Tejada Delivers on Promise: When he came to the plate in the sixth inning Friday night, Miguel Tejada wanted more than anything to keep his promise to 8-year-old Jacob Scott, a muscular dystrophy patient the Astros shortstop met at a luncheon hours earlier.
At least Tejada didn't promise two. Calling one is amazing.
posted by justgary at 01:30 PM on May 03, 2008
Holy crap! I've seen stuff like this in movies. "Hit a homerun for me!" To see someone actually do it... Man that fucking rocks! Awesome post justgary.
posted by Drood at 05:41 PM on May 03, 2008
finally we get something to be cheerful about in baseball, it was good to read about something good instead of all the bad.....
posted by buckchaser at 06:52 PM on May 03, 2008
Does this erase any of the negative feelings expressed when it was revealed that Tejada was two years older than he had been claiming throughout his professional career? I personally have always liked Miguel Tejada, in spite of the accusations of steroid use and despite his, shall we say, flexibility with his age. And in spite of the fact that he used to cream the Mariners routinely when he was with Oakland. Great ballplayer and apparently a decent fellow.
posted by THX-1138 at 11:29 PM on May 03, 2008
I thought the promise was to help the kid with the connection to get the proper identification to become 6 years old. Good post though.
posted by BornIcon at 08:31 AM on May 05, 2008
I didn't get the age thing. He's not in Little League, so does it really matter?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:58 AM on May 05, 2008
It was just a joke that you apparently didn't get.
posted by BornIcon at 09:22 AM on May 05, 2008
Really, BI?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 11:10 AM on May 05, 2008
Really, BI? Ummm? Yeah, really. What does your link have to do with anything? I know about Tejada's age being not exactly the truth, which is why I joked that Tejada was supplying this kid with fraudulent documentation to alter his age. Ugh, nevermind.
posted by BornIcon at 02:19 PM on May 05, 2008
Ugh, nevermind. Whatever, dude, but I'm not talking about the "it" that you think I'm talking about, and I wasn't referring to your post at all, so you might want to ease back a bit on the 'tude.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:08 PM on May 05, 2008
...you might want to ease back a bit on the 'tude. Excuse you? Maybe before you decide to comment about someone's post, you should clarify your meaning so that there's no confusion. As far as my post, if you don't get it, that's where all you had to do was ask instead of saying 'does it really matter' just because it doesn't matter to you. Apologies for the hijack.
posted by BornIcon at 07:01 AM on May 06, 2008
BornIcon, for the second time, I wasn't responding to your post. My "getting it" or not was never the issue. My "does it really matter" had nothing to do with anything you said. Now that I've explained that to you for a second time, are you going to stop trying to pick a fight?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:54 AM on May 06, 2008
Who's trying to pick a fight lbb? It sure isn't me. I simply was trying to understand where you were coming from since your initial comment was in direct connection to my post about the age discrepancy. I'm sure that you could understand why I felt as if your comments were directed at me but still, I don't see anything wrong with people have a difference of opinions. Starting a post with "Whatever, dude" shows 'tude so maybe you need to look within as to who was actually trying to pick a fight.
posted by BornIcon at 09:24 AM on May 07, 2008
Or, maybe you could both just walk away. It's just the interwebs. Nobody really wins anything.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 06:04 PM on May 07, 2008
The story put a smile on my face, justgary. Thanks! There were some questions involving Tejada prior to the season, but it seems he's fitting in quite well in Houston. Both on the field and off.