yerfatma... Good call on Noah, I thought the same thing reading through those names. A probable solid pro, but he belongs nowhere near those other names. The whole "I will call you" thing. Forget for a moment that this isn't the way it's always been done, and then... what's wrong with it? The harrassment these kids must endure... why not take a stand? Is his assumption that all schools would be interested false? Power to the people... a bad thing?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:59 PM on March 22, 2007
These guys don't just fall off the athlete tree. AWESOME.... i think I finally have a line to shut my Bonds lovin, steroid defending friend up for life. Mucho Gracias... merci beacoup... kam sa ham nee da.... THANKS.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:02 PM on March 20, 2007
I liked that article too. Thanks for posting it, but I must say I disagree with... Why do we even momentarily question how much impact they must have on a game built entirely on explosion and power? I get the point, but entirely... The writer got carried away. Proofread the next day please... no skill? no decision making? no poise? no... umm... coaching? waaaay off. I mean... The author mentions (read: bases the entire article on comparisons to...) a smaller tackle, and a slower reciever... then says this.... selective evidence is awesome. Best writer going?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:58 PM on March 20, 2007
orange.... you went cherry pickin info. to prove what you thought the definition of pandemic was... That killed me, having to find proof of the truth when you were researching to proove your point rather than the truth. And then when you finally knew you were wrong (which is ok, but to maintain it, push it, selectively research...) you couldn't even say... "whoops". An old thread i know, but you asked. Nothing in this thread upset me at all, just saw some insults being hurled by those who hurl at insult hurlers, and pointed that out, without hurling i think. And now... failure to read all the posts before posting by one who posts about not posting without reading the posts. Phew... Tennis anyone? Let's compromise, best of four.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:36 PM on March 20, 2007
So many people attacking each other I can't even tell if i'm attacking, being attacked, defending an attacker or.... I was referring to equal pay for equal revenue generated by the tourney. Just an idea that longer matches generated more revenue, i don't know, maybe they do, maybe they don't. I like equality, yea for the french open, yea for tennis.... Just had an idea. Now we have people who've made big mistakes on other posts, who've called out people for insulting others...calling people idiots. It's a pandemic!!! (I just set my Lbb alert to orange) "Troliing", being satirical, being hypocritical, rude, forgetful, rambling on with zero punctuation... We all make mistakes. Ive made tons, admitting them is good. I wrote that they play 5 and 7... That was a major malfunction, call me Private Snowball.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 10:56 AM on March 20, 2007
Na LBB.... Weedy has a point, not saying I agree with it, but he has a point. Forget popularity, consider it even, since equality is what this is about. You try generating the same TV ad revenue for a 5 set match vs. a 7 set match. Just consider the strawberry and cream sales... not even close. And yes I know that's Wimbledon... last I heard it's the same sport. Just wondering... Can you get hammered at Wimbledon?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 05:23 PM on March 19, 2007
3-4 nose tackles vs. 4-3 tackles. Not a football guru, but size does matter. You need to be able to clog a larger space. Guys who have played NT usually are massive. Some 4-3 DT's can do it, but the ones who can't, it's not so much because of skill level (yes, it's a diiferent game plan and rush/gap scheme) but because of lack of size. Washington, Wilfork to cite both an older and a younger example. These guys are tanks, these guys are talented, these guys are primo 3-4 nose tackles. Could Warren Sapp play nose tackle in his prime? Maybe. Would have been different though. You are usually double teamed right off the snap - in the middle - there is no outside, and to generate a good push vs. a center AND a gaurd? You gotta be a beast. It's kinda odd sayin "these guys are tanks" in comparison to an NFL DT... but you get my point. EVEN BIGGER. Yes, there is a shortage of good nose tackles. You know Bill Parcells small world theory? Fewer guys that big, even fewer who can play. To be bigger than most DT's and have talent? Loooooooong odds.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 05:12 PM on March 19, 2007
Joaquim... agree with the 1st paragraph for sure. As for the 2nd one... um... shouldn't you be getting ready for your 1st round match-up? I bet you lose, 50 bucks, c'mon. How do we know? He admitted it. And if there was a shred of truth out there that says he didn't bet, i think he'd be hustlin to find it. He's got nothing to stand on, not even first base.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 12:16 PM on March 15, 2007
So tell me, what's so wrong about betting on your own team? I can see the problem if he was betting against them and then conspiring to make them lose but not the other way round. Also... I think that right there, may have been why he said it. He has no credibility left, so why not throw it out there hoping people will take the charlie hustle slant on it... "Oh, gambling made him play harder, like everyone else he was trying to win, trying harder maybe..." Notice in his statement, how many times he uses the word team. He was working it hard, too hard. It's quite transparent. But the reality is that gambling is the one sure-fire way to kill the integrity of the sport. There is a reason why it's such a black and white issue. Word. Scratch "one" maybe, but fashizzle... atheletes - gambling - sports - bad
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 09:41 AM on March 15, 2007
It's a study of gender differences in viewing men bat, specifically. It's about the psychology and sociology of sport fans, generally. It's about men staring at the genital region of other men, oddly. It's about a lot of things I don't really want to know about, seriously.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:17 PM on March 14, 2007
Miami fans... They love their college football team don't they? I don't follow ncaa football as closely as I'd like too, no idea.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 12:09 PM on March 14, 2007
I typed it. Relax. Noone has a gun, that I know of. You're aware of figurative language I'm sure. If not, go jump in a lake. I saw that you disagree that it's even debatable. I already knew that, don't take it out on literary devices, they mean you no harm. You didn't shoot anyone, I know. You were only robbin the register and you hope we understand. And when you find the ridiculous use of words appropriate, let me know.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:42 PM on March 13, 2007
The Penguins in Pittsburgh have enjoyed great populariity, a championship history, one? of the greatest players the game has ever known.... Is success like this, if well wasted despite being preventable, an extreme tragedy - relative to the world of the NHL and all the troubles it's had in recent years? We can all debate that. Can you shoot a guy for saying it? Nope, it's debatable at the very least.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:58 PM on March 13, 2007
My 20-20 hindsight shows me... Mario's an owner right... With a legacy like his he probably was gonna make sure his city still had a team. He played it well though didn't he? Great for Pittsburgh, great for hockey. Now... Can we move Bettman to Kansas City?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:49 PM on March 13, 2007
The problem is that hockey has no relevance in the places they live. That's what needs to change. Weedy... you may be right, i dunno but... I live in a place where hockey has a $hitload of relevance, just about everyone I knew played, but we couldn't afford it. I played road hockey with them all and was almost as good as my school's best player (without the skates of course, and yes... he'd kick my ass too., dude became a Money was the only reason I wasn't in hockey. It was real relevant.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 01:46 PM on March 12, 2007
He's a lock, & I can't wait to hear his speech. He'll probably have that bag around his neck like Flavor Flav.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 01:36 PM on March 12, 2007
The issue comes down to one point The cost is incredible for hockey. Skates, pads, sticks, etc. So, any disadvantaged kid is not going to get a chance to play. I live in Dallas now, and the wealthy suburbs have hockey, the less well off do not. Exactly... The rink is nothing as far as cost is concerned, it's all that gear... and when you're growing? That much coin year after year after year... If your folks don't have money...forget it. Playing hockey costs a ton of money. My father took my brother and I to a local pond, we messed around growing up. I could play road hockey as well as most guys on the block.... but then, we grew up... organized sports, and that meant equipment - tons of it. Many of my friends played, but for me and my brother, hockey was never even discussed as an option. My bro played baseball, I played basketball: 2 pairs of shoes, $50 for the baseball league, 2 balls and a glove covered it. And as I grew up, i noticed I didn't outgrow my ball. (maybe I lost a couple tho...including one in the ocean...ha) It's about money - This is why soccer is the sport of the world. Unfortunately money and race are still related.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 09:25 AM on March 10, 2007
Now it's the "Taco Bell Grande-Sized Double Chalupa Meal Fiesta Bowl Brought to you by Ford Motors and Verizon Wireless". Suddenly, I'm hungry. But do you hit the drive thru, or call... That is a pretty nice pic too. I bet it'll look the same if they move HQ to Trindad and/or/if Tobago.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:02 PM on March 08, 2007
Trades are hard to judge at the time for sure, but are they always a crapshoot? What about the Shaq deal? Or the Gretzky deal? Maybe I'm off, I dunno, there are probably better examples too.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:56 PM on March 08, 2007
Being on a movie set... meaning of a movie? Make a correlation, that has a direct...ummm... correlation. Like an actor/actress would better understand acting. A director would better understand directing etc...
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:25 PM on March 07, 2007
I don't really care one way or the other about either team, but I feel kinda feel like.... CHEAP SHOT! easy. Experience in a sport doesn't help you understand what goes on out there? That's brutal. I ask my friends who play different sports about strange events like this all the time, and they have insight I don't. Maybe that's why it's called "in"sight? They've been "in" the game, and have a perspective someone who strictly observes doesn't. If you wanna base your arguments on outsight, feel free, but it's not a word for a reason.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 11:50 AM on March 06, 2007
Sounds absolutely nuts. Not sure what to think, but I like the line from the article, writen by the soup de le jour-nalist I’ve never supported the round robin concept because it’s open to manipulation and it’s too freaking confusion. Agreed, it is too freaking confusion.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 05:24 PM on March 03, 2007
My mistake yerfatma.... i read everything, instead of everyone. Damn sight word vocabulary... That's why I answered that way, sorry yerfatma, my bad.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:38 PM on March 03, 2007
The Baseball Hall of Fame membership should be decided by the outcome of an alternating best-of-seven format conducted using Stratomatic and Earl Weaver Baseball for the Tandy 1000 with Home Field Advantage determined by 2 headed coin toss.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 10:41 AM on March 03, 2007
yerfatma... As soon as someone posts on article on "everything else", then yes, yes you can. One.... small..... post for yerfatma... one... giant leap absolutely nowhere. What's your point? If offering an opinion isn't part of this, fill me in on what we're doing here ok?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 10:26 AM on March 03, 2007
LBB - you're still here. Shouldn't you be at a vet somewhere recovering from the WHO pandemic debacle? Weaky McPosty, just for laughs yea... Mr. McSmokey has made a ton of fine posts.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 07:31 AM on March 03, 2007
agreed. I think he was gettin better... but too slowly eh. I totally see where your coming from. I was expecting a lot more myself.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 01:53 PM on March 02, 2007
There's a need to be accurate.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 06:09 AM on March 02, 2007
Frankly, he didn't seem to be improving at all. Did you watch him play the last 3 years? I agree with the holes in his game you mention, but no improvement is a ridiculous suggestion. 4 years in the league? Get your facts right or don't bother contributing to a discussion. This was his 3rd year, and he's only totalled 145 games because of injuries. Don't tell me you talk out your a$$ too smokey. You mention his shooting, it is hurtin, but his fg% went up every year. That's improvement, and in the area he needed it most. You're just hatin, but I agree college would have helped him, especially in developing his body, but if this happened in college??? OUCH... He'd be kickin himself in the ass, literally, because with a leg that busted up, you can. and mentioning those guys... who all had some adjustments to make once in the NBA, where's Lebron? The one who made the transition most recently, and more seemlessly, than any of those guys. Weaky McPosty.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:11 PM on March 01, 2007
Poor guy. Yea... I've had this guy on and off my fantasy team (keeper league) for 3 years now... Hurt his shoulder real bad when he grabbed a rebound and the other guy ripped the ball, and his shoulder, right out... Then it was something else. His knee? 5 parts of it were totally detached... the big 3 ligaments (acl, mcl,pcl), the knee cap and the meniscus. From reading about it, this is the worst knee injury i've ever heard of. I hope he gets back, but he needs to strengthen his whole body, it's not built to stand up to much of anything. These knee injuries.... is it a pandemic? jk... The comparisons are a bit much yes, but not totally unfounded. He's got serious PG skills. The things that may have kept hom from becoming an all-star were a a weak body, a weak jumper, injuries and minutes - which were starting to come. He could run and see the floor with ease and make sweet passes. How much potential did he have? The 76ers offered Iverson in a package deal, but L.A. wouldn't part with Livingston. And yes, he's been a Clip the whole time, right out of high school. By the time he rehabs he'll be a year or two older than univ. grads. There's hope, but still... poor guy.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:41 PM on February 28, 2007
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:59 PM on February 23, 2007
I never said WHO was wrong, I was insinuating that your interpretation of their defintion is wrong. HIV/AIDS has really only been "around" for roughly 30 years - And over 40 million people have it. If it doesn't spread easily, are you implying that people are buying it on E-Bay? If it isn't a pandemic, tell me what is, and support this claim please. Care Says It These guys say it... and UNAIDS...well, i assume you know the UN has a specific branch for HIV/AIDS... because it is a pandemic, and the UN runs WHO. forget the source of the site, note the source in the title. wikipedia, supported by info from WHO says it American Government says it Someone WHO won't admit anything says it oh, and WHO says it... Read until you find it please. LLB... we all make mistakes I could have posted 756 links (approximately), suporting it as a pandemic, so please, realize that if you deny this fact again, I will strike down upon you with greater links and furious anger.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:46 PM on February 23, 2007
LBB.... LOL... The best part is you've created an amazing redefinition of... amazing redefinition.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 06:43 AM on February 23, 2007
LBB... you're wrong. Pandemic, is a global problem that's spreading. That's HIV/AIDS alright... but thanks for coming out. You don't think it spreads easily? It spreads by the very means we procreate. I've done it... and yes, it's easy.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 06:35 AM on February 23, 2007
IP address owner takes the blame eh... Once that's out, every Boss/Owner/CEO whatever... is screwed.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:34 PM on February 22, 2007
Mr.Bismarck, i did read the whole article, the whole post, and every other post as well. An incorrect statement was made about HIV: Hence, HIV transmission only occurs via blood transfer. Yes, he goes on to say that viruses, and he/she doesn't mention HIV here, can be transferred in other ways, but then goes on to say that because of the high Na+ content would diminish it's effect almost instantaneously Not only is HIV transmission only occurs via blood transfer - a blanket statement, the post IF YOU READ THE WHOLE THING, actually asserts this to the end. If you disagree with this part, ok, but that blanket statement to conclude the 1st paragraph is incorrect, and dangerous. HIV/AIDS is a pandemic and one of the most serious problems facing the planet, we should be clear on something like this. HIV can be transferred by other means that blood. Argue with me all you want, but first, head to Haiti, meet a few girls, don't wear a condom, then get back to me ok? With an issue this serious, you can't say Hence, HIV transmission only occurs via blood transfer regardless of what you say later, because like you mentioned, often people only read parts of a post. No harm, no foul. No comdom? That's a foul in the world of HIV. Kids learn this in middle school, so when a soon to be Dr. is saying things like this, we have to wonder, if not worry. I agree with both of you on the saliva part, it seems we don't know about that one for sure yet, but an open wound in the mouth would increase the chances of transmission. has the site ever had someone to edit posts for accuracy, or is the handled by members exclusively I see people get posts erased for being too rude, but innacuracies seem ok. Which is easier for the reader to ignore?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:25 PM on February 22, 2007
scratch "in utero" - should say "c-section" the posts should be more about morrison, but i read some incorrect info about HIV (which is kinda important) posted by the Dr. and i thought it important to clear that up.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 05:48 AM on February 22, 2007
HIV can only be transferred through blood? That's not true is it? I mean, saliva... rumour has it that buckets of the stuff might do it, if into an open cut especially, say in the mouth. And I'm pretty sure that HIV can be transferred through reproductive fluids, breast milk, and during child birth - with in utero greatly reducing the risk, meds help too in this regard, but may have side effects. But you're the Dr. I gotta trust you on this.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 07:32 PM on February 21, 2007
walt... we speak two different languages i'm afraid cause u base your first assumption on what you SEE in the tape, and the 2nd one on what APPEARS. You give visual evidence for him attempting to stop the match but it appears he isn't stopping the match? if you're differentiating doing / attempting... you can't. Because without oppurtunity, doing can't be done. ref had no chance to finsih what he was attempting to do. strike 7, dugouts that way.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 06:29 AM on February 21, 2007
walt... can i call you walt? In your first paragraph you say "In fact, I think it's highly likely, given that the ref was stopping the match, he knew his son already had a bad shoulder, etc." The ref's stopping the fight, ok, i'll give ya that since it's given. I'll regiven-gift ya. In your 2nd paragraph, your objective approach it seems, good on ya for tyring... you say "the referee didn't appear to be stopping the match " You now have 2 options: 1. Run from this post screaming, and never look back. 2. Hence forth, be referred to as Walt.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:00 PM on February 20, 2007
ragoholic i've said it again cuz clearly you guys need a 2nd chance at being funny. and yes,...walt clyde... lol and if that ragoholic mcsmoked the mcweedy, we wouldnt be havin this conversation.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 06:19 AM on February 20, 2007
Walt... Are you trying to prove that what the guy did was right? or that you're right? I'm not sure posting to this site is worth the time if you're gonna dig holes that deep with a keyboard. Use a shovel, it's faster. I respected your posts from before this link, and I'll ignore this one and continue to enjoy yours in the future. But dude... look at the tape, this guy's a ragoholic. Say it, "My name's Walt, and that guys a ragoholic." Feel better? Thanks for clearing up what one of these tourneys looks like, chaos kinda. Be interesting to watch.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 12:04 PM on February 19, 2007
Anyone notice that after he throws the kid, what he feels most important to do next is not to check his kid but vent some more rage towards camera Dad. He never even glances at his own kid. E GO to fight Daddy next maybe? and this guy's being defended. Poor Society, Poor Little Society.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 09:34 AM on February 19, 2007
I question their ability to put themselves in the same situation. You question it? Is this an ability you have? None of us can say anything with certainty about how we'd react, we're all just judging what we saw, and offering our opinions on it. I saw an angry man overreact and toss a small child - when an adult who was certified (I hope) to be in charge of the situation seemed to be. No one here should have their ability as parent's questioned because of what they say debating stuff on a sports talk website.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 03:46 PM on February 18, 2007
If you can say you wouldn't make a move to stop your child from being seriously hurt in any situation where you had the chance to do so, I don't know what to say to you. To help those with reading comprehension difficulties: "make a move" means send a kid flying. It was ugly, and handled wrong. Post another novella for us illiterate folk, if you still disagree.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 02:32 PM on February 18, 2007
Southpaw... yea, good point. I was wondering about the "ring". You can see circles on the floor, aren't they supposed to be inside one of them? They seem to be just a few feet from the "ring" next to them. Maybe, these 2 had been wrestling outside the circle for way too long, and the ref was too slow on this? Could someone who knows wrestling answer this one? Were they wrestling where they were supposed to be, or were they out of bounds and still going at it?
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 12:21 PM on February 18, 2007
newbies trying to score humor points. or people trying to make people laugh... what a shame, the world needs less laughter i say. Not the most debatable link, but good to know about. Since watching it, I've seen lots of posts on the net sayin "if i was the dad with the camera, i'd have kicked his ass, etc..." Takes a man to, in a moment like this, know his son was fine, and a bigger man to not stoop to that idiot's level. He was able to realize in an instant, that the camera was payback enough. Kudos to that guy. Sadly, that angry father reminds me of too many hockey dads who live in my area. Any post that leads to more discussion about this kind of thing is great I think.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 11:14 AM on February 18, 2007
More seriously... He was a very well-rounded player, but he'd clearly be a role-player now. What would his role be? A defensive stopper? Not sure he's still got what it takes for that. What made him so good was that he could do a bit of everything, but that may be his weakness now, as no one skill jumps out at you as something that could help a team.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 09:46 AM on February 17, 2007
How could he help your team? He's got 6 fouls to give. He just needs to find a team with guys on their bench who don't have 6 fouls to give, then he's a shoe-in IF he can convince the coach he'll go in when asked. So yea... i'm sayin there's a chance.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 09:33 AM on February 17, 2007
14-2 and ya lose to the pats by a FG... WHAT A TERRIBLE YEAR!!! This reeks of Homer smackin the TV, fix it til it's broke I say.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:36 PM on February 13, 2007
We all seem real good at shutting each other's ideas down, but yet when we do it we get no closer to answering the question. Regardless, if and when we do find the answer, i say we trade it to Denver for draft picks. Maybe it has something to do with the low scores... you know, tension followed by a sort of explosion? I know hockey has low scores, but the aggression is let out throughout the game in other ways. AND take Darts for example. 501 points, no fights, despite being half drunk with darts in they're hands.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 12:05 PM on February 13, 2007
to be fair, you addressed part of the 2nd quote, but not all of it, more importantly the crux of it - different sports (not too many real fans have different favorite teams in the same sport/league). BBC can post 50 sports, fact is "football" rules england. Your post itself, and the one after it, points to this. BBC World is my homepage. Basically, I don't think the answer is a that soccer fans are myopic and American fans have multiple interests. I think most sports fans watch more than one sport - but most have one favorite team and one favorite sport. Poll soccer fans and see what they list their favorite sport as, then compare that with the result of a similar poll with Americans... Wait? We know the answer to that. So I'm not sure why you said that. Maybe you meant Europeans? Still, poll em, Soccer will have a higher % than any one sport when the same question is posed to Americans, and you know this... MAN!
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 06:58 PM on February 11, 2007
Yea... It's different. On close analysis, I've noticed they use their feet. It's not the sport, that's obvious, or there'd be the most fights at Boxing and Hockey. It's the fans, and why are they different? I think it's because you have a fervour almost like a nationalism of sorts, localized to the one club that those people have been cheering on, almost exclusively, for decades. Give them 12 sports with 3 leagues each and a bunch of teams... well, that fervour gets diluted.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 01:47 PM on February 11, 2007
psmealey... thats what i'm saying. We follow so many sports, and teams, that our attention to each , read devotion... is diluted. Someone's all upset about the Knicks, well, someone else can bring up the Yankees, change the subject, and if that doesn't work, why not the Mets, or the Rangers, or the Islanders, or the Giants, or the Jets, or the... Hey, the Open's begun!!!
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 10:01 AM on February 11, 2007
I wonder if it has to do with our variety of sports here... I mean, you grow up in Brazil, England... duh guess what sport you're into? That's what you follow 24/7 365... Here? Superbowl's over, NBA All-Star Game next weekend and 2nd half of the season with playoffs, and the Stanley Cup Playoffs, and the boys of summer, World Series and next thing you know Bon Jovi is in Times Square for the NFL Kickoff... For many of us, our allegiance is diluted. We can deny this, but it's quite simple math.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:25 PM on February 09, 2007
Thank You BMW... Often it takes an education outside of sports to understand them. When I say often, I mean always unless you live in the U.S., then you just need a business degree. Screw you Canadian??? Perhaps you should rent a copy of said "Canadian Bacon".
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 04:03 PM on February 09, 2007
i don't watch too much hockey, but Sid has me interested again. From the article, and these responses, it sounds like the refs have the same control of the game as Bettman does of the league.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 08:42 AM on February 06, 2007
My friend and I were talking the other day about who we'd rather have, a pro broadcaster tryin to be a sports fan, or a real sports fan tryin to be a broadcaster... we both took the latter. Perhaps many of us are tiring of the repetitive, boring nature of these square pegs filling square holes. We're due for change - Go Wilbon and flag bearer - (easier than spelling his name). For all I know these guys have a broadcasting background, but their passion is legit, and more importantly untamed.
posted by 2 time mvp of the shittiest team ever at 07:58 AM on February 02, 2007
O.J. Mayo: Don't call him, he'll call you
"taking a stand" - not of civil rights proportions,... but for one's self? Yea, you can do that. To dispute a metaphor is just weird. Using blurry, re-mixed videos to support an argument is lame. It's high school. He's a kid. He threw a ball. Everyone there who knew him, loved it. The ref bump? Imagine if people really went flying like that when brushed up against... picture a subway station... lol. He's been talked about for years, and was on the cover of basketball magazines before he hit grade 12. He was so hyped... i mistakenly told a friend recently "he's in college somewhere" - because I thought with all that hype (I read about years ago) he had to be by now.