An Ode to Baseball Cards: Like the game itself, they enhanced your bond with your dad. There were few things that brought me more joy as an 8-year-old then when my father would return from a trip to the store with two packs of ’78 Topps, and I still remember him sitting on the floor with me in my bedroom and helping me sort my cards so that traded players were with their new teams. Maybe I’m overly sentimental — okay, I am overly sentimental — but the memory is my version of Ray Kinsella’s catch with his dad.
"Like the game itself, they enhanced your bond with your dad" I have two boys, two and six years old. They both hate what I'm into... *sigh*
posted by Drood at 07:08 PM on June 26, 2008
What justgary has to say is a liitle too close to home for us baby boomers. I remember opening a pack with Pete Rose's 1975 all-star card and literally freaking out. When I got the Twin's team card to complete my 1976 Topps set, I was in seventh heaven. The young people I see today open packs; look for the rookie and superstar cards; completely ignore the lifetime (or recent - thanks a lot Upper Deck - you destroyed them and will suck ass forever) stats; and on occasion even toss the everyday player in garbage because "they aren't worth s&*%". I ask this...when the Mark McGwire USA team card was printed, it was worth less than 25 cents. Five years later it was worth $5, mainly due to his rookie homerun record. About six years later it was worth $50 because he was about to each 500 home runs and three years later I had someone offer me over $100 for it because of the single season home run record. Today it is worth less than $5.00. What ever happened to needing him to complete your 1985 set and being overjoyed with that accomplishment? When did baseball card collecting stop becoming fun and start becoming a cutthroat business. (And no, my McGwire US baseball team cards are not for sale, as if anyone really wants them in this market...) Silver slugger card annoinments awarded by the card companies printing them? PUHLEAAAASE, were is the barf bag?
posted by knowsalittle at 09:11 PM on June 26, 2008
To this day, I still collect baseball cards. I been collecting baseball, football and basketball cards since I was 8 and I have every last one of them safely stored (and organized) in sneaker boxes. My cards range from Jordan's rookie to A-Rod's rookie card. I even have a Michael Vick, maybe I should stop there. I do plan on passing them of to my kids, when I have kids. I do hope that they can apppreciate them (sorry Drood, that sucks) and not just worry about how much they can get for them. Any takers? For the Vick card I mean.
posted by BornIcon at 07:05 AM on June 27, 2008
I still remember getting 20 packs of Topps baseball cards as a 10th birthday present in 1977. My parents didn't even wrap 'em -- they just gave them to me in the small paper sack they got at the store. Best present ever.
posted by rcade at 10:12 AM on June 27, 2008
Vying for my grandfather's affection, I joined him in Scranton when we visited while he listened to his beloved Red Sox on the radio. Hating the Yankees, he rooted for the Brooklyn Dodgers in those classic World Series between the cross-town rivals. Soon I, his granddaughter was hooked. I became a die-hard fan and began collecting Dodger cards, hat, pennant, autographed baseball, etc. My interest in card collecting and sports memorabilia grew. i still have my cards from the early '50's, and I continued to collect off and on through the years. As a Texan, I concentrated on the Houston Astros from the '80's until today. I treasure my cards which evoke a million memories from my youth.
posted by fanofsports at 10:38 AM on June 27, 2008
for some reason, I felt that I should place my best cards in the spokes of my wheels, (I don't know how many Willie Mays cards I destroyed this way)
posted by garvin6 at 02:24 PM on June 27, 2008
Does anyone other than me want to cry just a little bit right now? Only old school enthusiatisys still place value in older cards. I have the Tom Seaver/Nolan Ryan rookie card and the card when Nolan Ryan set the major league record for strikeouts in a single season. one that will easily stand forever thanks due to the relief pitcher era. Beckett says they are worth a small fortune. BULLSHIT!!!!! I recently had my cards appraised and evidently the appraisers used the Beckett guide as the benchmark. I offered them up as collectible at a collectible auction least month, and the rookie card was bid on at $150 and the strikeout record was bid at $40. Your 70's and 80's card are not barely worth the cardboard they are printed on.....
posted by knowsalittle at 06:13 PM on June 27, 2008
Back in the spokes they go.
posted by BoKnows at 06:14 PM on June 27, 2008
Thanks, justgary. I also still enjoy the novelty of baseball cards. (And hockey, football, etc...) I've recently moved and had the chance to briefly look through my 6+ boxes of cards. I've considered starting to sell them, give them to a young nephew of mine, or to just pack them away for another 20 years. I chose the latter. But like the article states, when Upper Deck came into the mix, it just became unaffordable. Bring back 25 cent packs! a muttonchopped Ozzie Smith actually made the Padres’ McDonald’s-inspired uniform look somewhat cool, (emphasis mine) Not possible.