2-0 win on Jan 16:
posted by BoriQa at 12:10 PM on January 20, 2008
Another excellent article!
posted by BoriQa at 11:17 AM on January 20, 2008
Awesome! A goal Nash will be remembered by...
posted by BoriQa at 11:13 AM on January 20, 2008
May he rest in peace. He was the voice of curling. He will be difficlut to replace, but live must go on, and whoever replaces him have big shoes to fill and a standard to follow.
posted by BoriQa at 11:10 AM on January 20, 2008
Congrats to the US Womens team. Defeating a superior opponent shows they are getting better.
posted by BoriQa at 11:04 AM on January 20, 2008
Absolutely love soccer too! The USL ( is actually a more fun league to watch than the overpaid and commercialized MLS.
posted by BoriQa at 11:02 AM on January 20, 2008
Extraordinary man indeed. May he rest in peace.
posted by BoriQa at 11:03 AM on January 13, 2008
Kick him out! Why wait 9 strikes? He struck out already in my view.
posted by BoriQa at 11:00 AM on January 13, 2008
Marion cheated, she admited it, and is going to serve jail; but she can say that she went down with her chin up! Bonds and Clemons have and example to follow...
posted by BoriQa at 10:47 AM on January 13, 2008
The man should not be free for the rest of his life. posted by aerotive at 8:49 PM CST on December 28 Absolutely agree. Lock him up...
posted by BoriQa at 10:41 AM on January 13, 2008
Great for the Goose! He deserved it!
posted by BoriQa at 10:39 AM on January 13, 2008
Great. This is the first step towards my evil plan, announced ages ago here on spofi, for the NHL to contract to 16 teams and merge with a 16 team Euro league to form the first global sports league. Now that's a hell of a good evil plan!!! Can't wait!
posted by BoriQa at 10:19 AM on January 13, 2008
He was a hall of fame pitcher for sure! He was one of the great! but the fact is, that he just was... Now he doesn't deserve it.
posted by BoriQa at 10:15 AM on January 13, 2008
When the Jaguars scored and sacked Brady in the 1st quarter it looked like the Patiots had met their match... But that was memory soon lost... The Patriots were much a better team and deserved the win. 17-0
posted by BoriQa at 10:10 AM on January 13, 2008
Puerto Rico: Emerging Caribbean Soccer Power?
Sorry to upset you terrapin, it was not my intention. You may not be a world soccer fan, and I can understand that. Soccer is not as well supported in the US, as say the NFL or NBA. But there is an increasingly bigger following of soccer in the US that would appreciate this article, which meets, to my knowledge, the guidelines of the website: A good FPP requires a sports related link that has not been seen by most people, is interesting in content, and will foster discussion among the community. For one, the article shows the strong development of the game for Puerto Rico; which you might not care of; but many others do, including players and teams in the USL. Second it shows how well Colin Clarke is doing in live after the MLS. He got fired in the MLS and now is commanding a ship that has potential of reaching a FIFA World Cup (if you don't care about soccer you might not care about the World Cup either). Thirdly, it talks about how the Puerto Rican national team is giving additional chances to US players that might never have a chance to play for the US in the World Cup, to still play in a World Cup with the Puerto Rican team. That's very important to many US players and their followers. So, in summary, my post is not a GYOFB moment, but actually an IDCASDRSL (If you Don't Care About Soccer, Don't Read and Skip to the next Link). Just because the article doesn't fit your interests, doesn't make it a bad post. Thanks for posting your comment, helping to foster discussion among the community.