Frozen Four: Where Eagles Soar: The Boston College Eagles won the 2008 NCAA Frozen Four championship by knocking off this year's Cinderalla, Notre Dame, 4-1. This is BC's third national championship. Game Notes. Slide Show.
Any team that beats North Dakota repeatedly is fine with me, even if they did knock out the Gophers this season. Hooray Eagles!
posted by TheQatarian at 11:52 AM on April 13, 2008
If only the Miami Redhawks could have that minute and a half back in the quarterfinals! Congratulations to BC, they are a hell of a program with a great tradition.
posted by tahoemoj at 01:39 PM on April 13, 2008
It was disappointing to have Michigan's season end with a goaltending meltdown by a player whose goaltending was the story of the season. Especially since it concluded with a loss to the Fighting Irish. Congratulations to Boston College, they had a great season.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:07 PM on April 13, 2008
Once they tore up North Dakota, I was thinking that Jerry York had the Eagles playing at the top of their game when it counted. I'm sure they were really pumped for Notre Dame, since there is a huge rivalry between the 2 schools. I'm no BC fan (Northeastern U Husky all the way), but they really deserve their success this year.
posted by Howard_T at 11:06 PM on April 13, 2008
Tahoemoj - great showing by Miami in the regionals. BC was taken to its limit, for sure. But how ya like my prediction NOW? Jerry York is all class, Nathan Gerbe is unbelievable in the clutch, and John Muse has icewater running through its veins. What an incredible season to take it for us BC fans. CONGRATS.
posted by BCHockey at 11:53 AM on April 14, 2008
I still don't think you have a clue what you're talking about ; )
posted by tahoemoj at 12:38 PM on April 14, 2008
You have to excuse my grammatically-flawed prior post. I am on painkillers a couple of days after achilles tendon reconstruction surgery. But the title surely has made things feel better in a hurry!
posted by BCHockey at 02:56 PM on April 14, 2008
Notre Dame made some really good teams look really bad, including my UNH wildcats as well as the school I transferred from, Michigan. Congrats to both teams for knocking off some serious competition, and congrats to Boston College for winning it all! They really turned it up late in the season.
posted by Stavro99 at 04:30 PM on April 14, 2008
BC: Thank you for beating the ND. Any team that beats ND in any sport is okay with me.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:32 PM on April 15, 2008
Or "Cinderella" if you would. D'oh! Overall, Inside College Hockey is a fantastic reference for, uh, college hockey.