Another reason for the "loss" may be there are plenty of happily child-less people (like me) who must support school budgets as much as parents with three kids. I would contend, that wether you have kids or not, unless you were home-schooled, you are the benificiary of an education system. If your house hasn't ever caught fire, maybe you shouldnt pay for a fire department, but if it ever catches fire in the future, you'll damn sure want them to be there. if you ever need open heart surgery, you'll damn sure hope that the doctor is educated. You probably bitch about your taxes paying for welfare, but if the everyone had a good education, even just at the high-school level, we could cut the number of welfare recipiants in half. I was the benificiary of a great football coach. He was a mentor to me. Most kids dont have that kind of relationship with their coaches, but the ones who do well in the world, tend to have that type of relationship with a teacher. You can say that the market decides the price of a teacher. or a soldier (something i know about personaly), or a football coach, but the value can't be determined by the market. People who do the job of a teacher or a soldier, or a cop, or a fire fighter, don't do it for the money. they do it because someone has to. Some people are so selfish that they think that a person who does not demand more money doesn't deserve more. But where would that same selfish person be without the services of a teacher? How would he feel if there were not nearly enough police to help him if he got car-jacked? How well would he sleep, if there were no military to protect him from the whim of the evil men around the world would kill him just for the place in which he sleeps? We all have to pay for some services we don't use. It doesn't make those services less valuable.
posted by elijahin at 03:43 PM on January 16, 2008
Nobody expects perfection here, but the ee cummings bit you're doing, coupled with all of the misspellings, makes it hard to scan your comment as quickly as those by people who put in more effort. You know what rcade? if this issue had been approached with civility, I would have downloaded firefox weeks ago. I would have done it as soon as it was suggested. It isnt about me, and it isnt about everyone else either. I have heard from a sellect few of you on this issue. Honestly i see your point, and had it been presented in those terms, i would have made a better effort. it's just the nature of the community. We pride ourselves on being more intelligent than the average sports board, and part of that is reflected in the number of people who take the time to spell and punctuate properly. But it wasn't presented in those terms. Instead you bitch and put out these long threads about dislexic second graders (i realize that was not you specificaly, i was using the collective you). You dont come off as a community trying to keep your town nice. You come off as a gated community, where anyone who might not fit your snobbish profile must be the guy who cuts your lawn. Maybe some of you should pride yourselves on your knowledge of sports, and discreatly, and politely tell people about firefox, instead of waiting until you've already pissed them off. on that note im going to download firefox. And only because a number of you have emailed me and asked me to stay here in stepford, i will. At least for now. oh, btw, What is the policy on sentence fragments? We use them in every-day speech. Do we have to do this whole thing in MLA format?
posted by elijahin at 02:02 PM on January 16, 2008
crash, do the coaches have to teach as well in texas? in indiana they do. look i think anyone who has dedicated their lives to the education of kids should make six figures, and a coaches work load (assuming the coach also teaches) is a little bigger than a regular teacher, but not so much so that a coach should make that much more. and certainly while teachers are making less than $40k, a coach shouldnt be making two and a half times as much. i love football, but clearly oxford has its priorities all screwed up.
posted by elijahin at 10:09 PM on January 15, 2008
thats a fair point lbb, i hve never used the locker-room. until you pointed it out, i didnt even notice that it was there. as for complaining about another members conduct. i dont want to take it to that level. he has a right to his opinion. i dont want to take any formal action. i just want to be done with the issue. i would like a truce with all involved, but im not gonna impose anything on anyone. i hope we can all move past this.
posted by elijahin at 10:01 PM on January 15, 2008
im not pissed at you nake. like i said before i do check. but if i didnt realize i misspelled it the first time, i probably won't catch it the second time around. i dont have alot of typos, i have alot of words that i just dont know the spelling of. black hand thinks that makes me stupid, which i suppose has some superficial merit, but im pretty sure that occasional bad spelling doesn't change the point of what im saying most of the time. im just tired of people who have nothing better to do with their lives but to bitch at others over things that dont matter. im not in an online english course. im here to talk sports with sports fans because in the town i live in there aren't alot of sports fans. but instead i get a damn lecture on the importance of propper spelling, punctuation, and captialization. this is a place i come to relax with other people who share my interest, and some self-righteous pricks want to play nurse ratchet. im tired of dealing with it. im think im gonna start looking for another site.
posted by elijahin at 09:40 PM on January 15, 2008
i dont intentionally misspell words. i do proofread, but if i knew how to spell everything i probably wouldnt have misspelled it the first time, so how am i gonna know if i got it wrong when i look back over it. what im not gonna do, is sit here with a dictionary and check every word just to please anal-retentive pricks who are so discontent with their lives that they have nothing better to do than grade everybody elses posts on a website. i think i contribute interesting discussion to this page. i think everybody who talks about the topic at hand does too, even if i think their opinions are utterly rediculous. but i can live without sf. i like comming on here and dont want to quit, but no part of my life will be significantly diminished without it. if you want to block me from the site for being a prick, or because i diminish the site, so be it. but if you want to cut me off because of i dont spell very well, that just makes YOU sad. but if you're gonna do it, do it. crap or get off the pot. either way quit whining about irrelivant crap, and contribute to the conversation. btw, dont talk about dislexic people of any age. if you dont have it, you dont get it.
posted by elijahin at 09:07 PM on January 15, 2008
Samuel Clemens. Beating a dead horse, I know. Sorry you're killing me, bo!
posted by elijahin at 04:28 PM on January 15, 2008
damn goyoucolts, now that you are taking my side, i feel a little guilty for teasing all the colt fans i know. i dont remember if i gloated about that prediction on this site or not, but if i havent, i wont. just because you were nice...gopats
posted by elijahin at 04:27 PM on January 15, 2008
first, can we all agree that we all misspell words regularly (i think i just misspelled misspell) and type in sentence fragments? we type the way we speak. im not lazy about spelling, i just suck at it. do you really want me to sit here with a dictionary and check every word i say? second, what do you mean by:"My only complaint is him being called a genius and the Rams losing in the 2001 Super bowl." bill bell was coaching the team that beat the rams in super bowl XXXVI. that game was actually played in 2002. super bowl XXXV was played in 2001 and featured the baltimore ravens beating down the new york giants. in neither case was coach hobo on the losing end. so what exactly are you talking about?
posted by elijahin at 03:01 PM on January 15, 2008
im with ya, but surely you wouldnt spend that minute calling them stupid,would you?
posted by elijahin at 11:08 AM on January 15, 2008
some of the greatest minds in our history couldnt spell very well. mark twains publisher sent people to his house to inspect his spelling before they even bothered sending it to the editor. thomas edison got so fed up with his employees not being able to tell what he was writing that he finaly hired someone to whom he could just dictate. when edison told this to his friend henry ford, who suffered the same problem, henry followed edisons example. im not saying im on a level with any of them, but if you struggle early with spelling and the problem isnt corrected early, its really hard to fix later. it is seen by many as a sign of low inteligence but id like you to tell mr. ford, mr twain (clements) and mr. edison that they have a low level of inteligence.
posted by elijahin at 10:49 AM on January 15, 2008
I'm not sure what you mean by volentary[sic] ignorance? How would anybody volunteer to be ignorant, or for that matter, know the difference if they were uneducated? Plus, I'd like the name of the book your quoting. check that: its not volentary ignorance, its "willed ignorance" and according to "Archetypes of Wisdom: An Intraduction to Philosophy" from publisher Thompson/Wadsworth, willed ignorance is "an attitude of indifference to the possibility of error or enlightenment that holds on to beliefs regardless of facts."
posted by elijahin at 10:26 AM on January 15, 2008
Oh, and this might have something to do with it, too. i get that, but thats at the end of the game when they should absolutely be taking a knee. and the reason that they call that the "miracle at the medowlands" is because its such an annomole.
posted by elijahin at 09:15 PM on January 14, 2008
Call him a genius if you want. I don't see it, and any amount of reason is not going to change your mind. just so im clear on this nakeman, are you admitting to volentary ignorance? because thats damn near a ver batum quote out of my philosophy book.
posted by elijahin at 09:08 PM on January 14, 2008
i get that dyams, but if there is a 90% chance that the ball hits the turf, a 5% chance that it gets picked, and 5% that its a td, and on even if it does get picked there is about a 1.5% chance that a pic gets returned for a td, all im saying is show some cojones. especially if you are an underdog trailing as the chargers were.
posted by elijahin at 10:34 AM on January 14, 2008
question for football nation: what is the point of taking a knee at the end of the half? if you have a few seconds left, why not wing one? i see this all the time. i saw norv turner call for it yesterday when his team was even within hail mary range. i dont understand this. the odds of throwing a pick-6 are slim to none, if you throw it deep enough. what is it that coaches are afraid of?
posted by elijahin at 10:14 AM on January 14, 2008
question for football nation: what is the point of taking a knee at the end of the half? if you have a few seconds left, why not wing one? i see this all the time. i saw norv turner call for it yesterday when his team was even within hail mary range. i dont understand this. the odds of throwing a pick-6 are slim to none, if you throw it deep enough. what is it that coaches are afraid of?
posted by elijahin at 09:03 AM on January 14, 2008
Romo is the new Eli if dallas doesnt want him he can bring his awkward-throwin', celebrity-datin' ass to san fran. im sure mike martz would be thrilled to have him.
posted by elijahin at 08:01 AM on January 14, 2008
lbb, tnip is demonstrating one of my favorite things: irony. as for the fans that booed the ppk kid today, well they are a perfect example of why i hate living in indiana, and dont root for any sports team from this state. they should consider that until a few years ago, they were almost all cowboys, packers, 49ers, raiders, and bears fans. its very convenient that they are now colt fans, and we all know why.
posted by elijahin at 09:15 PM on January 13, 2008
I'm just imagining the conversation around the Manning family table after today. Eli: Hey, Peyton! Guess what I'm doing next weekend? I'm playing in the NFC championship game! Isn't that cool? And what are you doing next weekend? Peyton: Shut up, you spaz. You're still my little brother id like to revise that last line peyton: hey little brother you know how i always punch you just for fun? if you dont shut the f()* up, ill start using my big-assed super bowl ring!
posted by elijahin at 09:10 PM on January 13, 2008
Although the term "genius" is sometimes used to denote the possession of a superior talent in any field, e.g., Roger Federer may be said to have a genius for tennis or Winston Churchill for statesmanship, in many of these cases the term is applied incorrectly and should instead be used specifically to denote an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and creative originality in areas of art, literature, music, science and mathematics. -- Source Wikipedia nakeman, clearly dr. howard gardener has not contributed his theories to wiki's page on genius. Gardener believes that there are multiple (off the top of my head, i believe the number is currently at nine) "inteligences." included ammong them are of course logic, music, the arts. also ammong them is body kinisthetics, or athletics; intrapersonal, or the understanding of relationship between people. dr.gardener believes that we will never know how many different inteligences there are, but certainly intrapersonal, and logic (which is mostly thaught of in terms of math, but can also be applied to strategy, and physics) are extremely usefull for a football coach. there is no way to quantify genius in most types of inteligence, however i think it is safe to say that bill bell' is far above average in those two types, and that the word genius is not that far of a stretch.
posted by elijahin at 08:57 PM on January 13, 2008
sorry bo, i really didnt want to be confrontational, and i debated it in my head, but in the end, i just couldnt pass up the oppertunity to use the "bo don' know diddly" line. its a classic. that having been said, tony did wear the number ten at both of his other managing gigs. he likes to play things up in the media, and hes good with symbolism. i get that he said thats why he chose the number, but the reality is that he, like all baseball guys, is superstitious, and wanted to keep the same number he had worn for fifteen or so years. he can play up the symbolism all he wants.
posted by elijahin at 05:50 PM on January 13, 2008
bo, don' know diddly. first off. tony has worn the number ten throughout his carreer as a manager. first for the white sox, then for oakland, and now in stl. second, as nakeman points out ozzies stats in 96 were better than his carreer average. what, ha didnt have anything left in the tank? as you said clayton didnt pan out that well himself. yes the franchise was struggling, so yes, lets get rid of the one thing that is going right. thats always a good idea. look tony has done well in stl. im not disputing that. i just think he was wrong in the way he delt with ozzie smith at the end of ozzie's carreer. i give him credit for building the team we had for the last few years. and the one that won the series in '06. but i still think he started off badly. thats all.
posted by elijahin at 04:41 PM on January 13, 2008
Indy can and has beat the pats while SD hasn't beat them i realize this is now a mute point, but lets be clear nobody has beaten the patriots. nobody. not this year. last years team didnt have randy moss. they didnt have wes welker. and they didnt have rodney harrison. what happened last year is irrelevant to this year. a few teams have been close, but nobody has beaten them. the close games, by the way, do nothing but support the fact that they can adjust to any situation, which only makes them that much more formidable. there is no blueprint for beating them. if the chargers, cowboys, packers, or giants figure one out they will probably be the champs, but so fare there is none. nobody has beaten the pats yet, and im betting nobody will (although i still expect the super bowl to be won by a field goal, its just their m.o.) in regards to spygate: can anyone tell me what game they would have lost if it hadnt been for that? can you tell me anyone that they were able to gain the advantage on because of the tape of the jets that they immediately turned over? was it happening before? yeah probably. it does in every other stadium. tape-gate is just a good excuse for haters (not all fans of non-new england teams, but true haters) to demean the nearly imposible feat that the patriots are two games away from accomplishing. get over yourselves, and take some joy in the piece of history you are witnessing.
posted by elijahin at 04:26 PM on January 13, 2008
in the case of rolen i would agree. rolen left philly because of authority issues. and he and tony have had them for years. i like scotty, but he has always had some attitude issues. tony does too, and in this case i have to side with tony. in the case of ozzie, however, it wasnt that there were issues that soured people on tony, it was how he handled them. ozzie had more than earned his right to stay, and had not declined a bit on defense. his offense wasn't nearly as good as claytons had been up until that point (although has anyone heard from him since?) what bothered me, was that he constantly nudged an all-time great out the door before he needed to. ozzie was a fantastic lead-off hitter. he didnt need power numbers. the team wasnt ready to compete for the division crown yet anyway.
posted by elijahin at 03:30 PM on January 13, 2008
bo, if i told you about a player with a carreer batting avg. of .260, 138 home runs, 27 stolen bases, and a slugging percentage of 367, you probably wouldnt be all that impressed. but what made hall of famer bill mazeroski great, went far beyond the numbers. i love baseball, but as fans we all get WAY too caught up in the numbers. we use them to justify every opinion because "numbers dont lie" but they dont tell the whole story either.reggie jackson struck out four times as many times as he went deep (2597 so/563 hr) does that mean he doesnt deserve credit for beeing a great offensive player? in the case of whitey, there is a lot more to why he was great. he never had an albert pujols, a scott rolen, a jim edmonds. he never had 5 gold gloves on the same field as tony did at one time. he never came close to the pitching rotations that tony has had. in his eleven year whity won 3 pennants and one series. the two world series that he lost were both in game seven, and most cardinal fans would tell you that they won the 85 series in game six, when jorge orta was thrown out at first for the final out but was called safe, inspite of ortas foot print on top of todd worrell's foot. my point is that numbers are just numbers. there is far more to being a great player or manager than the stats. whitey was a pioneer. he started a style of baseball that has been very successful in places like atlanta and queens the white sox won a world series a couple years ago playing a form of whitey-ball. and thats how the rockies got to the series last year. he is one of the most under-appreciated managers of his time. maybe of any time.
posted by elijahin at 10:42 AM on January 13, 2008
im with you nake. whitey was one of the more under-appreciated managers of his time. maybe of any time. my best friend andrew and i were watching the rangers and the white sox on espn that sunday night that the cards announced that joe torre would not be returning. both of us are cards fans, and both of us had our jaws on the floor. they were finaly starting to listen to his requests for players, and showing some early signs of progress, and now they fire him! we were pissed. then came the whole ozzie/royce thing. over all i do like tony ok. i just dont think he is the great HOF manager people make him out to be. i just hope all these major changes dont kill us long term. i realize we probably have a year or two before we will be a contender for the centeral again, but if this is gonna be a long term rebuilding project, i would be just as happy if they went ahead and let tony go so that the next manager (oquindo maybe?) can get started doing it his own way.
posted by elijahin at 01:22 AM on January 13, 2008
By the way, what did LaRussa do to Ozzie? he more or less ran him out of town. he braugt in royce clayton to play short, under the impression that ozzie was ready to retire. turns out ozzie was nowhere near ready to call it quits, so tony played royce 2 games to every 1 for ozzie. they seemed to have made piece, but it deffinitly put off alot of cards fans. i was one of them. thats probably why i never have really warmed up to tony, even though he has done a really good job over all as our manager.
posted by elijahin at 11:18 PM on January 12, 2008
ok guys this is bugging the hell out of me. it is R-O-L-E-N. i just read it off the back of my jersey. i know. i know, i spell like a second grader, but for names as simple as this one, i try to get it right. so its scott rolen. thank you.
posted by elijahin at 11:14 PM on January 12, 2008
i have been a cards fan since i was three years old (as much as anyone can be at three years old), and i have never loved tony. that said, i think he has done well here. i think hes made mistakes, some of which have gotten us bumped from the playoffs, but over all he has done well. rolen has also done well, but he has been injury prone. since he dislocated his shoulder in the 02 playoffs, he has not been the same. i do hate to lose him, but i do think we get the better end of the deal in this. glause has been good for a long time, and even though they have both started to decline, glause hasnt fallen as far as rolen. my biggest complaint is that i have to replace my cardinals jerseys now. rolen and edmonds. those damn things are expensive!
posted by elijahin at 10:08 PM on January 12, 2008
i think you're right ying yang. i still think the pats are the champs to-be, but of everyone, i think the jags match up best against them, and are probably the best team that doesnt play their home games in foxboro
posted by elijahin at 06:53 PM on January 11, 2008
So, now you bust out the qualifiers? Funny, I didn't notice you mentioning any criteria before. oh, well then, lets not give any praise to coaches who get teams like indiana, whos last bowl game came during our presidents fathers administration, into a bowl game with seven wins. lets not give any credit to any coach who gets a bad team to mediocrity. look, i dont celebrate mediocrity, but i do see tallent, in any coach who can improve a bad situation, and in the case of willingham, he was putting together a good team at dame, and if you guys in seattle dont mess it up, i think he can do it there too. lets not forget that brady quinn was his recruit. if a coach does well in his first few years, credit goes to his predacessor, but if he does badly why does the blame not go there too? as far as qualifiers, you and i both know that anything and everything is relative. six wins in south bend is not good enough because of the history of notre dame. but at down the road in bloomington (indiana u, for the geographicly impared.) six wins resulted in a celebration on the field. einstein proved relativity using a train and two cameras. i could explain it if you like but if you dont believe in it anyway, i doubt that conclusive evidence is gonna convince you of anything.
posted by elijahin at 06:47 PM on January 11, 2008
i do call 44-36-1 outstanding an academics/basketball school like stanford, where football barely qualifies as an afterthaught. it wasnt just the george oleary debacle, it was bob davie, the last three years under holtz, and the absolute mediocrity that had become notre-dame football. and by the way its not like ty's replacement in south bend is doing better. three years is not enough time to build a program. it just isnt. at dame, he inherited a team on the slide. at washington...what the hell did he inherit other than a team with integrity problems? ty willinghams only problem is that he accepts jobs where its a tough situation, with an athletic department that wont give him the time to correct the issues that led them to the situation in the first place.
posted by elijahin at 11:40 AM on January 11, 2008
what is it that people dont like about ty willingham? he was outstanding at stanford, so notre dame hired him. then just as he was getting the irish back to prominance they fire him in favor of a coordinator from the nfl. i get that charlie was a great oc for new enland, but willingham had returned the irish to the spotlight. they made progress almost every year he was there. isnt there something to be said for "if it aint broke, dont fix it?" now in a badly under-rated conference he finished low, but is really just getting started with his team. why wont anyone give this guy a legitimate chance to show what he is capable of? i think it should be mandatory that if you hire a coach in college, he should have a minimum of 5 years to reach a reasonable goal, based on the quality of school. at usc, it might be a title, at say indiana, a bowl game. all im saying is i wish people would give the guy (and for that matter all coaches) a chance, instead of jumping to the imediate gradification of a new coach who will probably get the same treatment in 2 or 3 years, himself.
posted by elijahin at 10:01 PM on January 10, 2008
ok maybe gillespie is a great recruiter, but the game isnt played in mom and dads living room. thats why coaches hire people to do recruiting for them. you can recruit an entire team of mr. basketballs, but if you cant get the best out of them, you're gonna have marginal success at best. tubby has an ncaa title, five conference titles, and nine appearences in at least the sweet 16. and he's done some of that with mediocre tallent at georgia and tulsa. kentucky doesnt like tubby smith for two reasons neither of which has anything to do with basketball. one is that his name is not rick pitino, the other is that he is not white. i know, i know, the whole state of kentucky is not racist. of course it isnt. and neither is the university of kentucky. of course that is all true...kinda. we all remember the patriarch of kentucky basketball, adolf hitl- excuse me rupp. UK has a history of bigotry. tubby smith was disrespected from the moment he walked into rupp arena. im not saying racism is the only reason for it, but i do believe that it does, in collaboration with the pitino factor add up to a great coach who was never appreciated. their loss.
posted by elijahin at 06:17 PM on January 10, 2008
for some people, yes loads of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ makes all the difference in the world, but pete carroll has never seemed to be that guy. i think if he goes, it will be for a new challenge. he has dominated the pac 10, and most of the college ranks for a few years now, and showes no signs of slowing down. maybe he wants to see if he can build a team from scratch in the league. that said, i think hes a fool if he does leave the sweetest gig in college sports, in favor of a crappy team with no success in the foreseeable future, but what the hell do i know. i write on these sites, he's the subject of them.
posted by elijahin at 04:58 PM on January 10, 2008
the native language thing is especially good if they do it wrong. i was sitting next to some japanese people at a game, and they started laughing out loud at something. i guess they noticed that i was trying to figure out what was so funny so their eleven year old (give or take) daughter, who was apparently the only one who spoke english, pointed to a sign intended for so taguchi. she explained that the sign was probably supposed to say i love you so. but they made one of the symbols wrong so instead, if i understood her correctly, it said something about road kill.
posted by elijahin at 11:00 PM on January 09, 2008
can we photoshop cubs on there or something?
posted by elijahin at 10:19 PM on January 09, 2008
hes not a cardinals fan, we dont claim him. he got that at wal-mart, because they wouldnt let him keep shoping without a shirt. im sure of it!
posted by elijahin at 10:18 PM on January 09, 2008
my most successful sign last year read "would you mind to win a world series when im not in iraq?" i didnt pay for a drink all night
posted by elijahin at 09:19 PM on January 09, 2008
im baffled. i totally agree with you guys on rains, trammell, blyleven, and rice. i would even vote for dawson (even though i am a cards fan. ill forgive him for being a cub) but i dont get why there is no outcry of support for don mattlingly. he was a perenial gold glover, and all-star, and he was frankly the only part of the yankees worth watching during the 80's and early 90's. is it possible that the only reason he isnt getting in is the fact that his team was bad during the time he was there? if so i would suggest that we all take a look at the list of names we are advocating and try and remember how good those teams were. again, im not saying any of these guys shouldnt be in, but i think its borderline offensive that mattingly isnt yet.
posted by elijahin at 01:55 PM on January 09, 2008
i agree about rains. he was an outstanding player, and a class act. he did his job quietly, but better than almost anyone else in the game at that time. i also think alan trammel, and don mattingly should have been slam dunks. how quickly the sportswriters forget what great players they were.
posted by elijahin at 04:33 AM on January 09, 2008
Second year in a row that OSU gets busted up by an SEC team for the National Championship. Perhaps the Big Ten should pick another sacrificial lamb. as a big ten guy, i couldnt agree with you more. give coach rod a year or two, and we'll get you some competition. michigan has an excellent record against the mason-dixon conference in the post season.
posted by elijahin at 10:36 PM on January 08, 2008
well they are talking about a "plus-one". its not an eight team tournament, but its a start. at least now four teams have a shot at the title (if they go with it) starting in 2010. i think the ncaa has almost forced its own hand. by limiting scholorships to create parody, they have all but assured that this season will not be the annomyle. a few more like this and they will have no choice but to create a tournament system.
posted by elijahin at 09:54 AM on January 08, 2008
by the way my comment about the tuck rule i actually wrote this morning clicked preview and walked out the door without clicking post. so im sorry to jump back to a conversation you had all moved on from.
posted by elijahin at 03:59 PM on January 07, 2008
jax wont be at indy they will be at new england next week. as for the pick i like the packers over seattle, and if anyone is gonna beat the pats i think it will be the jags, but i really dont see them doing it either.
posted by elijahin at 03:53 PM on January 07, 2008
talking about the PATs. I guess I'm the only one who thinks that there are two types of calls by officials, ones for Brady and Manning and one for the rest of the league. To beat New England you need to pray for more than snow because even then a fumble is not a fumble, its a "tuck"?? v.o.r., its no secret that the eliet players get breaks from officiating. jordan got calls and no-calls in his favor all the time, and opposing pitchers complained all the time that, as one put it "for such a big guy, babe ruth has an awfully tiny strike-zone." that said, the tuck-rule game was 7 years ago. get over it. i lost all pitty for the raiders, their fans and appologists, that spring when the owners met and voted UNANIMOUSLY to keep that rule in place. thats right, even al davis, the guy whos team got screwed by the rule, which by the way i agree is a bad rule, voted to keep it in place. i would also point out that that was the year that brady first established himself as a good quarterback. he wasnt getting special calls because of his status within the league, because he didnt yet have status within the league other than that of a pretty good back-up qb. he obviously does now, and yes the flags that rain on the field in foxbourough do usually go in his favor, now. but your argument about the tuck rule holds no water.
posted by elijahin at 03:24 PM on January 07, 2008
tommy is captialization really that important to you? are you an english teacher or something? i also dont spell very well either. im of the opinion that substance is more important than spelling and punctuation. when i write a paper, my first draft NEVER has caps. i fix it on the final draft, but since my comp prof is not grading me on this site, i dont bother.
posted by elijahin at 03:10 PM on January 04, 2008
i just want to make a plea on behalf of football crew. i like having his dumb-ass around. i can just skip right over his irrelevant, and ill concieved remarks if i want a serious conversation, but sometimes i just want a laugh. in those cases, i can just look for him and imediately be amused. its the same reason i still have a wierd al cd. oh the benifits dont stop there: he also boosts my ego. after-all what can make you feel better about your own inteligence than reading the thaughts of someone who is technically not mentally disabled, but is clearly stupid as hell? plus, as long as he is typing on this site, he isnt doing anything that could cost someone their life! having crew here is a benifit to everyone! crew, i got your back buddy!
posted by elijahin at 02:15 PM on January 04, 2008
do my eyes decieve me? am i reading this right? did crew compare videotaping the oposing teams sideline to DOGFIGHTING? are you fucking serious? crew, first off, let me say i like having you around. you make it fun. second, i am a psych major, and i am facinated by your behavior. woudja mind if i asked you a question? great. why is it that you are so determined to show us all just how stupid you really are? i mean normally when people realize that they clearly have no business talking to adults they move back to the kiddie table where they can keep up with the conversation. not you. you're like " hey guys you havent forgotten that im a moron have you???" well rest assured buddy. we havent.
posted by elijahin at 02:00 PM on January 04, 2008
by your logic, you believe cheating is OK as long as the cheating team wins. its not that i believe cheating is ok. i just think the league is miles behind the times in their rules. to me this is no different than a baserunner stealing the catchers signes. its something you say "shame on you" for. not something you fine him half a mil for. certainly not something you strip him of an obviously deserved coach of the year title for. people make it seem like he has stolen neuclear secrets from russia. all they did was point a camera at the opposing sideline. what could they learn? the jets plays? the adjustments that the jets were gonna make? teams make decisions in real time. they dont often have drawn playes there on the sidelines, but even if they did, is it any different if they just had a kid in the stands with a camera phone triained on the jets sideline? more to the point would it be different if it was tony dungy orsomeone more likeable who got caught? this is a stupid, nothing infraction. one that almost all coaches commit in the league, in college, and in successfull high school programs. the man went 16-0. he is the best coach of the year. thats the end of the story.
posted by elijahin at 04:39 AM on January 04, 2008
counting to five. so simple, a cave_man can do it. lol
posted by elijahin at 11:14 PM on January 03, 2008
hey familyman, 16 regular season wins trumps everything else. do you really think they couldnt have done this with any other coach? everybody tries to get an edge. most cheat in some way. the pats got caught because they have been the best team of this decade. if the steelers had been under the microscope the pats have been under, bill cowers halo wouldnt have such a shine on it either.
posted by elijahin at 08:37 PM on January 03, 2008
yeah i know, cave man, but there are only 5 spots in the top 5. they would deffinitly be 6 and 7. followed by marv levy it certainly isnt meant as a slight against any of those three.
posted by elijahin at 08:33 PM on January 03, 2008
i would think oklahoma would really hate the phoenix region by now. it seems like every time they go to the fiesta, they either get spanked, upset, or both.
posted by elijahin at 04:14 PM on January 03, 2008
ok yes, "genius" is thrown around way too much, much like "hero", that said, in football terms, there are some coaches (and even a few players) who are worthy of the title, provided that it is qualified as being in football terms and not something important like medicine. coach hobo, certainly does qualify. i would put him in the top five coaches ever, along with bill walsh, vince lombardi, don shula, and tom landry.
posted by elijahin at 04:12 PM on January 03, 2008
Perfect record = fact. Perfect team = debatable and entirely subjective. there is no such thing as a perfect team, in the absolute sence of the word. much the same as there is no perfect snowflake, or perfect person. however perfection is also defined as "the highest level of proficiency or efficiency that can possibly be attained" (websters) i dont see how anyone can be more efficient or proficient than 16-0, therefore it is accurate to refer to the 2007 new england patriots as "perfect."
posted by elijahin at 03:27 PM on January 03, 2008
he's like happy gillmore, he keeps comming to try-outs with the same weak skills even though he never makes the team.
posted by elijahin at 02:52 PM on January 03, 2008
venicemenace, im rooting for him to get it, too. then he can show us a record without any close ones. after all, he hasn't even come near an inteligent thaught. crew, football is a complicated game, maybe you should be a fan of some other sport thats more your speed. like checkers, or tic tac toe.
posted by elijahin at 02:15 PM on January 03, 2008
Patriots Extend Perfect Season to 17-0
FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! I SAID I AM GETTING FIREFOX! I SAID I WILL COMPLY WITH YOUR BULLSHIT! AND THAT I JUST WANT TO BE DONE WITH THIS SHIT AND GET BACK TO TALKING SPORTS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS PRICKS WANT! LBB, if you would look imediately past the line that you copied off of my thread, you will see in ()'s that i was not refering only to rcade, i was using the collective "you". christ, you win. im done.