Matt Garza pitched the game of his life.Boston took them to seven games but just couldn't get the timely hits that was needed to win.Congrats to the Rays and their fans.I'll be rooting for them to win it all.The bad part is the Red Sox lost.The good part is that it wasn'to the Yankees.Rays went from worst to first which is quite an accomplishment.Just wondering what the Cubs and their fans are thinking what they have to do just to get to the World Series,never mind win one, after watching what the Rays did this season.But the Rays are facing a good Philly team.Phillies in 6.
posted by Ghastly1 at 01:12 PM on October 20, 2008
Hopefully the Patriots and the Matt Cassel era will continue their winning ways against the Jets this week.Beating the Chiefs was one thing,Cassel vs the Jets and Favre at the Meadowlands might be a little tougher than beating the lackluster Chiefs at home in week 1.Only time will tell if Cassel has what it takes to be an N.F.L. QB. A.F.C.East there for the taking maybe for the Bills,Jets,and Dolphins.Although I'm still not counting out the Pats just yet.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:22 AM on September 14, 2008
I would love to see what Marvin Hagler would do to Pavlik and Taylor if they were around when The Marvelous One was the Undespituted Middleweight Champ back in the eightys.Neither one would stand a chance against him.I think by far he was the best middleweight in his day,if not the best ever!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 04:47 PM on February 18, 2008
The whole thing is just a waste of taxpayers dollars.Hasn't the government got anything better to do than to butt in on the NFL?He got caught,paid his fine,the team paid theirs.Enough said.Get on with the offseason.Training camp opens in July.Season opens in Sept.Stop beating a dead horse!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:01 PM on February 15, 2008
Highly doubtful Brady will not play in Super Bowl XLII. It'll take more than a sore foot to keep him from playing!!!Although Brady didn't look that good against the Chargers,look for Brady to be on top of his game come S.B. Sunday.
posted by Ghastly1 at 03:16 PM on January 22, 2008
Jim Caldwell is all set to take over the reins as soon as Dungy decides to give them up.Not only is Dungy a class act,but Caldwell also seems dedicated to wait until that happens.Both are classy guys,and not many such as Caldwell to sit and wait until a head coach waits and decides his fate with the team as the head coach.
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:24 PM on January 21, 2008
Outside of New England,I've got to agree that the Patriots fan base is practically none.It seems that alot of people want to see the Patriots lose the Super Bowl just because of the history that is at stake here.They don't want to see them go 19-0.I can see maybe why the Dolphin fans don't want them to win,even though the 17-0 mark has been broken,it's the undefeated season as a whole thats at stake for them.Call them cheaters,or what ever else some people want to call them,but what everyone is going to witness if the Patriots do win the S.B. is that this years Pats team will go down maybe as the greatest team ever to play the game of football.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:15 PM on January 21, 2008
Giants played a great game in that frozen tundra they call Lambeau Field.Eli had a great game and seemed to throw at will against that Green Bay defense.I thought that the Packers were going to win it in O.T. when they won the coin toss.But when Favre threw that pick,I knew it was over.Favre has had a great career,and has a Super Bowl ring(1 but correct me if I'm wrong)I think it's time for him to hang up the cleats and retire.One more Super Bowl would of been nice for him,but I think it would be the right thing for Bret to retire with all of the records that he holds.Next stop is the Hall of Fame.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:49 AM on January 21, 2008
Just seems like she may be doing this since the AFC Championship Game is coming up,and give Randy and the Patriots something negative in the press.Of course there's going to be some that believe her considering Moss' past.Why wasn't this brought out before this week?
posted by Ghastly1 at 02:39 PM on January 16, 2008
She knew before her name was announced that she was going to get booed.There were probably a few just doing it just to have a little fun,but I'm sure there was those drunken, obnoxious morons booing a fourteen year girl wearing a Patriots jersey just out of hatred of the Patriots.Class act on Krafts part to give her and her family tickets to the game.Good PRs for smoothing over maybe some hurt feelings,even though she said it didn't bother her.
posted by Ghastly1 at 02:03 PM on January 16, 2008
Rivers is a little immature.He's always getting into it with the fans on the road.Yesterday wasn't the first time he's done it.He's got to learn to suck it up and be professional about it. Letting the fans know that they are getting under his skin just makes them get louder and gets more people into it.Rivers has got to learn to let that trash talk go and just play football,what he's being payed to do.He's going to hear alot of it this coming weekend here in Foxboro.The fans at Gillette Stadium will have him eating right out of their hands.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:11 AM on January 14, 2008
Micheangelo and surgically precise is exactly what Tom Brady and the offense did to the Jaguars did last night.Except for the missed field goal as mentioned above.The defense has got to start tackling better,and Harrison has got to stop getting them stupid 15 yard roughing penalities.The Jaguars are a big team on both sides of the ball.I guess trying to stop them big receivers and backs has been hard for any team.Anyhow,congrats to the Jags and their fans.They just couldn't do what 17 other opponents weren't able to do and that is to stop Brady and the offense.
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:39 AM on January 13, 2008
Money probably is the motivating factor if and when he decides to make the jump.But why go to the pros?I don't know what his salary is at USC,but I'm sure it's not chump change.Plus the job security he has in Southern Cal. He's known for not being able to coach at the pro level.Be smart Pete.You won't last long in Atlanta or any other Pro city!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:08 PM on January 10, 2008
I don't know what Phillips was thinking giving the players the luxury of basically letting them do what they wanted.Sure you've got the bye week,and maybe take a little time off from football.But going and lounging on a Mexican resort I think is a bit much.I can see Belichick telling his team,"Alright boys,we earned the right to the bye week,you all go down to Mexico,have a few Margaritas on me,and I'll see you back here Monday morning.Yea right!!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:35 PM on January 09, 2008
Joe Gibbs is a class act.He said he couldn't give 100% to the team.I guess he can now concentrate on his race team full time,something he said he wasn't able to do with the Redskins.Good luck to him.
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:20 PM on January 09, 2008
If anyone watched the 60 Minutes interview,it seemed to me that he answered some of those questions in a round about way trying to avoid some of the questions such as the one about the lie detector test.I personally think Clemens is as guilty as anyone else mentioned.He went out and filed a lawsuit and is trying to clear his name in that form of way.I guess they are all innocent until proven guilty,but this has tarnished the game of baseball and all the players mentioned to the point where it'll be hard to clear not just Clemens' name,but all that have been mentioned.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:52 PM on January 07, 2008
Patriots-Jaguars should be a hell of a game.But the Patriots and Belichick will be studying the film of the Jags- Steelers game and I'm sure he'll put in a game plan to offset what the Jaguars have to throw at them.Colts vs Patriots in the AFC Championship game.
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:58 AM on January 07, 2008
Clemens is no better than Tejada,Bonds,or anyone else mentioned in the Mitchell Report.Clemens did seem to get bigger and better with age as did Bonds,among others.I personally think that Clemens did use steroids or HGH.We'll just have to wait and see what happens when they are all asked to testify before Congress.But thats not saying they are all going to tell the truth either.Both Pettite and Clemens were teammates at the time since McNamee has mentioned both there names.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:45 AM on January 05, 2008
I'm the first one to say that the Jaguars are going to be A DANGEROUS TEAM IN THE PLAYOFFS!! Also,you can't look past the Colts who are the defending Champs.I'm for one am not just a one sided Pats fan.Theres 3 games to go for N.E. GO 19-0.AND I HOPE THE HELL THEY DO IT TO SHUT UP ALL THE NAYSAYERS.And if they don't,congratulations to the team that knocked them out.And anything short of a Super Bowl win will be a disappointment after going 16-0 in the regular season.Hell even 18-1 will be!!!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:52 PM on January 04, 2008
Man,when is this cheating thing going to stop and give Belichick and the team the recognition that they deserve?The first 5 minutes if the first game of the year has nothing to do what they accomplished.I know it's not everyone here on Spofi,just a certain few that just can't get the "Belichick Cheat Scandal"out of their heads and move on.He won the award and rightfully so.16-0 is a great accomplishment.I hope they run the table and go 19-0.Even if they do, that still won't be good enough in some peoples eyes. Family Man for one? aerotive another? C'mon!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:40 PM on January 04, 2008
That S.I. column pretty much sums it up I think.Of course you've got to have the players and the coaching to accomplish what N.E. has done.You take a look some teams that have won the Super Bowl one year,then the next year they barely make the playoffs or don't make them at all.Except the Colts.The Patriots have won 3 of the last 6 Super Bowls.They seem to be able to get players and get the most out of them simply because of the winning attitude they seem to have and the confidence in each other as a team.There was a time when teams saw they had New England on their schedule,in most cases it was like an automatic win.Just show up and you get the win.Not so anymore.The change in ownership,bringing Belichick in as head coach.All of the positive things that Kraft has done with this team,and we are no longer the doormat of the NFL here in New England.Going 16-0 was a great accomplishment.Going 19-0,and another Super Bowl would be the icing on the cake.Of course you've got to have a little luck and get some breaks,in which the Pats did.But hasn't every good team gotten them breaks and that luck?Oh and by the way FOOTBALL CREW,the Patriots did get them breaks and had a little luck against Baltimore,but it takes good players and coaching to know how to win them games,something Baltimore didn't have.So please put away your crying towel and just give credit where credit is due!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:28 PM on January 03, 2008
Nothing less than spectacular!!Man this kid has balls!Looking forward to seeing more from him.That jump looked too easy for him to do.Like to know what his next jump will be.
posted by Ghastly1 at 07:20 PM on January 01, 2008
C'mon doc,your not going to start the Ravens beat the Pats thing again are you?
posted by Ghastly1 at 07:05 PM on January 01, 2008
Are they becoming a well hated team because of their winning,or are they being hated out of jealously?Either way, you can't look past of what they've accomplished as a team,or the personal records that Brady and Moss broke. Somewhere down the line they'll be a team to break the record,a quarterback t to throw more TD passes,and another receiver to catch more TD passes.As a Pats fan,I'm going to enjoy the ride that we're on right now.Hopefully ending with a Super Bowl victory.
posted by Ghastly1 at 02:38 PM on December 30, 2007
Thanks steeler_fan.Some people just can't get themselves to see how good of a team N.E. really is.It doesn't matter what happened in the Baltimore game,the Indy game,or any other game where they fell behind.The bottom line is winning those close games.You can't give Brady second chances or he'll make a team pay as he did last night after Hobbs intercepted that pass.The Patriots have beaten playoff teams.Pittsburgh,Giants,Cowboys,Colts,Chargers,Jaguars,and the Browns if they make it.Pretty impressive I think.All the asterisk bull,all the"But Baltimore really won that game bullshit, just give the credit that the Patriots deserve?They've been down and almost out in a couple of games,but what seperates them from all the rest is that they have the killer instinct to win those close games coming from behind.Sure ,you've got to have a few things go your way,such as the boneheaded timeout against Baltimore and the penalties,but it's what they did to win that game.You can't give a well coached team with Brady and the talent they have on that team chances to beat you.No matter how you look at it,they're 16-0.The first team to do so in the regular season.Three more to go,and then that will be a perfect season.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:12 AM on December 30, 2007
I know in Mass.,if you refuse a Breathalizer test,you automatically lose your licence for 90 days.But know your talking about a death involved,so thats a whole different story.As far as the blood tests here,I'm not sure about the laws on that.Does anyone know if this is his first offense?
posted by Ghastly1 at 03:40 PM on December 29, 2007
Sounds to me like he was definetly drinking since he refused a sobriety test after being told that someone had been killed.Shame on Mr.Leyritz if in fact this is true.I'd think that is something you'd want to be cleared of if you weren't drinking and driving.
posted by Ghastly1 at 09:12 PM on December 28, 2007
Sorry everyone,my post should of went to "Why don't you [bleeping block...]
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:37 PM on December 28, 2007
I personally don't think that ALL THEM coaches could win with this team,no matter how good the team is.Belichick is one of those coaches that no matter how good you are,he thinks that there's always room for improvement.Brady could go 30 for 35 for 400 yds with 4 TD's,and I'm sure he could find something wrong.He seeks perfection from every one of his players no matter how good they were the last game.Every game in his mind can be better than the last. There's no doubt that N.E. is the best team in football right now.How they got there is Bill Belichick getting every bit of excellence out of his players each and every week.They practice and study film hard.Of course it helps having the players to work with.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:32 PM on December 28, 2007
I'm glad that they decided to put in on regular T.V.Patriots fans here in the Boston area and elsewhere who don't have the NFL Network,myself included, wouldn't be able to watch the game.Within the next five years,you'll probably have to have the NFL Network,or maybe even pay per view,to watch the Super Bowl.Just another way for the NFL to make money.As far as Congress and the political side of this,I don't even want to touch.Just glad that they got involved and did the right thing so we get to watch what is,besides the Super Bowl,the biggest game of the year,at least from a Pats fan point of view.I'm sure there's people out there who don't give a f--k either way.
posted by Ghastly1 at 04:18 PM on December 27, 2007
Great choice. Brett Favre had one of his best seasons.Alot of people ,including some announcers,said that he should retire at the beginning of the season.Congratulations to Brett.Without him,GreenBay wouldn't be where they are today.He proved alot of people wrong in which some say was his best season ever.
posted by Ghastly1 at 03:29 PM on December 27, 2007
How can you say that they are officially listed at 14-1 where records are kept and reported? The last time I checked the stats,N.E is 15-0.Thats just a crazy comment to make.I'd like to know where those records are kept.Can you post a link to show me where these records are at?The actual score of the game IS ALL THAT MATTERS!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:57 AM on December 25, 2007
Balitimore DID HAVE the Patriots beat,no doubt about it.But for the screwed up time out and the penalities hurt them.You can't make mental mistakes,or any mistakes against a team like the Pats. The Patriots took advantage of it.Give Tom Brady and the offense 2nd and 3rd chances and 9 out of ten times he's going to make that team pay for it ,in which he did.If in fact N.E.loses to the Giants,congrats to them.Like I said in an earlier comment,"spygate"and the first five minutes of that first game did not infact have anything to do with the outcome of that game ,or the next 14 they've won since.Last week they were held scoreless for the first time this year in the second half.They have to play better against the Giants,or they will be 15-1.If they do go 16-0,it'll be a great accomplishment.If they end up 15-1,oh well.They still had a great season.There's one thing that every team plays for and that is to win a Super Bowl.Undefeated would be nice,but another Super Bowl win would be a whole lot sweeter.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:43 AM on December 25, 2007
I hope you and everyone else here on Spofi have a Merry Christmas!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:24 PM on December 24, 2007
butterfingers,don't you know that teams have more than 1 set of signals and they can be changed at any time. Are you really that gullible to think that the Pats opposing teams keep the same signals the whole game?Not just teams playing the Patriots,but any game on any given Sunday.So what your trying to say is all the Patriots victories come from signal stealing,or 75% of them.The Patriots have a team full of talent,and have built teams that know how to win.Do you really think that they are that stupid to continue to do something that made them look like s--t.The Indianapolis Colts have been an excellent football team for several years now.What,2 or three 3 14-2 seasons,with another one on the way this year?It's called a team with alot of talented football players on it ,just like the Patriots.The two best quarterbacks in the league.Teams like them don't need signal stealing to win.It's called good coaching and execution of the play calling.It's obviously your not a Patriots fan.But I think it's time for you to realize that the Patriots are the best team in football right now whether you like them or not
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:07 PM on December 24, 2007
Cave_Man,I totally agree with you.Brady did seem to be trying to get Moss the ball and get the record[s] Pretty confident he'll get the records early.
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:35 PM on December 24, 2007
Alright butterfingers, the Patriots got caught.But do you or anyone else really think that had anything to do with them winning that first game of the year?The camera man was removed from where he was within the first five minutes of the game.They got caught,Belichick paid his fine,the team paid theirs,and since then they have done nothing but run off 15 straight wins.No,the Patriots don't need to steal signals from teams to win games.I think that they have proven that.butterfingers,the Patriots aren't the only team to do this "spycam"sort of thing.It's been going on for years.THEY JUST GOT CAUGHT.Shame on them!!!Sure it gave the team a black eye.And yes it did cause alot of embarrasment for them here in New England.As for the so called asterisk being put next to their name if they do in fact set the record and go 19-0,c'mon now.Did the first 5 minutes of one game have any affect on what they've accomplished?Absolutely not!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:24 PM on December 24, 2007
Whether you like Parcells and Belichick or not,you got to respect the fact that both are excellent coaches.If either one of them was coaching the team of your liking,I'm sure you wouldn't have anything bad to say about either.I personally don't like Parcells for what he did to the Pats before the Super Bowl against Green Bay I believe it was.I think he bailed out on that team,which was wrong.And as far as Belichick goes,he's the best coach in the NFL right now and will be for some time to come.
posted by Ghastly1 at 08:14 PM on December 21, 2007
About 2 weeks ago,Papelbon responded to a local news station reporter here in the Boston area when she asked him "What ever happened to the World Series ball?"and he gave the response to something like "my dog ate it,he likes to play with balls".At the time he was smiling and he made it sound like a joke.I'm sure that his dog didn't eat it.I think that he's got more brains to put the ball somewhere his dog couldn't get at it.Maybe now he's riding this joke to keep everyone wondering. Don't think he'd let that happen.
posted by Ghastly1 at 04:10 PM on December 21, 2007
"This"was an interesting article for sure lbb.Some of the stats on them losing teams were very poor for a 16 game season,hell even for a 14 game season.
posted by Ghastly1 at 03:43 PM on December 20, 2007
Man, I'm not having a very good day here lbb.I guess what I was trying to say was the Pats can surpass the 72 Dolphins in regular season wins undefeated at 15-0,where they only played 14 games in the regular season in 1972.But yes,your right again.To achieve the undefeated regular season they have to beat the Dolphins,then the Giants in two weeks making them 16-0.But that record can be broken if the Patriots do finish the regular season at 16-0, and then to go on and win the Super Bowl making them 19-0.
posted by Ghastly1 at 03:39 PM on December 20, 2007
They are trying to win this game for themselves absolutely.But on the flip side of the coin,I don't think that they want to be the Dolphins team that the Patriots beat to break the record.Not that any team does,but I just think that being a Miami Dolphin,knowing that they could stop that from happening,just might give them a little more incentive to go out and win this game.And yes,I really do think they care.It doesn't matter if they were on that team or not,it's the fact of playing for the Miami Dolphins and keeping that record for the franchise.
posted by Ghastly1 at 01:28 PM on December 20, 2007
My mistake,that game was in Miami.And your right again as every team has been trying to beat the Patriots,but none have succeeded.I'm just saying that the Dolphins are the team that will give it that little extra since they have their chance to hold that "72"Dolphin record intact.But I too don't expect anything less than a Pats win.I'm a die hard Pats fan.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:47 PM on December 20, 2007
The last regular season loss for the Pats was against the Dolphins around the same time last year at home.So the fact that the Pats are 14-0 and tied the "72" Dolphins for most wins in a season,I think the Dolphins are going to try and play their best game and not let the Pats get to 15-0.They always play the Patriots tough no matter where they play.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:27 AM on December 20, 2007
Dolphin-friendly Tuna,-good one Bismark.But it is now official.Parcells is now the VP of football operations.If I was the owner of the Dolphins,I'd be leary considering his track record of quitting a year or two down the road.
posted by Ghastly1 at 11:13 AM on December 20, 2007
Good for Brady.He deserves the award.What he does on and off the field,maybe a few other players{Vick?}should try and be like him.I'm not saying that he's superman,but he is definetly a class act.I'd rather have him quarterbacking my team than anyone else.No disrespect to Manning,just that I feel he's the better QB.
posted by Ghastly1 at 08:56 AM on December 20, 2007
Schilling should just let the Commissoner and whoever else do their jobs.He should just keep his big mouth shut.
posted by Ghastly1 at 08:45 AM on December 20, 2007
30 games?He should be banned altogether from the NHL or any other league that it's associated with!!He's just a complete goon,bufoon,anything but a professional hockey player!! Let a kid from the minors come up and take his spot.I'm sure there is someone just waiting to take advantage of playing in the NHL.
posted by Ghastly1 at 05:10 PM on December 19, 2007
Just a mind-boggleing amount of money to play the game of baseball.And I take it that is not including endorsements,etc.Just wondering how someone making that much money gets paid,weekly? monthly?Either way,he doesn't have a financial worry in the world.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:25 PM on December 14, 2007
Gagne' definetly fit the bill.Couldn't of been doing them with the Red Sox last year.If he was,they didn't benefit him or the Red Sox at all.I don't have his stats in front of me,but what I remember of him,he he pitched like shit!!
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:04 PM on December 13, 2007
I guess this just blew the lid off the new contract Tejeda signed with the Astros!!Actually, not surprised to see Clemens' name on the list at all.
posted by Ghastly1 at 05:58 PM on December 13, 2007
Candy-ass move on Petrino's part.So he lost a key player in Vick.You stick around and try to get your team back to where they once were.Of course the team went through some turmoil losing Vick,but you've got to look ahead,hope that your draft picks can help with the veterans and the team you now have,and hope that next year things turn around.Bailing out on the team at this point doesn't help matters.Don't know anything about him as a coach,but maybe he is doing the Falcons a favor.Big difference coaching at the Pro level as opposed to the college ranks.13 games into a season has got to be a record as far as quitting.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:41 PM on December 12, 2007
If you take the word "daisy",cut out the "sy"then you would pronounce Daisuke,"Day-Soo-kee.So "Fukudome"would be pronounced "Fuck-you-dome"Definetly something to have a little fun with for sure without any disrespect to ones name.I know that in Japanese,thats not how it's pronounced.Although now I'm curious as to how it is.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:17 PM on December 12, 2007
Bonds should just plead guilty and get it over with.Fess up Barry and do your time that your going to get eventually.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:10 PM on December 07, 2007
Can't agree with you more about Ray Guy.Best punter ever I think.He should already have been in years ago.
posted by Ghastly1 at 05:02 PM on December 06, 2007
Although Andruw still is a good fielder with a good bat,I think the Dodgers paid a high price for him.I don't think he is worth that kind of money at this stage of his career.
posted by Ghastly1 at 12:31 PM on December 06, 2007
Giving up Ellsbury I think would be one of the biggest blunders since the Lou Gorman era. Ellsbury is the future centerfielder for the Sox.Giving up Lester and Coco Crisp and some other prospect-prospects I wouldn't mind seeing.Ellsbury has the bat and some speed on the bases,includind his hitting ability which he showed when they replaced him in center field over Crisp.As for the Tigers,right now on paper they have a lineup thats at the top pf the AL. But then again,so did the Yankees last year,and looked what happened to them.They made the playoffs.The rest is history.
posted by Ghastly1 at 10:47 PM on December 05, 2007
I think D-Train will have a tough first year as did Beckett pitching in the American League until he gets to know the American League hitters.I know there are probably going to be people saying that could be the opposite,that it takes more time for a batter to figure out the pitcher and his pitches.What ever way anyone wants to look at it.As for Wins,Losses,and Era,I think all three are stats to look at when looking at a pitcher.But losses can be a deceiving stat,especially when,say the starter is taken out of the game in the 7th inning and leading 5-4 with two runners on,and the reliever comes in and gives up a couple of hits and them runners score,the starters going to get the loss because he's responsible for them runners that were left on base.Yes losses can indeed be a very misleading stat.
posted by Ghastly1 at 06:26 PM on December 05, 2007
Whether a team goes undefeated or not and makes the playoffs is going to fight like hell to win the Super Bowl.
posted by Ghastly1 at 09:20 PM on December 04, 2007
BC coach fired for Jets' interview
I don't blame BC,or any other team.It's all about the almighty dollar and the lure of becoming an NFL Head Coach.Going to the NFL doesn't guarantee your going to last.Just look what happened to Crennel of the Browns and the other head coaches who got fired this year.And they had NFL backgrounds!Should of stayed at BC where he had job security.